Merge commit 'ba1a0717946c3d49347e663dda73aa3f91e3d642' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'ba1a0717946c3d49347e663dda73aa3f91e3d642':
New constants for db upgrade.
Merge commit 'cfc2915d926cee14380b54d0960262e748eed4f5' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'cfc2915d926cee14380b54d0960262e748eed4f5':
In setDefaultSelection ensure that webkit is notified of the new selection.
If a touch event was targeted at a ScrollView child, the content would jump after
the user moved her finger by the required threshold. This is inconsistent with
ListView's behavior.
Merge commit 'cf98f4268cc70228ef49350f1ccef1266f2e3cf8' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'cf98f4268cc70228ef49350f1ccef1266f2e3cf8':
Fix a leak in WebView.
Merge commit '732a1223b21cef3561ffbbb9f6ec2d2d2a8b5e5c' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '732a1223b21cef3561ffbbb9f6ec2d2d2a8b5e5c':
fix issue with plugin surfaces not updating properly within the view system.
WebView and its related APIs are keeping static objects that hold references to
Context instance. This could cause applications to leak their first Activity
and all the associated resources.
Merge commit 'ed90811e711065bcc82a45f4173587cd95ef6b6f' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'ed90811e711065bcc82a45f4173587cd95ef6b6f':
Do not peform a click/move if longpress has been performed in WebTextView.
Merge commit '51e45ff0d53ce299be316e14e48cdd3e3a51d0b0' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '51e45ff0d53ce299be316e14e48cdd3e3a51d0b0':
Cleanup how a plugin goes full-screen.
There is a delay between registering the two profiles,
and handsfree profile is a superset of the headset profile.
So some devices do an SDP and get the headset profile record
before we have registered the handsfree profile.
a) We can reject all incoming connections till all profiles are
registered, but then this would mean we connect later in some cases.
Registering profiles in this order seems fine to me.
Note: There is a also the need to fix forking sdptool to register
profiles, which would obliviate the need to wait 500 msecs between
profile registrations.
Bug: 2293792
Dr No: Eastham
There is a delay between registering the two profiles,
and handsfree profile is a superset of the headset profile.
So some devices do an SDP and get the headset profile record
before we have registered the handsfree profile.
a) We can reject all incoming connections till all profiles are
registered, but then this would mean we connect later in some cases.
Registering profiles in this order seems fine to me.
Note: There is a also the need to fix forking sdptool to register
profiles, which would obliviate the need to wait 500 msecs between
profile registrations.
Merge commit 'cb37e71509da43e0d8d809591b09e8f5a582b5cd' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'cb37e71509da43e0d8d809591b09e8f5a582b5cd':
Refactoring plugins to use new java interfaces.
This change adds 3 new interfaces for plugins to the framework. This
change also includes extensive cleanup as we consolidate internal plugin
functions into the pluginManager. Also using the new interfaces we no
longer need to pass additional parameters in quite a few methods.
Merge commit '331c7788a84fc6f625ac1bafbb33cf7da1116407' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '331c7788a84fc6f625ac1bafbb33cf7da1116407':
Store info in the bookmarks/history database on whether it was a manually entered url.
Merge commit '429a8eaccc133b2ebf610cccf26c4ad323a18ef3' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '429a8eaccc133b2ebf610cccf26c4ad323a18ef3':
Add a new priority for Auto Connection of A2DP.
Merge commit '99cee0318bdceb6e996bbe9a3e0f961d622e0365' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '99cee0318bdceb6e996bbe9a3e0f961d622e0365':
Change the DropBoxManager API slightly (this is public, but not yet released) --