Baligh Uddin
am 83a590b1: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-dev automerge: cecabf4 -s ours
automerge: 4ac5f68 -s ours
* commit '4ac5f68b563b432a0728e430c42dafec4045631d':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2014-12-28 05:49:55 +00:00
Baligh Uddin
Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-ub-dev automerge: f17490f -s ours
automerge: fc9bedb -s ours
* commit 'fc9bedb4b201aaa7c25330d9ea553f786271d727':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2014-12-28 05:48:43 +00:00
Pavel Zhamaitsiak
am b45075a7: Merge "Add configuration indicating whether TTY over VoLTE is supported." into lmp-mr1-dev automerge: 48fd168
automerge: 73cce93
* commit '73cce93c07e871ad0fddf8a60a12e07660687d66':
Add configuration indicating whether TTY over VoLTE is supported.
2014-12-28 05:47:12 +00:00
Amit Mahajan
am d00b6067: Merge "IMS: add the api to get IMS registration information." into lmp-mr1-dev automerge: 4f68c0c
automerge: 4b2cbae
* commit '4b2cbae9cfd941633eadf9b667b3e3e0372c1ad2':
IMS: add the api to get IMS registration information.
2014-12-28 05:45:47 +00:00
John Spurlock
am af84e073: Merge "Audio Policy: Clear calling identity for all paths setting ringer mode." into lmp-mr1-dev
automerge: db41690
* commit 'db416907b831010cc2854292aa7de85fd8857a77':
Audio Policy: Clear calling identity for all paths setting ringer mode.
2014-12-28 05:42:43 +00:00
Baligh Uddin
am 45c6ae56: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-dev
automerge: bedfb2f -s ours
* commit 'bedfb2faecc4ddc83cf368d0db5c10776236a49b':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2014-12-28 05:41:16 +00:00
Baligh Uddin
am 4acca673: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-dev
automerge: 378939f -s ours
* commit '378939f0580c615e21a5c9b17565b2822f326559':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2014-12-28 05:39:56 +00:00
Baligh Uddin
Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-ub-dev
automerge: c5d0323 -s ours
* commit 'c5d0323c125ff5ec687286c308386f81d7e132d9':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2014-12-28 05:38:49 +00:00
Baligh Uddin
Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-ub-dev
automerge: b0e2d4c -s ours
* commit 'b0e2d4c7f1b4280880e28335af0cea13af6902b4':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2014-12-28 05:37:29 +00:00
Robin Lee
am b4b14e39: Merge "Revert "DevicePolicy: Don\'t warn about managed profile CAs"" into lmp-mr1-dev
automerge: c9db16c
* commit 'c9db16c59164d865b92e4527fb479fb892c5d4bb':
Revert "DevicePolicy: Don't warn about managed profile CAs"
2014-12-28 05:36:20 +00:00
Baligh Uddin
am 83a590b1: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-dev
automerge: cecabf4 -s ours
* commit 'cecabf48ae85943b9c0e5b4805299794f5f3b857':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2014-12-28 05:35:06 +00:00
Baligh Uddin
Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-ub-dev
automerge: f17490f -s ours
* commit 'f17490f5c202676c3a2e6f27c445f334509d8f59':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2014-12-28 05:33:41 +00:00
Pavel Zhamaitsiak
am b45075a7: Merge "Add configuration indicating whether TTY over VoLTE is supported." into lmp-mr1-dev
automerge: 48fd168
* commit '48fd1688a27519b14959b1c181f1fa8178836997':
Add configuration indicating whether TTY over VoLTE is supported.
2014-12-28 05:32:24 +00:00
Amit Mahajan
am d00b6067: Merge "IMS: add the api to get IMS registration information." into lmp-mr1-dev
automerge: 4f68c0c
* commit '4f68c0c1d8811d610021d97839af303c2752eff2':
IMS: add the api to get IMS registration information.
2014-12-28 05:29:52 +00:00
Jinsuk Kim
am 266f2b04: am 92ae5abf: Merge "CEC: Let the caller check CEC device type" into lmp-mr1-dev
automerge: 0abbba9
* commit '0abbba9f426c5dcbd0ffd1be6b0f3ba5b7f129c4':
CEC: Let the caller check CEC device type
2014-12-26 20:37:55 +00:00
Robert Greenwalt
am 33868dab: am 4dcacef5: Merge "Fix timing between bcast and net setup." into lmp-mr1-dev
automerge: ce524dc
* commit 'ce524dc6836f57e859fd2a9f28dffe37cfa3a6ae':
Fix timing between bcast and net setup.
2014-12-26 20:36:43 +00:00
John Spurlock
am de9af5cd: am 17ca1aaf: Merge "Zen: Fix selection logic for "Indefinitely"." into lmp-mr1-dev
automerge: edad58b
* commit 'edad58bc61fd4b54b6581f32f063321fcbd58cac':
Zen: Fix selection logic for "Indefinitely".
2014-12-26 20:35:08 +00:00
Jean-Michel Trivi
am 98ba8409: am 996af72b: Merge "AudioRecord: filter attributes" into lmp-mr1-dev
automerge: 6fa5d8d
* commit '6fa5d8dab0314e095af07f8e58c76a3af3de0c15':
AudioRecord: filter attributes
2014-12-26 20:33:40 +00:00
Jinsuk Kim
am 266f2b04: am 92ae5abf: Merge "CEC: Let the caller check CEC device type" into lmp-mr1-dev
* commit '266f2b047ebfb80a7fa72da302988fba4c902f43':
CEC: Let the caller check CEC device type
2014-12-26 20:30:42 +00:00
Robert Greenwalt
am 33868dab: am 4dcacef5: Merge "Fix timing between bcast and net setup." into lmp-mr1-dev
* commit '33868dab9af09d61634f1f7ab3a8c704aacd0de0':
Fix timing between bcast and net setup.
2014-12-26 20:30:32 +00:00
John Spurlock
am de9af5cd: am 17ca1aaf: Merge "Zen: Fix selection logic for "Indefinitely"." into lmp-mr1-dev
* commit 'de9af5cdc0a8ce55657e82fa2a71faa9d6321cb1':
Zen: Fix selection logic for "Indefinitely".
2014-12-26 20:30:21 +00:00
Jean-Michel Trivi
am 98ba8409: am 996af72b: Merge "AudioRecord: filter attributes" into lmp-mr1-dev
* commit '98ba8409876087f32114d889435b7f1bd7a73ffb':
AudioRecord: filter attributes
2014-12-26 20:30:04 +00:00
Elliott Hughes
am f9f41951: am ee435b16: Merge "telephony: Update comments for preferred network mode"
automerge: 38cba11
* commit '38cba11ba98831b0d6a005b7929d49f52259c564':
telephony: Update comments for preferred network mode
2014-12-26 19:01:39 +00:00
Elliott Hughes
am f9f41951: am ee435b16: Merge "telephony: Update comments for preferred network mode"
* commit 'f9f41951701f5e47b454b7c3f4e7d4654a9c4a3e':
telephony: Update comments for preferred network mode
2014-12-26 18:59:22 +00:00
Elliott Hughes
am ee435b16: Merge "telephony: Update comments for preferred network mode"
* commit 'ee435b16d89ee9cb65eead9ac7507693342c15b3':
telephony: Update comments for preferred network mode
2014-12-26 18:53:55 +00:00
Elliott Hughes
Merge "telephony: Update comments for preferred network mode"
2014-12-26 18:48:57 +00:00
Dongwon Kang
TIF: Add a null checking in TvInputHardwareManager.
Bug: 18688119
Change-Id: I17fd89bfbb34666ad5e14bb6e946aa5347975d4c
2014-12-26 14:53:14 +09:00
Sungmin Choi
telephony: Update comments for preferred network mode
Change-Id: I4718674ff73116cc6bbec4540c3450ed14663c0d
2014-12-25 07:39:37 +00:00
Esteban Talavera
Remove deprecated version of setProfileOwner that takes packageName
The ComponentName equivalent should be used instead.
Bug: 17654371
Change-Id: I7001e86ab1709b824944148a3c44af5243dacb83
2014-12-24 09:38:13 +00:00
John Spurlock
am af84e073: Merge "Audio Policy: Clear calling identity for all paths setting ringer mode." into lmp-mr1-dev
* commit 'af84e073bce12c6ae0c737339804e96314bb663d':
Audio Policy: Clear calling identity for all paths setting ringer mode.
2014-12-24 01:21:22 +00:00
John Spurlock
Merge "Audio Policy: Clear calling identity for all paths setting ringer mode." into lmp-mr1-dev
2014-12-24 01:16:14 +00:00
Michael Wright
Add MEDIA_PROJECTION_SERVICE to the ServiceName list.
This prevents our lint tooling from complaining that we're passing
invalid values when trying to get the MediaProjectionManager.
Bug: 18830590
Change-Id: I34633248e895b0ac7f5083e18a7d2385ca6f8adb
2014-12-23 17:01:49 -08:00
Chris Craik
Merge "Cleanup various clang warnings, use unique_ptrs in several places"
2014-12-24 00:55:49 +00:00
Chris Craik
Cleanup various clang warnings, use unique_ptrs in several places
Change-Id: I347904b25e51fcc7de14b1e72f1acd0f6ba26f3f
2014-12-23 16:53:56 -08:00
Glenn Kasten
Update API documentation for static AudioTrack
Change-Id: Ie9e2c020680a5264eb0074f30f33eb1204c1a106
2014-12-23 16:52:50 -08:00
Marvin Paul
Don't backup ringtone on non-telephony devices.
Restoring a device that supports telephony using the backup set of
a non-telephony device would cause the ringtone to be set to "None"
instead of the default value. This was due to the fact that on
non-telephony devices, the ringtone value was being backed up as
"_silent" instead of null.
Bug: 18777629
Change-Id: Idece1f874438a895169dbba7df1d716adea6660e
2014-12-23 14:58:17 -08:00
John Spurlock
Audio Policy: Clear calling identity for all paths setting ringer mode.
For proper appops bookkeeping and zen setting changes.
Bug: 18832923
Change-Id: Ic029d3226458ca1a9229a0bc5726bedd5e117ad7
2014-12-23 16:14:44 -05:00
Nick Kralevich
am 8454f2d4: am 5e1e38cc: Merge "Mods to the SELinuxMMAC engine code."
automerge: 01d2586
* commit '01d25862efc542815014dc7a03ab90263a6191ba':
Mods to the SELinuxMMAC engine code.
2014-12-23 19:53:44 +00:00
Nick Kralevich
am 8454f2d4: am 5e1e38cc: Merge "Mods to the SELinuxMMAC engine code."
* commit '8454f2d48517d79268688b2262b17ff0cab39622':
Mods to the SELinuxMMAC engine code.
2014-12-23 19:52:12 +00:00
Nick Kralevich
am 5e1e38cc: Merge "Mods to the SELinuxMMAC engine code."
* commit '5e1e38ccdd3da34f65a642dc25b5b2b5cf2b6059':
Mods to the SELinuxMMAC engine code.
2014-12-23 19:46:44 +00:00
Nick Kralevich
Merge "Mods to the SELinuxMMAC engine code."
2014-12-23 19:42:06 +00:00
Robert Craig
Mods to the SELinuxMMAC engine code.
* We now require that all certs used to sign the apk and all
certs stored with policy be tested for set equality. Prior
efforts required that the cert included with policy only
needed to match one of the certs included with an apk.
* Allowed a new tag to be included with policy describing the
signatures. <cert signature=""/> is now allowed as a child
element of the <signer> tag describing multiple certs. The
old way of describing signatures attached as attributes to
the root signer tag is still supported. The engine now treats
it the same as if they used the new layout with the outer
signature as the first signature value.
* Moved the class which holds all policy from an inner static
to a builder pattern governed by the Policy.PolicyBuilder
class. This will help provide more clarity and allow for
easier enforcement of certain invariants as the policy
representation is being built.
* Loads of new comments.
Change-Id: I38eb00ed8962fdef71bc9f2e7370cb910cadeff4
Signed-off-by: rpcraig <>
2014-12-23 18:30:31 +00:00
Shishir Agrawal
Data quick settings - Usage shown should take into account merged IDs.
The System Settings data usage graph takes into account merged Ids
(b/18012787), but the quick settings usage graph does not.
Bug: 18805245
Change-Id: I3146052606e691129a3aa5cc509cf632fda9d6b2
2014-12-23 09:54:48 -08:00
Baligh Uddin
am 45c6ae56: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-dev
* commit '45c6ae56d969709e0969514fa219375561c2df38':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2014-12-23 15:59:36 +00:00
Baligh Uddin
am 4acca673: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-dev
* commit '4acca673904d3f99a3686a9ad92f471e97e67959':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2014-12-23 15:59:31 +00:00
Baligh Uddin
Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-dev
2014-12-23 15:53:44 +00:00
Baligh Uddin
Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE"
2014-12-23 15:53:39 +00:00
Baligh Uddin
Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE"
2014-12-23 15:53:38 +00:00
Baligh Uddin
Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-ub-dev
2014-12-23 15:53:32 +00:00
Baligh Uddin
Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE"
2014-12-23 15:53:15 +00:00