David Friedman
am 75f071df: Merge "Localized Android landing pages Bug: 19124242" into lmp-docs
* commit '75f071df44d3231f2f9d2616277b9065e1dedc12':
Localized Android landing pages Bug: 19124242
2015-04-29 03:01:57 +00:00 |
David Friedman
am 75f071df: Merge "Localized Android landing pages Bug: 19124242" into lmp-docs
* commit '75f071df44d3231f2f9d2616277b9065e1dedc12':
Localized Android landing pages Bug: 19124242
2015-04-29 03:01:10 +00:00 |
David Friedman
Merge "Localized Android landing pages Bug: 19124242" into lmp-docs
2015-04-29 02:49:24 +00:00 |
Luan Nguyen
am c1609dc0: docs: Update information on delivering message to clarify that MessageAPI is not reliable.
* commit 'c1609dc0b25c3143ae8d74bc44fb36873b7d289c':
docs: Update information on delivering message to clarify that MessageAPI is not reliable.
2015-04-28 20:39:14 +00:00 |
Rich Slogar
docs: Update Eclipse migrate procedure
Change-Id: I6cd292d457a7f2e975ceb0a11086fc5e35a78308
2015-04-28 12:08:13 -07:00 |
Luan Nguyen
docs: Update information on delivering message to clarify that
MessageAPI is not reliable.
bug: 20088602
Change-Id: I2244598e5a155bc6e477d367287b8683ebdf019f
2015-04-28 11:36:42 -07:00 |
Joshua Schwarz
am 4547dac0: Fix one-off error in reporting.
* commit '4547dac01f3136393cc708bb49ff546413a45d6c':
Fix one-off error in reporting.
2015-04-28 18:28:18 +00:00 |
Joe Fernandez
am 0312f377: Merge "docs: Modify Branding guidelines for Android form factors" into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
* commit '0312f37785768d7931e81afe92dbeda11f132d50':
docs: Modify Branding guidelines for Android form factors
2015-04-28 16:46:36 +00:00 |
Joe Fernandez
Merge "docs: Modify Branding guidelines for Android form factors" into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
2015-04-28 16:21:56 +00:00 |
Joshua Schwarz
Fix one-off error in reporting.
Change-Id: I5315e3d13b42285169e6c92cfcf9cf2ae9667018
2015-04-27 18:37:34 -07:00 |
Joe Fernandez
am 68ef9287: Merge "docs: Add note about overriding onConnectedNodes() when listening for capability node changes." into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
* commit '68ef92871f52bad28d5aea168c0d3a4b863d282d':
docs: Add note about overriding onConnectedNodes() when listening for capability node changes.
2015-04-28 00:24:26 +00:00 |
Joe Fernandez
am 185002bc: Merge "docs: Update Wearable API setup to mention addApiIfAvailable()." into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
* commit '185002bcc9b551828557ab6946fef7fef1c17d74':
docs: Update Wearable API setup to mention addApiIfAvailable().
2015-04-28 00:24:19 +00:00 |
Joe Fernandez
Merge "docs: Add note about overriding onConnectedNodes() when listening for capability node changes." into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
2015-04-28 00:03:50 +00:00 |
Joe Fernandez
Merge "docs: Update Wearable API setup to mention addApiIfAvailable()." into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
2015-04-28 00:00:09 +00:00 |
Joe Fernandez
docs: Modify Branding guidelines for Android form factors
Change-Id: Ic942aa3c262de5922e084b1e007652b151ca2a76
2015-04-27 15:16:41 -07:00 |
Luan Nguyen
docs: Update Wearable API setup to mention addApiIfAvailable().
bug: 20486912
Change-Id: Ie5fe89b5bd0bbed5c95cead301c6eb6278bfdaee
2015-04-27 13:30:40 -07:00 |
Luan Nguyen
docs: Add note about overriding onConnectedNodes() when listening
for capability node changes.
bug: 20523695
Change-Id: I7a1b057625f6f39d9ee3a03948f0b187484b1842
2015-04-27 11:27:04 -07:00 |
Cedric Ho
am 991c8c53: Merge "Enable VoiceInteractionService on watch." into lmp-mr1-modular-dev
* commit '991c8c53aff32f3d605f6715b3fa78a86990f7ff':
Enable VoiceInteractionService on watch.
2015-04-27 16:41:33 +00:00 |
Scott Rowe
am 63604283: am 02e4f2fb: Merge "docs: Supported media protocols, codecs, formats for Android TV" into lmp-docs
* commit '6360428359bd1a4db1c9a569d8f9e1af8baf29fb':
2015-04-27 16:33:01 +00:00 |
Andrew Solovay
am 44199d26: am 5b3152cf: Merge "Docs: Correcting section on how to escape quotes in strings." into lmp-docs
* commit '44199d26d2305b45086695acb1c851aae7328706':
2015-04-27 16:32:56 +00:00 |
Andrew Solovay
am 19bc81db: am 09cf4d50: Merge "docs: Update to doc on listening for restrictions-changed intent" into lmp-docs
* commit '19bc81dbbaeef90f1417d78a18a96120b8d81762':
2015-04-27 16:32:50 +00:00 |
Quddus Chong
am a76a3dd3: (-s ours) am f0936e2f: (-s ours) Merge "docs: Added 3rd-party Javadocs for GMS Parmesan release." into lmp-docs
* commit 'a76a3dd3a90451e78672ccd52b004e6948bf21b7':
2015-04-27 16:32:44 +00:00 |
Cedric Ho
Merge "Enable VoiceInteractionService on watch." into lmp-mr1-modular-dev
2015-04-27 15:47:28 +00:00 |
Quddus Chong
am ab52769b: am 789c5971: (-s ours) Merge "docs: Added What\'s New section for GMS v7.3 (Parmesan)." into lmp-docs
* commit 'ab52769be2d2dc33a520459194f1e007f03970e4':
2015-04-27 07:49:29 +00:00 |
Luan Nguyen
am 4f50a2b1: am 33ac358a: docs: Add Wear Capability training
* commit '4f50a2b173e31accd8f1fbdde7e9b038914746e7':
2015-04-27 07:49:23 +00:00 |
Luan Nguyen
am bed3f49b: am 4aebbfbb: Merge "docs: Add Channel API summary for Wear." into lmp-docs
* commit 'bed3f49b5547642c76901d848c08163463ab4fbe':
2015-04-27 07:49:16 +00:00 |
Quddus Chong
am 9c8f8117: am 900831f3: docs: Added 3rd-party Javadocs for Android Support Testing Library v0.2. bug: 20304402
* commit '9c8f8117c1ed2fbf2181011116287b5f6c6dbe9d':
2015-04-27 07:49:10 +00:00 |
Ryosuke Matsuuchi
am 3cd98ab6: am 0d2f2803: Merge "doc: Add Korean version of DAC/distribute/ page." into lmp-docs
* commit '3cd98ab63cf4bee489de9077e62c93a13f9e66b2':
2015-04-27 07:49:03 +00:00 |
Dirk Dougherty
am d668578f: am ff233af7: Merge "Doc change: distribute landing page." into lmp-docs
* commit 'd668578f6f7a5623bc88afa1e39bb19ede91879e':
2015-04-27 07:48:52 +00:00 |
Rich Slogar
am 03389e7e: am 1fcc6bd8: Merge "docs: studio remove gradle tasks dialog" into lmp-docs
* commit '03389e7e4a74a92b6bcae5474e9b2c887ac2d335':
2015-04-27 07:48:44 +00:00 |
Rich Slogar
am 5fb293b2: am efe861a4: Merge "docs: hierarchyviewer updates" into lmp-docs
* commit '5fb293b27d71cc1b8949179c30d43fc057ae05fb':
2015-04-27 07:48:37 +00:00 |
Scott Rowe
am 02e4f2fb: Merge "docs: Supported media protocols, codecs, formats for Android TV" into lmp-docs
* commit '02e4f2fbe6e0511789d42d5942548158d2dd154f':
docs: Supported media protocols, codecs, formats for Android TV
2015-04-26 22:08:07 +00:00 |
Andrew Solovay
am 5b3152cf: Merge "Docs: Correcting section on how to escape quotes in strings." into lmp-docs
* commit '5b3152cffcd90441ca4cacdf5596e9bb3428af08':
Docs: Correcting section on how to escape quotes in strings.
2015-04-26 22:07:52 +00:00 |
Andrew Solovay
am 09cf4d50: Merge "docs: Update to doc on listening for restrictions-changed intent" into lmp-docs
* commit '09cf4d500dd27342c913d2333f4f0fd2fa9dbfd0':
docs: Update to doc on listening for restrictions-changed intent
2015-04-26 22:07:44 +00:00 |
Quddus Chong
am f0936e2f: (-s ours) Merge "docs: Added 3rd-party Javadocs for GMS Parmesan release." into lmp-docs
* commit 'f0936e2fb0e9f013f6079e7a733a41d42d49c3f3':
docs: Added 3rd-party Javadocs for GMS Parmesan release.
2015-04-26 22:07:38 +00:00 |
Quddus Chong
am 789c5971: (-s ours) Merge "docs: Added What\'s New section for GMS v7.3 (Parmesan)." into lmp-docs
* commit '789c59711e55be981ed2093228ded0c588e74ba0':
docs: Added What's New section for GMS v7.3 (Parmesan).
2015-04-26 22:00:29 +00:00 |
Luan Nguyen
am 33ac358a: docs: Add Wear Capability training
* commit '33ac358a5a4199549d11ba1931243e7dc8a7ab85':
docs: Add Wear Capability training
2015-04-26 19:15:52 +00:00 |
Luan Nguyen
am 4aebbfbb: Merge "docs: Add Channel API summary for Wear." into lmp-docs
* commit '4aebbfbb9ba54d77ac99508fb66db6c9fd24343a':
docs: Add Channel API summary for Wear.
2015-04-26 19:15:46 +00:00 |
Quddus Chong
am 900831f3: docs: Added 3rd-party Javadocs for Android Support Testing Library v0.2. bug: 20304402
* commit '900831f303beb4a67a871d969ac822d8b6d36460':
docs: Added 3rd-party Javadocs for Android Support Testing Library v0.2. bug: 20304402
2015-04-26 19:15:39 +00:00 |
Ryosuke Matsuuchi
am 0d2f2803: Merge "doc: Add Korean version of DAC/distribute/ page." into lmp-docs
* commit '0d2f280310458d23618edf6550818f8f9cfa6b47':
doc: Add Korean version of DAC/distribute/ page.
2015-04-26 19:15:26 +00:00 |
Dirk Dougherty
am ff233af7: Merge "Doc change: distribute landing page." into lmp-docs
* commit 'ff233af75f2201c2724f8b388c39d3abeb8c6a2e':
Doc change: distribute landing page.
2015-04-26 19:15:20 +00:00 |
Rich Slogar
am 1fcc6bd8: Merge "docs: studio remove gradle tasks dialog" into lmp-docs
* commit '1fcc6bd854f6e152cf8796a4a70965e350c3bdcf':
docs: studio remove gradle tasks dialog
2015-04-26 19:15:12 +00:00 |
Rich Slogar
am efe861a4: Merge "docs: hierarchyviewer updates" into lmp-docs
* commit 'efe861a4a7081da795fe6a0843308ca7cef26277':
docs: hierarchyviewer updates
2015-04-26 19:15:04 +00:00 |
Dirk Dougherty
am 495227aa: Doc change: update dff image.
* commit '495227aab706fa6daf7f7b0b4ca741fef82c9d1d':
Doc change: update dff image.
2015-04-25 21:59:35 +00:00 |
Nick Kralevich
am 00e165ae: am e8101c04: Merge "fix compiler error under FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"
* commit '00e165aed3d53b147b153003b3b9fd3c129ff3c4':
fix compiler error under FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
2015-04-25 21:56:56 +00:00 |
Dirk Dougherty
Doc change: update dff image.
Bug-id: 20251587
Change-Id: I25d59c8a66c548a13e699c25e79cd4a23d2cd330
2015-04-25 21:53:05 +00:00 |
Nick Kralevich
am e8101c04: Merge "fix compiler error under FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"
* commit 'e8101c047cffc69245493d96f2f2ec36728682f1':
fix compiler error under FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
2015-04-25 21:41:52 +00:00 |
Nick Kralevich
Merge "fix compiler error under FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"
2015-04-25 21:22:32 +00:00 |
Nick Kralevich
fix compiler error under FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
frameworks/base/libs/androidfw/ObbFile.cpp:340:5: error: ignoring return value of function declared with warn_unused_result attribute [-Werror,-Wunused-result]
ftruncate(fd, mFooterStart);
^~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 error generated.
amake: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libandroidfw_intermediates/ObbFile.o] Error 1
Change-Id: I7080d64e7a830a10b41c1ebf33c60d32b7c8356e
2015-04-24 20:27:06 -07:00 |
Quddus Chong
am bbe5effb: docs: Fixed typo in \'Authorizing with Google for REST APIs\' doc. bug: 18025533
* commit 'bbe5effb6682b4ba5e6accd9a226ec7611fe83dc':
docs: Fixed typo in 'Authorizing with Google for REST APIs' doc. bug: 18025533
2015-04-24 23:43:49 +00:00 |