- You can add arbitrary stuff at the bottom of the header list.
- You can associated an intent with a header to have that launched
when the header is clicked.
- You can change the current header when the header list is rebuilt
after the first time.
Change-Id: I889512beff0c2902a790434e5cde9ce6df74d0c2
Merge commit 'd0faf5a2dd892228bbfbf1e43aba95f60c6bca05'
* commit 'd0faf5a2dd892228bbfbf1e43aba95f60c6bca05':
Changed type of reverb presets from int to short
through RemoteViews. An empty view is the view that appears
in lieu of the collection when the collection is empty.
-> Made StackViews start at their last item
Change-Id: Ica44e5e8f8f2a2e5589a6c74414ec4d08303887f
Merge commit 'a90b7f0125389b9e1040d2be82aad4ef74ea6071' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'a90b7f0125389b9e1040d2be82aad4ef74ea6071':
Add methods to InputConnection: setComposingRegion() to select a region of text for correction, and getSelectedText()
to return the selected text.
The TextView may choose to highlight the text in some way (underline for now) to indicate
that the text is selected for correction, if the IME wants to provider alternatives.
Choosing an alternative in the IME can then call IC.commitText() to replace the highlighted
(not selected) text with a different candidate.
This change also ensures that any existing spans/styles are not wiped out. So we can now
correct rich text as well.
This is a convenience to get the selected text instead of using extracted text that is
more heavy weight. Existing getTextBeforeCursor() and getTextAfterCursor() fail to
retrieve the selected text, only what's before and after the selection.
Change-Id: Ieb5ecd5ff947ea04958589f501e7bd5228e00fb5
This is a new data kind representing a SIP address for a contact.
The new class is ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.SipAddress,
and the new mime type is "vnd.android.cursor.item/sip_address".
It's pretty generic right now (basically a single text field, like
"Website") but we may eventually want to extend it later to have multiple
labels+types (like phone numbers.)
Bug: 2942998
Change-Id: I45d90a680a3badf60bccb5aafdc2397037494e95
Merge commit 'c6d7a8953de9dd4e0af1dca69d83d810c05d809d' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'c6d7a8953de9dd4e0af1dca69d83d810c05d809d':
Changed type of reverb presets from int to short
Changed the type of reverb preset constants exposed by the PresetReverb API to
match the type of the setPreset() method parameter.
Change-Id: I786764b5279c60f2368f5a0372f78da65ec54e4f
Introduces simple_selectable_list_item for new Holo theme list selection.
Also fixes bug http://b/issue?id=2942491 for colors.
Change-Id: I966a4f612a784557797bfa76bae019b2515724f2
Merge commit 'b1bbe99aaa01f321ae94f0d5ba4505e528664cc7' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'b1bbe99aaa01f321ae94f0d5ba4505e528664cc7':
Some StrictMode API changes.
* rename setThreadBlockingPolicy to setThreadPolicy (opens the way to
using StrictMode for non-blocking-related things in the future?)
* add allowThreadDiskWrites() and allowThreadDiskReads() to modify the
current policy mask and return the old one. this will allow turning
off part of StrictMode during certain regions of code. (for
instance, writing to disk in Activity onPause...)
Change-Id: Ia1878153713f79299971fdab567fa15b3cb9d56c
Merge commit '0460e26a4c9915f77c915d2cc3540969802b02fa'
* commit '0460e26a4c9915f77c915d2cc3540969802b02fa':
add new sensor types for handling gyro data and device orientation
Merge commit '3e05a0beb2fad0b21558019d2adf6805da70e10e' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '3e05a0beb2fad0b21558019d2adf6805da70e10e':
Hysteresis effect in Text selection.
Vertical movement requires going over a given threshold to change line.
Makes it easier to move down without changing line, so that one can see the
cursor better. Also simplifies long line selection.
Change-Id: I791da500232c6e510af64c637ed994c5da9a4fea
- DialogFragment now has an option to not show a dialog, so you can
use your UI somewhere else.
- Deprecated show() versions that were tied to activities.
- Added documentation to DialogFragment class.
- Added documentation to onSaveInstanceState() to explain how the
time it is called is different than Activity's version.
- Fixed some java doc warnings.
Change-Id: If026744c368e2443030d2d9e0a9c808d820857df
Now you can filter the count statement with a selection
and selection args
UnitTests for this new methods are added to the cts project
Change-Id: Id9233aec0eaac08839041ae7cbaba203470ad3d8
Merge commit '4d42ccd1579da53aaaf132a6ad26a06e2baa5b98' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '4d42ccd1579da53aaaf132a6ad26a06e2baa5b98':
Tracking merge of dalvik-dev to gingerbread
Use the layout xml attribute splitMotionEvents="true" or the ViewGroup
method setMotionEventSplittingEnabled(true) to enable motion event
splitting. Rules for splitting are as follows:
* Splitting is enabled per ViewGroup. When splitting is enabled any
MotionEvent dispatched to that ViewGroup can potentially be split
into several and dispatched to children independently.
* Each pointer is assigned a target child view when the ACTION_DOWN or
ACTION_POINTER_DOWN event is received. That will be the pointer's
target until it goes up, the target returns false from onTouchEvent,
or the MotionEvents are intercepted.
* Multiple pointers may be assigned to the same target. All pointer
data sent to a target are bundled into a single MotionEvent. Child
views do not need to be aware that splitting has occurred.
Change-Id: I993f838e2f6b455da9812f4742a016dfcd1c4cc9
Merge commit 'd018a0ce72124f668d859b19fe3e73f5637d3c7c' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'd018a0ce72124f668d859b19fe3e73f5637d3c7c':
Text selection without trackball.
Backported from HC.
Squashed commit of the following:
commit af214a595c7a9fdd11a2dc384f7d4665abf751c0
Fixes in TextView's selection.
commit eb9fd59ebe6500a66c2003d46b5802299970ae8d
TextView with Selection Contextual Mode
commit 4c4c338ef355b369ce4b57d6c6fba7ee8f9dddf4
Cosmetic changes around TextView.
commit d4b4b054e87480d984ad18766f5e76553e3080d8
Double and one and a half tap removed from TextView.
commit 897c2847ba1fca8ef01eadadd1bc3de007af3ee5
Selection handlers in TextView
commit 832be74a5394649e28927484d9a86c6d53b430e7
New cursor controller in TextViews.
Change-Id: I01cc64736e2abea605317ee53907a1713617fc17
Merge commit 'd313cab46e07c40f4cd1a94304a553e7eb809190' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'd313cab46e07c40f4cd1a94304a553e7eb809190':
tracking merge of external/apache-http from dalvik-dev
These APIs need to be public to allow integration
with Focus, which is unbundled.
The design document can be found here: http://goto/android-gal-integration
Change-Id: I14e749e485e301e8af5a657cc798e581dec21394
This depends on a kernel patch that implements read(2)
in the ashmem driver.
Bug http://b/issue?id=2595601
Change-Id: Ie3b10aa471aada21812b35e63954c1b2f0a7b042