Merge commit '568cae571a3d74d1992176a21722e07b44e9a3c4' into eclair-mr2
* commit '568cae571a3d74d1992176a21722e07b44e9a3c4':
Fix issue #2171460: Turn off background blurring of power dialog
Merge commit '568cae571a3d74d1992176a21722e07b44e9a3c4' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '568cae571a3d74d1992176a21722e07b44e9a3c4':
Fix issue #2171460: Turn off background blurring of power dialog
This is the main entry point to the Bluetooth APIs, and returns the default
local Bluetooth adapter.
It replaces context.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE). This was
never in a public SDK release.
DrNo: eastham
Bug: 2158765
Joke: Why can't you play cards in the jungle? Because there's too many cheetas!
Change-Id: Ieed8be009ee5aba621cb69090ee8c8a9c19c840d
Merge commit 'dc2ccb82f96b6a7be7a7b262b81d3aa1422f46fa' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'dc2ccb82f96b6a7be7a7b262b81d3aa1422f46fa':
Encourage developers to connect RFCOMM by UUID instead of Channel.
Merge commit 'dc2ccb82f96b6a7be7a7b262b81d3aa1422f46fa' into eclair-mr2
* commit 'dc2ccb82f96b6a7be7a7b262b81d3aa1422f46fa':
Encourage developers to connect RFCOMM by UUID instead of Channel.
Merge commit '35b38cefcc92f1ed599a652ac5736ab9e9e75039' into eclair-mr2
* commit '35b38cefcc92f1ed599a652ac5736ab9e9e75039':
Improve drawing cache speed by selecting the correct opacity and keeping a 32 bits
Merge commit '35b38cefcc92f1ed599a652ac5736ab9e9e75039' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '35b38cefcc92f1ed599a652ac5736ab9e9e75039':
Improve drawing cache speed by selecting the correct opacity and keeping a 32 bits
Hide createRfcommSocket(int channel)
Add createRfcommSocketWithServiceRecord(UUID uuid)
Rename listenUsingRfcomm(String,UUID) -> listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord(..)
Now we have a complete API for developers to make peer-peer RFCOMM connections
with hard-coding the limited (30) RFCOMM channels, instead using SDP lookup
of an UUID.
This commit addresses two serious bugs:
- Do not throw IOException on accepting an incoming RFCOMM connection with
BluetoothSocket. This was a regression from commit 24bb9b8af4ff6915
- Workaround failure of bluez to update SDP cache when channel changes by
trying to use the same RFCOMM channel on the server every time, instead
of picking server channels randomly. This is a pretty ugly workaround,
and we are still trying to fix the caching issue - but with this
workaround we are at least shippable and apps will work at least until
they start colliding on the 30 RFCOMM channels.
DrNo: eastham
Bug: 2158900
Joke: What did the digital watch say to his mom? "Look mom no hands."
Change-Id: Ia4879943b83afac06b6f1a3f2391cf1628afce7d
Merge commit '64dd5be583bab8218e54068bbf70edc5fc6087c8' into eclair-mr2
* commit '64dd5be583bab8218e54068bbf70edc5fc6087c8':
add (hidden) setHasAlpha() to allow clients like the view's cache to hint that a bitmap is opaque.
Merge commit '64dd5be583bab8218e54068bbf70edc5fc6087c8' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '64dd5be583bab8218e54068bbf70edc5fc6087c8':
add (hidden) setHasAlpha() to allow clients like the view's cache to hint that a bitmap is opaque.
Merge commit 'e4b6639dbcfe9c5a429fb6f216790d69d1b3a6e8' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'e4b6639dbcfe9c5a429fb6f216790d69d1b3a6e8':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
Merge commit '4625758d0b909ccfc9f40b707666b1b21e9e8ffd' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '4625758d0b909ccfc9f40b707666b1b21e9e8ffd':
Fix back button handling in ACTV
Merge commit '92b5caa4e21d48db6efeddba532d1546c6e686b1' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '92b5caa4e21d48db6efeddba532d1546c6e686b1':
Turn some logging back on in ConnectionManager
Merge commit '5bba632d877c2878384ff21566c8eb6a1a22f37b' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '5bba632d877c2878384ff21566c8eb6a1a22f37b':
- hide Entity and all its references
Merge commit '5163cd6d1cb664977eb4473b98657c7e92ae430e' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '5163cd6d1cb664977eb4473b98657c7e92ae430e':
Make sdk version and code names static finals in PackageParser.
Merge commit 'ccc214b21edaaddf46960388ec4d3e3ca89a01ae' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'ccc214b21edaaddf46960388ec4d3e3ca89a01ae':
Make VCardComposer create the instance for mHandlerList.
Merge commit '9c3c276afa7e2485e1a9f47e29ada8cb61b7b07c' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '9c3c276afa7e2485e1a9f47e29ada8cb61b7b07c':
New section header and divider assets.
Merge commit '24bb9b8af4ff691538fe9e517e8156016b0da6cd' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '24bb9b8af4ff691538fe9e517e8156016b0da6cd':
Provide an API for apps to use a dynamic RFCOMM channel and SDP record.
Merge commit '68d881cf2d2b252f6f795cd64d43e316a1d736e5' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '68d881cf2d2b252f6f795cd64d43e316a1d736e5':
Fix issue #2166755: BroadcastReceiver trying to return result during a non-ordered broadcast
Merge commit '89c768435fc48a93c0af97f9f08e57a346b0a9fd' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '89c768435fc48a93c0af97f9f08e57a346b0a9fd':
Make sure AsyncTask sens a null result to onPostExecute() when cancelled.
Merge commit '9e4c85614c861f095131ffa76e65cbba55d03d0a' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '9e4c85614c861f095131ffa76e65cbba55d03d0a':
Don't reinflate search bar when dialog is already showing