Jim Miller
Have SearchPanel fade camera and search buttons when activated
Bug 10991981
Change-Id: Iabc497ce992b675bff1df634add755e67a7fb794
2013-10-09 16:29:24 -07:00
Yuhao Zheng
Merge "Don't mark wifi disabled unless it's off." into klp-dev
2013-10-09 23:26:50 +00:00
Jonathan Dixon
am b1b2789d: Merge "Do not require WebView usage to come from main thread" into klp-dev
* commit 'b1b2789d1c6e18ab5fb45cff564576a4d9b6c423':
Do not require WebView usage to come from main thread
2013-10-09 16:26:45 -07:00
Joe Malin
am 9b6ce699: am ead8478a: am 299d57f7: am a3da7e4e: am 48872ee0: Merge "DOC CHANGE: Android Beam training class" into jb-mr2-docs
* commit '9b6ce6994a1b11343d6ea5d4312233b34e1499d9':
DOC CHANGE: Android Beam training class
2013-10-09 16:26:02 -07:00
Scott Main
am d5e2fd07: am 7b8c6c76: am a473027d: am 483a2c21: am 144f2e58: am 6a831b7d: fix typo in code comment
* commit 'd5e2fd07c8fc22a40cb81aab4ccf15b64804ab65':
fix typo in code comment
2013-10-09 16:25:53 -07:00
Joe Malin
am ead8478a: am 299d57f7: am a3da7e4e: am 48872ee0: Merge "DOC CHANGE: Android Beam training class" into jb-mr2-docs
* commit 'ead8478a183895671f5f2924bf900d7c4d7a1824':
DOC CHANGE: Android Beam training class
2013-10-09 16:23:11 -07:00
Scott Main
am 7b8c6c76: am a473027d: am 483a2c21: am 144f2e58: am 6a831b7d: fix typo in code comment
* commit '7b8c6c76ade5fee6a04d1b121d6870bf2c064871':
fix typo in code comment
2013-10-09 16:22:30 -07:00
Jonathan Dixon
Merge "Do not require WebView usage to come from main thread" into klp-dev
2013-10-09 23:21:33 +00:00
Joe Malin
am 299d57f7: am a3da7e4e: am 48872ee0: Merge "DOC CHANGE: Android Beam training class" into jb-mr2-docs
* commit '299d57f7dfeb291460f68a0f702161847467fd1e':
DOC CHANGE: Android Beam training class
2013-10-09 16:19:41 -07:00
Scott Main
am a473027d: am 483a2c21: am 144f2e58: am 6a831b7d: fix typo in code comment
* commit 'a473027da92ed4059b70224579b218eace083fcb':
fix typo in code comment
2013-10-09 16:19:24 -07:00
Scott Main
am 483a2c21: am 144f2e58: am 6a831b7d: fix typo in code comment
* commit '483a2c218cdb5d6a8fad0309b70b5e6f4f1703a5':
fix typo in code comment
2013-10-09 16:16:06 -07:00
Joe Malin
am a3da7e4e: am 48872ee0: Merge "DOC CHANGE: Android Beam training class" into jb-mr2-docs
* commit 'a3da7e4ec0da78a05e91d74ce50f7b6008deb135':
DOC CHANGE: Android Beam training class
2013-10-09 16:15:31 -07:00
Scott Main
am 144f2e58: am 6a831b7d: fix typo in code comment
* commit '144f2e58830d1deae77675286fb7eafb27e456bd':
fix typo in code comment
2013-10-09 16:11:49 -07:00
Joe Malin
am 48872ee0: Merge "DOC CHANGE: Android Beam training class" into jb-mr2-docs
* commit '48872ee0a0a0d2fcfe36fa1116af00f41ccd1e3c':
DOC CHANGE: Android Beam training class
2013-10-09 16:11:09 -07:00
Jim Miller
Fix touch accessibility in keyguard.
This changes the accessibility code to monitor state changes
and replace the touch listeners with click listeners when
touch exploration is enabled.
It also fixes a bug where the first touch on the camera was being
ignored by ensuring KeyguardTouchDelegate has started the service
by the time the button is touched.
Bug 10991981
Change-Id: I7c4bf01f9bfa10f54cadb0809b6af526c5386af5
2013-10-09 16:10:27 -07:00
Joe Malin
Merge "DOC CHANGE: Android Beam training class" into jb-mr2-docs
2013-10-09 23:08:15 +00:00
Scott Main
am 6a831b7d: fix typo in code comment
* commit '6a831b7d5cd87b5b2c7660c84ed34f8ccc5ae275':
fix typo in code comment
2013-10-09 16:07:16 -07:00
Christopher Tate
am db3f8ed7: am 680fac0c: am d606be25: Merge "Don\'t crash when component enable/disable broadcasts race with uninstall" into klp-dev
* commit 'db3f8ed77fb18acbebeaf7bf96419d6155ef8585':
Don't crash when component enable/disable broadcasts race with uninstall
2013-10-09 15:28:01 -07:00
Christopher Tate
am 680fac0c: am d606be25: Merge "Don\'t crash when component enable/disable broadcasts race with uninstall" into klp-dev
* commit '680fac0c6621b6783315c9cc9a01f951f5a44c7c':
Don't crash when component enable/disable broadcasts race with uninstall
2013-10-09 15:24:09 -07:00
Christopher Tate
am d606be25: Merge "Don\'t crash when component enable/disable broadcasts race with uninstall" into klp-dev
* commit 'd606be2562f937584a274eba5b595c5a08e4dbdc':
Don't crash when component enable/disable broadcasts race with uninstall
2013-10-09 15:21:49 -07:00
Alan Viverette
am 9f57774e: am 972de252: am 24305da7: Merge "Add listener for changes to touch exploration state" into klp-dev
* commit '9f57774ebb3b400b6597a9dbe854b4b6b1c8afd4':
Add listener for changes to touch exploration state
2013-10-09 15:21:22 -07:00
Christopher Tate
Merge "Don't crash when component enable/disable broadcasts race with uninstall" into klp-dev
2013-10-09 22:18:41 +00:00
Alan Viverette
am 972de252: am 24305da7: Merge "Add listener for changes to touch exploration state" into klp-dev
* commit '972de25202c414519e78eaf8f73927cfbd11fe75':
Add listener for changes to touch exploration state
2013-10-09 15:18:26 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
am 45d23585: am 11591b73: am b3da3db3: Merge "Surface outgoing Uri permission grants." into klp-dev
* commit '45d2358510f9670ddf25cc49ee2639e3d41708f7':
Surface outgoing Uri permission grants.
2013-10-09 15:17:34 -07:00
Alan Viverette
am 24305da7: Merge "Add listener for changes to touch exploration state" into klp-dev
* commit '24305da7d66682930764e77695a884dd78b49039':
Add listener for changes to touch exploration state
2013-10-09 15:16:08 -07:00
John Spurlock
am 4faa694e: am d3758420: am 65e91126: Merge "Allow IMEs to extend below nav bar, remove SystemUI veto." into klp-dev
* commit '4faa694ed28db7961a2a37269e5706c2a49d87c3':
Allow IMEs to extend below nav bar, remove SystemUI veto.
2013-10-09 15:13:57 -07:00
Alan Viverette
Merge "Add listener for changes to touch exploration state" into klp-dev
2013-10-09 22:13:29 +00:00
Jeff Sharkey
am 11591b73: am b3da3db3: Merge "Surface outgoing Uri permission grants." into klp-dev
* commit '11591b738d51e0d8e87e8825dc2fc7eaa517daa3':
Surface outgoing Uri permission grants.
2013-10-09 15:12:35 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
am b3da3db3: Merge "Surface outgoing Uri permission grants." into klp-dev
* commit 'b3da3db34ae32cf9f57b00710488456e82e5de44':
Surface outgoing Uri permission grants.
2013-10-09 15:10:21 -07:00
John Spurlock
am d3758420: am 65e91126: Merge "Allow IMEs to extend below nav bar, remove SystemUI veto." into klp-dev
* commit 'd3758420a2ffd702dee914d794764a0615dd6956':
Allow IMEs to extend below nav bar, remove SystemUI veto.
2013-10-09 15:08:33 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "Surface outgoing Uri permission grants." into klp-dev
2013-10-09 22:07:11 +00:00
John Spurlock
am 65e91126: Merge "Allow IMEs to extend below nav bar, remove SystemUI veto." into klp-dev
* commit '65e911261d972758577f76cf41c6c0c532896fe1':
Allow IMEs to extend below nav bar, remove SystemUI veto.
2013-10-09 15:06:29 -07:00
Christopher Tate
Don't crash when component enable/disable broadcasts race with uninstall
Bug 11154482
Change-Id: I55107fec51bf5efada136052c451f293976360d6
2013-10-09 15:02:17 -07:00
John Spurlock
Merge "Allow IMEs to extend below nav bar, remove SystemUI veto." into klp-dev
2013-10-09 21:57:01 +00:00
Alan Viverette
Add listener for changes to touch exploration state
BUG: 11141708
Change-Id: I353dfa2542ebd5e2ac89029dcd88623cc4c688e7
2013-10-09 14:42:05 -07:00
Yuhao Zheng
Merge "Add a missing wifi p2p discovery changed broadcast"
2013-10-09 21:32:50 +00:00
Jeff Sharkey
Surface outgoing Uri permission grants.
This enables apps to discover and clean up persisted Uri grants when
the underlying Uri becomes invalid, such as when an account is
Bug: 11142566
Change-Id: Ieeb36cb1155acf226327ebe91cdd30b822d69d1b
2013-10-09 14:32:11 -07:00
Amith Yamasani
am 513be145: am 7dd4831f: am b0975540: Merge "Avoid deadlock between mUsers and cacheLock" into klp-dev
* commit '513be145b6e7fc3e9d07102e02c20c6f744daceb':
Avoid deadlock between mUsers and cacheLock
2013-10-09 14:07:20 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
am 467b30bb: am d0da14a9: am aa841672: Merge "Support overriding calling package in Documents." into klp-dev
* commit '467b30bb2bb1a2333835dd39b78fcd4b2f240ae6':
Support overriding calling package in Documents.
2013-10-09 14:07:16 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
am 530fcce7: am 4df901a4: am 7cd3e905: Merge "Drop <meta-data> support for DocumentsProviders." into klp-dev
* commit '530fcce7ca266bbd53653fa2ba912c0a1e864e44':
Drop <meta-data> support for DocumentsProviders.
2013-10-09 14:07:09 -07:00
Amith Yamasani
am 7dd4831f: am b0975540: Merge "Avoid deadlock between mUsers and cacheLock" into klp-dev
* commit '7dd4831fd6f8966c6fd765279303b636314b7754':
Avoid deadlock between mUsers and cacheLock
2013-10-09 14:04:40 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
am d0da14a9: am aa841672: Merge "Support overriding calling package in Documents." into klp-dev
* commit 'd0da14a92fb63399a1d18ea50f5792bece0ec83b':
Support overriding calling package in Documents.
2013-10-09 14:04:37 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
am 4df901a4: am 7cd3e905: Merge "Drop <meta-data> support for DocumentsProviders." into klp-dev
* commit '4df901a40c5529aee9f5ef4d3b81fdf090b3d57a':
Drop <meta-data> support for DocumentsProviders.
2013-10-09 14:04:34 -07:00
Amith Yamasani
am b0975540: Merge "Avoid deadlock between mUsers and cacheLock" into klp-dev
* commit 'b0975540a42f10fad08364b636a22bcba33609a6':
Avoid deadlock between mUsers and cacheLock
2013-10-09 14:01:17 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
am aa841672: Merge "Support overriding calling package in Documents." into klp-dev
* commit 'aa8416723a19863071d500507943c06bf91483ea':
Support overriding calling package in Documents.
2013-10-09 14:01:14 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
am 7cd3e905: Merge "Drop <meta-data> support for DocumentsProviders." into klp-dev
* commit '7cd3e905de4210c76efdc20a854ac8b959775b61':
Drop <meta-data> support for DocumentsProviders.
2013-10-09 14:01:11 -07:00
Amith Yamasani
Merge "Avoid deadlock between mUsers and cacheLock" into klp-dev
2013-10-09 20:57:35 +00:00
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "Support overriding calling package in Documents." into klp-dev
2013-10-09 20:56:26 +00:00
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "Drop <meta-data> support for DocumentsProviders." into klp-dev
2013-10-09 20:56:12 +00:00
Jeff Sharkey
Support overriding calling package in Documents.
Calling package is only used to pick the stack to restore, not for
security purposes. This lets other system tools (like Printing)
indicate the real caller.
Bug: 11149540
Change-Id: I155e32577eaeda7dfcb80a7d84ac3b54f281590a
2013-10-09 13:52:26 -07:00