Docking station intents for dock switch driver.
Add DockObserver and updated and systemserver.jave
Signed-off-by: Dan Murphy <>
modified: core/java/android/content/
new file: services/java/com/android/server/
modified: services/java/com/android/server/
Docking station updates
Add constants for the dock
Signed-off-by: Dan Murphy <>
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <>
- Do better about figuring out when to stop them and other related window
- Fix problem where we were not redrawing the surface when the orientation
changed. This was the cause of the device hang.
createContextMenuInfo() should have been subtracting any
header views, similar to performItemClick(). Previously,
this caused getUnflattenedPos() to return invalid positions.
This fixes http://b/issue?id=1778239
Decode the url before passing down to the local loaders since they do not decode
the url themselves. This was creating a crash on since the data url
was percent-encoded and failing to parse from base64.
- Recover if a live wallpaper is crashing repeatedly.
- Don't crash when someone tries to set a static wallpaper.
- Make the static wallpaper update correctly when the image changes.
Packages that do not use android.permission.BACKUP_DATA will neither be backed
up nor restored. That permission is currently signature-only. In the future if
access to the backup/restore infrastructure is made available to arbitrary 3rd
party applications, the permission checks (and indeed, the permission itself)
can simply be removed.
Previously, ContactHeaderWidget only allow data binding
through helper methods, or a single static call. In the
Contacts edit UI, we need to set individual fields directly
based on internal EntityDelta states. Also added more
documentation and exposed more-direct query helpers.
Requires a corresponding change to external/webkit. We were previously
letting WebTextView handle clicks, determine the change in selection,
and pass that down to webkit. This sometimes resulted in a different
placement of the caret if the WebTextView and the webkit-rendered
textfield did not line up exactly. Now, we pass the click directly
to webkit, which determines the new selection and passes that info
back to the WebTextView. This also has the benefit of letting
the WebTextView reflect changes in the selection that originated from
webkit. Also remove some unused parameters.
Merge commit 'c41dca14ee9a9513e547a54a6356b4dab41d781c'
* commit 'c41dca14ee9a9513e547a54a6356b4dab41d781c':
Last minute change: Replace default app icon with a prettier one - droid on a software box sort of thing. :)
Merge commit '370e1f7439fd2688220bfc9615ea70fa3d397cea'
* commit '370e1f7439fd2688220bfc9615ea70fa3d397cea':
Propagate info about whether a "call" command was issued in RecognitionResult.