1. Implemented the persistence and restoring of the print spooler state.
The print spooler state is saved as an XML on every print job change
and is restored when we bind to the spooler. The system does not
unbind from the spooler until the state persistence completes. We
are now storing the entire state, i.e. all print jobs, when a single
one changes. This is not optimal but we are not expecting to have
many such at the same time, so for now we err for simplicity of
2. Enforcing a non-empty print job name.
3. Hidden the STATE_CREATED print job state which should never be visible to a
client since this is the state of a print job during construction, i.e. the
print dialog is up and we are doing back and forth with the app.
4. Fixed some PrintAttributes APIs that were incorrectly taking in a PackageManager
5. Updated the PrintSpooler build file due to splitting the framework into multiple
Change-Id: I52c88eaa1ec9c64920359cc143c79832a4c3d25b
When stopping an activity remove it from the list of activities to
be stopped when idle. Otherwise the activity gets stopped twice, at
the point of the fix here and later when idle.
Fixes bug 9755054.
Change-Id: If8d2249b75aeb9f8b6cea2d883046f3ad4c2e067
The previously used permission was doing double duty as the permission
that device admins to check for to ensure that calls are coming from valid
system components.
MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS is system|signature and is now required to add/remove
device admins.
Required for:
Bug: 9856348
Change-Id: I64385d2ec734c3957af21b5a5d9cffd8a3bcd299
- Make sure Home activity goes in the correct task and on the correct
- Do not allow different users to be in the same task.
- Do not set stacks aside for each user.
Fixes bug 9775492.
Change-Id: I0e7954e917aac8482a1015a36923e02914e2b692
Use the virtual screen resolution returned by getBaseDisplaySize
instead of the physical screen resolution returned by
getInitialDisplaySize. The memory required by apps will scale
with graphics buffer size, which are generally relative to the
virtual screen resolution.
Change-Id: I0476e4afad99eca2f4f56042a8dbef5b3c7889db
Add properties ro.config.density_override and ro.config.size_override
to provide build-time virtual screen sizes. A device with no
override set with "wm size" will use the size specified by the property.
"wm size reset" will go back to the physical size.
Change-Id: I07a585eb2e0f91365fac2b64c53de3af138a2a85
Since this is an operation that could take a few seconds to run and needs to be
completed even if Settings dies, best to do it in the user manager.
Refactored PIN challenge/setup UI with a field to verify existing pin
when changing to a new one.
Change-Id: I0b7df5b2ccb7f343aa9282a9245d3bc2b577a794
It used to be set at boot, but that was too quick to pick up carrier
specific resources. With this change even if you switch sims subequent
checks get the new values.
Change-Id: I8c270c6b02fc6bdd3c3d76ceea58172df25e058d
We now keep track of all of the active start operations per
non-system process, so they can be cleaned up if the process
goes away.
Change-Id: I9d05f1e0281c47dbe1213de014f0491f1359685c
The default Alarm Manager behavior for KLP+ apps will be to aggressively
coalesce alarms, trading exact timeliness of delivery for minimizing the
number of alarm-delivery points, especially wakeup points.
There is new API in AlarmManager, setExact() and setExactRepeating(),
for use by apps that absolutely *must* get their alarms at a specific
point in time.
Bug 9532215
Change-Id: I40b4eea90220211cc958172d2629664b921ff051
Move away from storing the configs in the Intent to prevent issues with
PendingIntents and multiple configs.
The Dialog now queries ConnectivityService for the configuration to
display in the management dialog.
Change-Id: I0e0ef52db840152914d117a24f776d8106e836ff
A simple mechanism for doing this is to take advantage of the fact
that we require the device to reboot after a sim has been changed.
Thus when connectivity service is started we wait to get a connection
then call checkMobileProvisioning once. We also add a check that
the DEVICE_PROVISIONED is true, i.e. SetupWizard has been run.
Bug: 9784024
Change-Id: I5c1936744f6fc55a447ae44cd36eec3849d27e21
If a window's task stack has no sibling, restore old behavior
of allowing frame to go below the nav bar.
Change-Id: Ifc38901a6633cf431dba8740a65258d0618c0fd0