Craig Mautner
Merge "If home activity is not fullscreen keep drilling." into klp-dev
2013-11-07 20:49:02 +00:00
Craig Mautner
If home activity is not fullscreen keep drilling.
When the home activity launches a non-fullscreen activity as part of
its own task then ensureActivitiesVisibleLocked() must continue past
the launched activity when determining activities to show and hide.
Stopping at the non-fullscreen activity leaves the fullscreen home
activity hidden.
Fixes bug 11555762.
Change-Id: I9058d8cde3a41cb7f9b1f97e5c0cb32e9b0f5af7
2013-11-07 11:51:29 -08:00
Selim Gurun
DO NOT MERGE Add a delimiter between scheme and host
Bug: 6923539
Change-Id: Ia78e185f00184c53babe00df3c852114ffd721f0
2013-11-07 11:41:32 -08:00
Fabrice Di Meglio
am e43780c6: am ff49e2d9: Merge "Improve RTL support for Immersive mode" into klp-dev
* commit 'e43780c6b768ee5eb2469f8eefc86a4f2ecc9906':
Improve RTL support for Immersive mode
2013-11-07 11:23:32 -08:00
Fabrice Di Meglio
am e34c4770: am 435c0ee1: Merge "Fix bug #11537133 Hideycling looks broken (KOT36), missing left padding" into klp-dev
* commit 'e34c477060bf7e212177029598bea0b04adc6f80':
Fix bug #11537133 Hideycling looks broken (KOT36), missing left padding
2013-11-07 11:23:29 -08:00
Fabrice Di Meglio
am ff49e2d9: Merge "Improve RTL support for Immersive mode" into klp-dev
* commit 'ff49e2d9d811db916190f61cc3cc03d4359d4952':
Improve RTL support for Immersive mode
2013-11-07 11:21:06 -08:00
Fabrice Di Meglio
am 435c0ee1: Merge "Fix bug #11537133 Hideycling looks broken (KOT36), missing left padding" into klp-dev
* commit '435c0ee10af132937dc0a22c39380624e6efd5ab':
Fix bug #11537133 Hideycling looks broken (KOT36), missing left padding
2013-11-07 11:21:03 -08:00
Fabrice Di Meglio
Merge "Improve RTL support for Immersive mode" into klp-dev
2013-11-07 19:18:14 +00:00
Fabrice Di Meglio
Merge "Fix bug #11537133 Hideycling looks broken (KOT36), missing left padding" into klp-dev
2013-11-07 19:18:00 +00:00
Robert Greenwalt
am f1612bcf: am e8c51298: Merge "Add BatteryStats for Wifi Batched Scanning." into klp-dev
* commit 'f1612bcfdd2cb517948f14369fd0977ceb55d19c':
Add BatteryStats for Wifi Batched Scanning.
2013-11-07 10:39:43 -08:00
Robert Greenwalt
am e8c51298: Merge "Add BatteryStats for Wifi Batched Scanning." into klp-dev
* commit 'e8c51298a43f607fea7418ced7cc783e6065fe87':
Add BatteryStats for Wifi Batched Scanning.
2013-11-07 10:32:53 -08:00
Robert Greenwalt
Merge "Add BatteryStats for Wifi Batched Scanning." into klp-dev
2013-11-07 18:30:49 +00:00
Dianne Hackborn
am fbf4888d: am 9882d388: Merge "Fix issue #11223338 : Not retaining service started state while restarting" into klp-dev
* commit 'fbf4888d19b0c68d8004f9ad2423a583dc01178e':
Fix issue #11223338 : Not retaining service started state while restarting
2013-11-07 10:21:34 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 9882d388: Merge "Fix issue #11223338 : Not retaining service started state while restarting" into klp-dev
* commit '9882d3889957200c3db62f47142988dea99a7291':
Fix issue #11223338 : Not retaining service started state while restarting
2013-11-07 10:18:53 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Fix issue #11223338 : Not retaining service started state while restarting" into klp-dev
2013-11-07 18:16:10 +00:00
Dirk Dougherty
am cbc0a6c3: am 347b6fc9: Doc change: remove a reference to RTL pseudolocale.
* commit 'cbc0a6c37b26df492f22b09989672de1c7aa17f8':
Doc change: remove a reference to RTL pseudolocale.
2013-11-07 09:31:01 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 347b6fc9: Doc change: remove a reference to RTL pseudolocale.
* commit '347b6fc9e3bbd15364a0d1be74bd6ed98a3a1bfe':
Doc change: remove a reference to RTL pseudolocale.
2013-11-07 17:28:16 +00:00
Dirk Dougherty
Doc change: remove a reference to RTL pseudolocale.
Change-Id: If6174954008b6875a7cb0ffcc89d1e04dd702b02
2013-11-07 09:22:52 -08:00
Craig Mautner
Don't call setTask twice.
The method ActivityRecord.setTask() removes the ActivityRecord from
its old task's mActivities ArrayList. In jb-mr2 it did not have this
side effect (there was no mActivities) so calling it twice was not a
problem. This fix causes setTask to only be called once for the target
Fixes bug 11557835.
Change-Id: If2b6d4b297e86130009713efe6891a24fad3dd15
2013-11-07 09:10:42 -08:00
Jeff Brown
Add media router service and integrate with remote displays.
This change adds a new media router service whose purpose is to track
global state information associated with media routes. This service
publishes routes to the media router instance in application processes
and handles requested state changes such as selecting or unselecting
global routes. The service also binds to remote display provider
services which can offer new remote display routes to the system.
Includes a test application for manually verifying certain aspects
of the operation of the media router service.
The remote display provider interface is essentially a stripped down
media route provider interface as defined in the support library
media router implementation. For now, it is designed to be used only
by first parties to publish remote display routes to the system so
it is not exposed as public API in the SDK. In the future, the remote
display provider interface will most likely be deprecated and replaced
with a more featureful media route provider interface for third
party integration, similar to what is in the support library today.
Further patch sets integrate these new capabilities into the System UI
and Settings for connecting remote displays.
Bug: 11257292
Change-Id: I31109f23f17b474d17534d0f5f4503e388b081c2
2013-11-07 03:25:37 -08:00
Jeff Brown
Add a platform library for remote display providers.
This interface allows applications to register services that offer
remote displays to the system. The system will then provide UI
to allow user to connect to these displays and enable mirroring.
Bug: 11257292
Change-Id: I34da5b9dfdaf71267bd3450c505bc1b7368d1b40
2013-11-07 01:58:15 -08:00
Scott Main
am 88e25411: am b680f3c3: Merge "udpate gcore setup doc with info for android studio" into klp-docs
* commit '88e2541176641157d07206ffeb506b964f902d51':
udpate gcore setup doc with info for android studio
2013-11-06 21:24:29 -08:00
Scott Main
am a8c3af81: am 334cc487: add maxSdkVersion attribute to uses-permission doc
* commit 'a8c3af81c8fb379363b7506f77bb2803beb17500':
add maxSdkVersion attribute to uses-permission doc
2013-11-06 21:24:26 -08:00
Adam Koch
am 5ac65c54: am 57c9886d: Doc fix: add more detail to BitmapFactory.Options.inPurgeable flag. Bug: 6064760
* commit '5ac65c545b044bf62abda077fb2a30f6028e1c46':
Doc fix: add more detail to BitmapFactory.Options.inPurgeable flag. Bug: 6064760
2013-11-06 21:24:22 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 8bd26cdb: am a5f542a3: Doc change: adjust wording for Force RTL layout developer option.
* commit '8bd26cdbbcc802334227fd389e8dd3520700729b':
Doc change: adjust wording for Force RTL layout developer option.
2013-11-06 21:24:19 -08:00
Scott Main
am 00177aa1: am d7abd97f: fix broken links
* commit '00177aa1b1c4c10485308dcc92aee376de7d2986':
fix broken links
2013-11-06 21:24:15 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 40111cde: am 9399d919: Doc change: Edits to graphics highlights.
* commit '40111cde056d0b37c47c9690244c16f43c5aa410':
Doc change: Edits to graphics highlights.
2013-11-06 21:24:12 -08:00
John Spurlock
am de46104a: am 317c79f8: Merge "Docfixes for DownloadManager." into klp-docs
* commit 'de46104a3797653f6e564ca3774dc9528dd1ac1e':
Docfixes for DownloadManager.
2013-11-06 21:24:09 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 3c845213: am 9a52d659: Doc change: minor fixes to highlights and images.
* commit '3c845213e57f8f4be602cdb785490f1b0f44c221':
Doc change: minor fixes to highlights and images.
2013-11-06 21:24:07 -08:00
Scott Main
am 91ebb9db: am 5ff96b94: Merge "Doc update: restore missing GCM updates" into klp-docs
* commit '91ebb9dbd732d0ad3d5d7113631a36bc8be48c46':
Doc update: restore missing GCM updates
2013-11-06 21:24:03 -08:00
Scott Main
am f7188557: am 03ec3428: fix build
* commit 'f718855742a8e17ced4ec37a43671f5739f325d3':
fix build
2013-11-06 21:24:00 -08:00
Scott Main
am d183aae9: am 4cf4f521: add storage provider sample to build
* commit 'd183aae96c6dc0f28a4f2707b8916fba96195220':
add storage provider sample to build
2013-11-06 21:23:56 -08:00
Scott Main
am e48f2cf8: am 19f05adb: change sensor FIFO method to getFifoMaxEventCount
* commit 'e48f2cf887dff303661b80b9cf4c209785578151':
change sensor FIFO method to getFifoMaxEventCount
2013-11-06 21:23:54 -08:00
Scott Main
am 664d284f: am 2aa2b1c3: some people use macintosh computers bug: 11479988
* commit '664d284f91e05c84f89c1750e5ca036dd2c45dfa':
some people use macintosh computers bug: 11479988
2013-11-06 21:23:50 -08:00
Scott Main
am 3a8228fc: am b00f26a1: Merge "update web app docs to remove target-densitydpi, remove the overview page, remove a bunch of stuff from the doc about screens and refer to external docs instead, and add tips about debugging on 4.4 w/ dev tools." into klp-docs
* commit '3a8228fc51f772ea0c59574ea0aa9f3e2cb7d587':
update web app docs to remove target-densitydpi, remove the overview page, remove a bunch of stuff from the doc about screens and refer to external docs instead, and add tips about debugging on 4.4 w/ dev tools.
2013-11-06 21:23:47 -08:00
Scott Main
am fa85c912: am b4e2cea5: simplify gl table
* commit 'fa85c9122022d55528d858f1fc8454a75098aeee':
2013-11-06 21:23:44 -08:00
Scott Main
am 98d6f3f0: am 7ae98ba9: fix dashboard to add opengl 3.0
* commit '98d6f3f05d899feee1774e12270886af75e519a1':
2013-11-06 21:23:40 -08:00
Scott Main
am b256e9a0: am 3e0cb9ba: dashboard update for 11/1/13
* commit 'b256e9a08147a0b331c9955df5478f97fbfe0b71':
2013-11-06 21:23:36 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am fe47a408: am bb0ab667: Doc change: Extend link to image.
* commit 'fe47a408dd8f1b888c9768a79e5528c39b19f4f5':
2013-11-06 21:23:32 -08:00
Newton Allen
am badb59cd: am 47feee53: Merge "Fix some documentation typos." into klp-docs
* commit 'badb59cd5d2a2905494964889f002a277211000a':
2013-11-06 21:23:28 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am c5655833: am f385d2fd: Doc change: remove staging urls for chrome and wallet sites.
* commit 'c565583384952007f37e090fb354d232f407bd31':
2013-11-06 21:23:24 -08:00
Scott Main
am 9ae9504b: am f3db5a80: remove misinformation about sensor alarms
* commit '9ae9504b5cde3ade5760efefb595eb89ad6b5228':
2013-11-06 21:23:21 -08:00
Scott Main
am 7f7d999c: am 6934add2: fix version typo
* commit '7f7d999c7d2fee1e23e31add250980464fe806c9':
2013-11-06 21:23:18 -08:00
Scott Main
am fb453df5: am 57ecb14b: link fix to kick the build server
* commit 'fb453df556cea8dafe7b2856cd2b5fc8fe10e372':
2013-11-06 21:23:15 -08:00
Scott Main
am 374d9a6e: am dcfc04cd: link fixes
* commit '374d9a6e79234d40df88d0c985bdd9ef7808c7a7':
2013-11-06 21:23:11 -08:00
Svetoslav Ganov
am cd323d0d: am 78da147d: Update the PdfDocument docs with unsupported operations.
* commit 'cd323d0d20fc110e598bee4c37f8f4e3772a86bc':
2013-11-06 21:23:08 -08:00
Scott Main
am 1a657d0a: am 73b5572f: update HCE doc images to dac stencils
* commit '1a657d0a451209a0f83358b81e016baec1781ad3':
2013-11-06 21:23:04 -08:00
Scott Main
am 71ecc12e: am 7d1d7fa3: Merge "Doc update: Managing System UI class" into klp-docs
* commit '71ecc12ee1beb84f49d2a75410664b0d2d683201':
2013-11-06 21:23:00 -08:00
Katie McCormick
am b711c6f5: am f0c2bfd1: Doc change: new Storage Access Framework doc
* commit 'b711c6f5a0d3f02dd4154f1501f4bea270ae2321':
2013-11-06 21:22:57 -08:00
Joe Fernandez
am 56ba8856: am b9602bcb: Merge "docs: Screenrecord - add Android 4.4 availability" into klp-docs
* commit '56ba8856f7aa522f328f035de49588289ad91bfd':
2013-11-06 21:22:53 -08:00