Merge commit '5d0806c9c3e0e6c8673ac4238f8ec2e0f82ad7e6' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '5d0806c9c3e0e6c8673ac4238f8ec2e0f82ad7e6':
add BluetoothChat sample app to the dev guide
Merge commit '90d311ff33f33024f642ef03a02fb62566c9f46b' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '90d311ff33f33024f642ef03a02fb62566c9f46b':
docs: fix markup error in xml sample
Merge commit '525bfe896b8638d20e6d7a362fd089ef8e316d4a' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '525bfe896b8638d20e6d7a362fd089ef8e316d4a':
add screenshots for the Bluetooth Chat sample app
* changes:
docs: misc edits to samples page and intro docs make samples page accessible from offline version instead of redirecting to the user filesystem and include instructions for creating projects based on the sample apps. fix a link and add some content to the What is android doc.
Merge commit '06ddc67797388da6260e43579c7ebd506b5b376c' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '06ddc67797388da6260e43579c7ebd506b5b376c':
docs: remove all content from the older sdk download,
* changes:
docs: remove all content from the older sdk download, install, and requirements pages and redirect to the new sdk pages. Also update the "older sdks" doc to include all version-specific sdks. also update the robots file to disallow indexing of the old sdk docs.
install, and requirements pages and redirect to the new sdk
pages. Also update the "older sdks"
doc to include all version-specific sdks.
also update the robots file to disallow indexing
of the old sdk docs.
Merge commit 'be9060b5d944a2b9ac5a0bdc018b4741dc2cd531' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'be9060b5d944a2b9ac5a0bdc018b4741dc2cd531':
docs: update the publishing guide to revise the updating section
Merge commit '1edbc1a12c7ecff267e4b94b74222f980af9de6b' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '1edbc1a12c7ecff267e4b94b74222f980af9de6b':
docs: add new document for the win usb driver;
make samples page accessible from offline version instead
of redirecting to the user filesystem and include instructions
for creating projects based on the sample apps.
fix a link and add some content to the What is android doc.
bug: 2160782
add a function that uses replace() to replace all
instances of '<' and '>' with the HTML entities and use
this wherever the query text is added onto the page.
Merge commit '25aa87b2fdd065637cc87cb4b3e58b828aa29120' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '25aa87b2fdd065637cc87cb4b3e58b828aa29120':
docs: add 2.0 video to developer site feature videos
Merge commit '340fbc36fb5ded7819d09d55117917b9a6361fd4' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '340fbc36fb5ded7819d09d55117917b9a6361fd4':
doc change: some fixes for online sdk docs. update "testing" section of screens support doc.
Merge commit '4252244939089ce0b055456335071bb7f2c0d1c3' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '4252244939089ce0b055456335071bb7f2c0d1c3':
docs: fix broken link for download page.
a script was inserting a path that is no longer needed.
the removed class was the script identifier, so removing
this class means the path won't be added.
Merge commit '37ebfad1619f250bda4803dfb8683f408d9482cb' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '37ebfad1619f250bda4803dfb8683f408d9482cb':
doc change: fix broken link at top of installing doc