Add method to remove a test from the sLoopers map, since keeping them
around forever results in a memory leak for large test suites.
Bug: 156287358
Test: atest FrameworksTelephonyTests
Change-Id: I553ea3a1dac3ff4107e0c7caabee26d21f4c52f8
- Set the Assert's main looper as the TestableLooper's looper for all
NEM tests
- in NEM test, bind content synchronously, so the callback won't run on
the 'real' main thread and will instead run on the TestableLooper's
- Allow overriding already initialized dependencies in
Test: atest SystemUITests
Fixes: 147685528
Change-Id: Ic171bf29e33322f44aa14c40c29c0d9ffa542ade
In #clearValuesAndCheck, values are placed in the value map based on a
key that depends on the current user. When these values are checked
in #call, it uses default user 0 (unless CALL_METHOD_USER_KEY is
Considering we don't even use getStringForUser when checking the values,
it seems to make sense to check against the userId used to set the
values in #clearValuesAndCheck.
Test: atest TestableSettingsProviderTest
Change-Id: I0ee9313b1394515d9405344482dc1779d15c0819
Test: presubmit setup on source branch
Bug: 130289146 Create a Gradle build for SystemUI
Bug: 136279712 Daggerize FalsingManager
Bug: 137324767 "Unable to instantiate service" exception breaks launcher tests
Bug: 137563419 Remove Bouncer reveal delay from bypass flow
Bug: 138787339 Allow Services and Activities to be injected into directly.
Bug: 139128921 [AS 3.5 RC2, SDK API 29 rev 2] Overload resolution ambiguity: while removing element from HashMap
Bug: 64712476 Import translations for dev branches
Change-Id: Ib7fd4706c070907fd556c3532957f3b1b046de6d
CL [1] introduced SystemUI to support updating IME window status per
display. (i.e. IStatusBarService#setImeWindowStatus left TODO item to
add displayId parameter to select the target display.)
For IMMS, we applied this API base on current token's displayId, and refined
the code flow in Sysui to reset IME window state for non-target display's
NavBar when single IME switch to another display case.
And make sure some cases in IMMS should reset IME window status:
- When current method unbind.
- When current top window focus display is not same as current token's display.
(That means the input session may connected but IME window not
yet attached. Note that it doesn't include external display without
system decoration and show IME window on default display case since it
is intentional behavior and we still need to update status for this
Also added testSetImeWindowStatusWhenImeSwitchOnDisplay in
NavigationBarFragmentTest to enhance the ability of verifying external
navigation bar.
[1]: 24e7a9fdb51978a47ce29f3816338da04a49d6ca
Bug: 127309955
Bug: 117478341
Test: atest NavigationBarFragmentTest
Test: manual as below steps:
- Pre-condition:
1. Enable desktop mode.
2. Create simulated display.
- Use case 1):
1. Launch an activity with input field on simulated display.
2. Bring up the IME there, expect back key icon on external
NavBar will changed when IME bring up.
3. Tap on primary display or launch an activity there.
(or pressing home key)
4. Expect IME will hide & back key icon on external NavBar will
set back.
- Use case 2):
1. Launch activity with input field on default display.
2. Tapping EditText in activity on default display.
3. Expect IME will bring up here and back key icon on default
display will changed when IME bring up.
4. Launch activity without input field in external display.
(i.e. clock app)
5. Expect Both Default & external display's nav bar back key icon
will set back.
Change-Id: Ia414b8aea631e295cccd6f6da44d04bad16545c7
Also fixes an infinite recursion when invoking
Test: atest WindowInsetsPolicyTest
Bug: 126511573
Change-Id: I5c9f40054493a83746bce6124d72412e8eb8a0d1
See build/soong/ for more information.
Note: tests/ImfTest/ causes conflict as it hasn't been yet
ported to internal master. Do it later.
Note: the conversion in the following directories has to be done in the
internal master first because of the conflicts:
* tests/ActivityManagerPerfTests
* tests/AppLaunch
* tests/AppLaunchWear
* tests/BackgroundDexOptServiceIntegrationTests
* tests/Camera2Tests/CameraToo
* tests/Camera2Tests/SmartCamera/SimpleCamera
* tests/Compatibility
* tests/Internal
* tests/RcsTests
* tests/ServiceCrashTest
* tests/UsbTests
Bug: 122332340
Test: treehugger
Change-Id: Ie17590c6a96aee5caa80d38092a3de5c1b6efe8d
See go/jetpack-test-android-migration
This is the internal version of AOSP change aosp/908373
Test: m -j TestablesTests NetworkStackTests FrameworksServicesTests SystemUITests FrameworksUiServicesTests ExtServicesUnitTests WmTests FrameworksCoreTests
Exempt-From-Owner-Approval: automated package name refactoring; already reviewed on AOSP
Change-Id: Ib04d80954bd8536914d88c66b28e6632e60a6245
Convert NavigationBarFragment as a proof of concept and remove all
references to Dependency from NavigationBarFragment.
Test: atest SystemUITests
Change-Id: I0cdb5bc6ac455fce91e67b9e449cb7b78b1da9a4
This just tests the standard progression into deep idle mode. Exit
conditions and light idle flow is not tested yet.
Bug: 116512267
Test: atest
Change-Id: I015c10871cd00d7a6be19c0b13fd4b3926c9fdf0
In the case where an annotation was not used and the TestableLooper
was manually created, then the messages would be executed on the wrong
Also switch some handlers over to async, might save us a little time.
Test: runtest --path frameworks/base/tests/testables
Bug: 79550837
Change-Id: I70a36449ae08eb5799e2dad41a5d258bb51a3fd3
Fixes a bunch of flakes, where the WindowManagerService instance
was reused between tests, which caused delayed callbacks from a
previous test affecting state of a future test.
Also introduces a DexmakerShareClassLoaderRule to manage
the 'dexmaker.share_classloader' property instead of sprinkling
error prone System.setProperty() invocations all over the tests.
Change-Id: Ic9445d1b2cef594e79365c425632aabced6343a9
Fixes: 76111404
Fixes: 75991352
Fixes: 75991878
Fixes: 75992153
Test: atest services/tests/servicestests DexmakerShareClassLoaderRuleTest packages/SystemUI/tests packages/SystemUI/shared/tests
APCT is being converted to a suite style. Tag
TestablesTests to be included in new style run.
Test: build device-tests
Bug: 74440293
Change-Id: I642dae21f8484c6f20a0babe88f36abb8b25ff7f
This change sets LOCAL_SDK_VERSION for all packages where
this is possible without breaking the build, and
Setting one of these two will be made required soon, and this
is a change in preparation for that. Not setting LOCAL_SDK_VERSION
makes the app implicitly depend on the bootclasspath, which is
often not required. This change effectively makes depending on
private apis opt-in rather than opt-out.
Test: make relevant packages
Bug: 73535841
Change-Id: I4233b9091d9066c4fa69f3d24aaf367ea500f760
- All users of the lib already statically link mockito
- We should allow the users to decide what flavor they use
Test: m -j checkbuild
Change-Id: Ibbdb8be8022432a13b872865ade47b92b28976c6
Statically including legacy-android-test leads to duplicate classes
which causes build time problems (with Proguard) and runtime problems on
older SDK versions. This change:
* Stops statically including legacy-android-test.
* Adds compile time dependencies on andoid.test.base, android.test.mock
and android.test.runner where necessary.
* Adds <uses-library android:name="android.test.runner"/> to any
affected package to ensure that the classes that were included by
legacy-android-test are still available at runtime. That also adds a
dependency on android.test.base and android.test.mock.
The following change descriptions were generated automatically and so
may be a little repetitive. They are provided to give the reviewer
enough information to check the comments match what has actually been
changed and check the reasoning behind the changes.
* apct-tests/perftests/core/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in CorePerfTests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
CorePerfTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
* core/tests/ConnectivityManagerTest/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
ConnectivityManagerTest's source depends on its classes and because
of these changes they are no longer present on the compilation
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in ConnectivityManagerTest
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* core/tests/bandwidthtests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
BandwidthTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in BandwidthTests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* core/tests/bluetoothtests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
BluetoothTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in BluetoothTests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/DownloadManagerTestApp/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in DownloadManagerTestApp
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
DownloadManagerTestApp's source depends on its classes and because
of these changes they are no longer present on the compilation
* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/ExternalSharedPerms/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
ExternalSharedPermsTestApp results in duplicate classes which leads
to build time and compile time issues.
* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/ExternalSharedPermsBT/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
ExternalSharedPermsBTTestApp results in duplicate classes which
leads to build time and compile time issues.
* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/ExternalSharedPermsDiffKey/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
ExternalSharedPermsDiffKeyTestApp results in duplicate classes
which leads to build time and compile time issues.
* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/ExternalSharedPermsFL/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
ExternalSharedPermsFLTestApp results in duplicate classes which
leads to build time and compile time issues.
* core/tests/notificationtests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
NotificationStressTests's source depends on its classes and because
of these changes they are no longer present on the compilation
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in NotificationStressTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* keystore/tests/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in KeystoreTests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* media/mca/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
CameraEffectsTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in CameraEffectsTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* media/tests/MediaFrameworkTest/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
mediaframeworktest's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in mediaframeworktest
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* nfc-extras/tests/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in NfcExtrasTests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* packages/CarrierDefaultApp/tests/unit/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
CarrierDefaultAppUnitTests's source depends on its classes and
because of these changes they are no longer present on the
compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
CarrierDefaultAppUnitTests results in duplicate classes which leads
to build time and compile time issues.
* packages/ExtServices/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
ExtServicesUnitTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in ExtServicesUnitTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because MtpDocumentsProviderTests's source
depends on their classes and because of these changes they are no
longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
MtpDocumentsProviderTests results in duplicate classes which leads
to build time and compile time issues.
* packages/SettingsLib/tests/integ/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
SettingsLibTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in SettingsLibTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* packages/SettingsProvider/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in SettingsProvider
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* packages/SettingsProvider/AndroidManifest.xml
Add uses-library for android.test.runner because otherwise this
change would change the set of files available to SettingsProvider
at runtime.
* packages/Shell/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because ShellTests's source depends on their
classes and because of these changes they are no longer present on
the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in ShellTests results in
duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* packages/SystemUI/shared/tests/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in SystemUISharedLibTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* packages/SystemUI/tests/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in SystemUITests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
SystemUITests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
* packages/WAPPushManager/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
WAPPushManagerTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in WAPPushManagerTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* sax/tests/saxtests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksSaxTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in FrameworksSaxTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* tests/BrowserPowerTest/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
BrowserPowerTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in BrowserPowerTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* tests/CanvasCompare/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
CanvasCompare's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in CanvasCompare results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* tests/CoreTests/android/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
CoreTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in CoreTests results in
duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* tests/DataIdleTest/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
DataIdleTest's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in DataIdleTest results in
duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* tests/FrameworkPerf/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworkPerf's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in FrameworkPerf results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* tests/HierarchyViewerTest/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
HierarchyViewerTest's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in HierarchyViewerTest
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* tests/ImfTest/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
ImfTestTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in ImfTestTests results in
duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* tests/Internal/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in InternalTests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* tests/MemoryUsage/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
MemoryUsage's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in MemoryUsage results in
duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* tests/NetworkSecurityConfigTest/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
NetworkSecurityConfigTests's source depends on its classes and
because of these changes they are no longer present on the
compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
NetworkSecurityConfigTests results in duplicate classes which leads
to build time and compile time issues.
* tests/SoundTriggerTests/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in SoundTriggerTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
SoundTriggerTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
* tests/SurfaceComposition/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in SurfaceComposition
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
Added 'android.test.runner.stubs' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
SurfaceComposition's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
* tests/TtsTests/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in TtsTests results in
duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
TtsTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
* tests/WindowAnimationJank/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in WindowAnimationJank
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* tests/permission/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworkPermissionTests's source depends on its classes and
because of these changes they are no longer present on the
compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
FrameworkPermissionTests results in duplicate classes which leads
to build time and compile time issues.
* tests/testables/tests/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in TestablesTests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because TestablesTests's source depends on
their classes and because of these changes they are no longer
present on the compilation path.
Bug: 30188076
Test: make checkbuild
Change-Id: Iacfc939c97415314366ed61c5f3b7aa1a40f0ec9
Previous changes statically included legacy-android-test in preparation
for removing android.test.* and junit.* classes from the android.jar.
Unfortunately, that lead to duplicate classes between APKs and the
bootclasspath which caused build problems (Proguard) and also runtime
problems (when targeting and running on older releases).
Switching from statically including the classes to using the runtime
libraries cannot be done in one step because legacy-android-test is
statically included in libraries which are used in many APKs and so
removing it from those libraries requires that all APKs be updated at
once. Doing that atomically across dozens of projects is not practical.
This change modifies APKS that statically include the
legacy-android-test library indirectly.
* If the APK manifest uses the android.test.runner library then the APK
is modified to stop statically including legacy-android-test and
instead build against android.test.base/mock/runner libraries instead.
* Otherwise, the APK statically includes legacy-android-test.
Also, any libraries that statically include are modified to stop
statically including it and if it has source dependencies on the classes
is changed to build against the android.test.base/mock/runner libraries.
The following change descriptions were generated automatically and so
may be a little repetitive. They are provided to give the reviewer
enough information to check the comments match what has actually been
changed and check the reasoning behind the changes.
* cmds/uiautomator/instrumentation/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because uiautomator-instrumentation is not a package so does not
need to statically include the classes
* cmds/uiautomator/library/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
uiautomator.core has a source dependency on its classes
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because uiautomator.core is not a package so does not need to
statically include the classes
* core/tests/BroadcastRadioTests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
BroadcastRadioTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
The classes do not need to be statically included because the
classes will be provided by the runtime, either from the default
bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library that
BroadcastRadioTests specifies in its manifest.
* core/tests/coretests/
Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because FrameworksCoreTests's source depends
on their classes and because of these changes they are no longer
present on the compilation path. The classes do not need to be
statically included because the classes will be provided by the
runtime, either from the default bootclasspath or from the
android.test.runner library that FrameworksCoreTests specifies in
its manifest.
* core/tests/featureflagtests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksCoreFeatureFlagTests's source depends on its classes and
because of these changes they are no longer present on the
compilation path. The classes do not need to be statically included
because the classes will be provided by the runtime, either from
the default bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library
that FrameworksCoreFeatureFlagTests specifies in its manifest.
* core/tests/systemproperties/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksCoreSystemPropertiesTests's source depends on its classes
and because of these changes they are no longer present on the
compilation path. The classes do not need to be statically included
because the classes will be provided by the runtime, either from
the default bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library
that FrameworksCoreSystemPropertiesTests specifies in its manifest.
* core/tests/utillib/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because frameworks-core-util-lib is not a package so does not need
to statically include the classes
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
frameworks-core-util-lib has a source dependency on its classes
* core/tests/utiltests/
Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because FrameworksUtilTests's source depends
on their classes and because of these changes they are no longer
present on the compilation path. The classes do not need to be
statically included because the classes will be provided by the
runtime, either from the default bootclasspath or from the
android.test.runner library that FrameworksUtilTests specifies in
its manifest.
* location/tests/locationtests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksLocationTests's source depends on its classes and because
of these changes they are no longer present on the compilation
path. The classes do not need to be statically included because the
classes will be provided by the runtime, either from the default
bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library that
FrameworksLocationTests specifies in its manifest.
* lowpan/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksLowpanApiTests's source depends on its classes and
because of these changes they are no longer present on the
compilation path. The classes do not need to be statically included
because the classes will be provided by the runtime, either from
the default bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library
that FrameworksLowpanApiTests specifies in its manifest.
* packages/Osu2/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
OsuTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path. The
classes do not need to be statically included because the classes
will be provided by the runtime, either from the default
bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library that OsuTests
specifies in its manifest.
* packages/SettingsProvider/test/
Replaced 'legacy-android-test' with 'android.test.base' in
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because SettingsProviderTest's source depends
on its classes. The classes do not need to be statically included
because the classes will be provided by the runtime, either from
the default bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library
that SettingsProviderTest specifies in its manifest.
* services/tests/notification/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksNotificationTests's source depends on its classes and
because of these changes they are no longer present on the
compilation path. The classes do not need to be statically included
because the classes will be provided by the runtime, either from
the default bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library
that FrameworksNotificationTests specifies in its manifest.
* services/tests/servicestests/
Replaced 'legacy-android-test' with 'android.test.base' and
'android.test.runner' in LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksServicesTests's source depends on their classes. The
classes do not need to be statically included because the classes
will be provided by the runtime, either from the default
bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library that
FrameworksServicesTests specifies in its manifest.
* services/tests/shortcutmanagerutils/
Added 'android.test.runner.stubs' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
ShortcutManagerTestUtils has a source dependency on its classes
* tests/AppLaunch/
Replaced 'legacy-android-test' with 'android.test.base' and
'android.test.runner' in LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because AppLaunch's
source depends on their classes. The classes do not need to be
statically included because the classes will be provided by the
runtime, either from the default bootclasspath or from the
android.test.runner library that AppLaunch specifies in its
* tests/Camera2Tests/SmartCamera/SimpleCamera/tests/
Replaced 'legacy-android-test' with 'android.test.base' in
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because SmartCamera-tests's source depends on
its classes. The classes do not need to be statically included
because the classes will be provided by the runtime, either from
the default bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library
that SmartCamera-tests specifies in its manifest.
* tests/ServiceCrashTest/
Replaced 'legacy-android-test' with 'android.test.base' in
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because ServiceCrashTest's source depends on
its classes. The classes do not need to be statically included
because the classes will be provided by the runtime, either from
the default bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library
that ServiceCrashTest specifies in its manifest.
* tests/net/
Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because FrameworksNetTests's source depends on
their classes and because of these changes they are no longer
present on the compilation path. The classes do not need to be
statically included because the classes will be provided by the
runtime, either from the default bootclasspath or from the
android.test.runner library that FrameworksNetTests specifies in
its manifest.
* tests/testables/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because testables is not a package so does not need to statically
include the classes
Added 'android.test.mock' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because testables
has a source dependency on its classes
* tests/utils/testutils/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because frameworks-base-testutils is not a package so does not need
to statically include the classes
Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because frameworks-base-testutils has a source
dependency on their classes
* wifi/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksWifiApiTests's source depends on its classes and because
of these changes they are no longer present on the compilation
path. The classes do not need to be statically included because the
classes will be provided by the runtime, either from the default
bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library that
FrameworksWifiApiTests specifies in its manifest.
Bug: 30188076
Test: make checkbuild
Change-Id: Ia6a48234f28e7e1789049cf4b37cd7fe0bc8251c
Introduces atom and logging for every time a setting is updated.
We also include the previous value to validate our logging
data quality. We need to add the INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL
permission to prevent a security exception during testing; since the
logging occurs from system_server uid, this security exception should
not occur normally.
Test: Manual by inspecting the statsd output while toggling settings.
Change-Id: I92ca2afa596e54e61936e22611d749bb60ccb364
Add a system such that when a crash happens on the main thread, it is
delayed until the tests complete, then thrown.
Also mark some old flaky tests as not flaky as they should be good
Test: runtest systemui
Change-Id: Ic18a38daf4a93dab63549d834fa00f295644fbf1
Fixes: 62935720, 62251903, 62529569
Override dispatchTouchEvent for the root FrameLayout
of NavigationBar to process ACTION_OUTSIDE MotionEvents
and dispatch directly to DeadZone to keep track of the
most recent outside tap.
Clarified documentation of ACTION_OUTSIDE behaviour.
Bug: 37552674
Test: open IME, tap any key, then quickly tap on top half
of the home button. The home button tap is ignored
and device does not go to homescreen.
Change-Id: Icb5cf6c76959f3514b8b94c09e38cc5434f31b23
Change-Id: Ie20f91dbdd0ba6b57b5909cbf0152a32754fe02d
Fixes: 62263757
Test: runtest systemui-notification, cts AudioManagerTest,
cts-verifier DND tests, verify bug reports after toggling
access for various types of managed services, verified
default approved services aren't renabled on boot; verified that
they are reenabled after a device reset, verified that
settings are migrated after a restore from OC backup.
Makes it easy to add or change values of resources from tests.
Test: runtest --path frameworks/base/tests/testables/tests
Change-Id: Iaedff3d4ce9eaf9f270e7c62bc8c1634bd3519ec
- Fix testAttachDetach, process more messages so it actually
does attach and detach
- Don't inflate Clocks in QSFragmentTest because they are doing
something weird...
Test: runtest systemui
Change-Id: I05360630ee8d96158b6ab36660f20588ad158a28
Fixes: 37773362