Also clarified comments to indicate that this is only intended to be used
in list queries.
Bug: 4777097
Change-Id: I3c3e08d796755e2613a94a1e9b6dc2961f4483a3
Modified onHoverEvent so that a view only has its state changed to
hovered when the view is clickable. The intent is to prevent labels
from taking hover focus away from their containing view group despite
not being actionable in any way. The child will still receive
a hover event but, if it does not handle the event (returns false),
the hover event will bubble up to its parent and ancestors allowing
them a chance to handle the event instead.
The new onHoverEvent semantics are better because now they closely
mirror those of onTouchEvent. This makes it straightforward to
implement views that respond to hover by changing their visual
appearance (such as by making buttons glow when hovered).
Added onInterceptHoverEvent to enable ViewGroups to explicitly
intercept hover events within their bounds.
Exposed the new hover event API for real.
Change-Id: I63195c8f5c74b859f6047487f9a0f703e8f40ffe
Engines must declare a <meta-data> attribute in their
manifest with name "android.speech.tts". This must reference
an XML resource as per
Change-Id: I56a6b9f1a360174f98c9f39da901ade83d0f38a7
- use a lazy padding resolution (because layout direction is lazyly resolved too)
- cache resolved layout direction as getResolvedLayoutDirection() will be more called
- enable resetting layout direction cache if needed
- update unit tests
Change-Id: I30ce19e3100cc137f84e60163b60e1577ff61819
Bug: 4176026
Spec of TextServiceManager
- Chooses the most applicable TextService(e.g. SpellCheckerService, WordBreakIteratorService..)
for each locale
Spec of SpellCheckerService
- Returns whether the given string is a correct word or not
- Returns Suggestions for the given string
Change-Id: Ia25e7b4f308778891929e31b8cbd741f6848cce4
listPreferredItemHeight. Change default holo dialog list items to use
Tweak dialog button bar style.
Change-Id: I9bf14621aea44b8b7d60c290ecea86e6284ccdaa
Of note:
1. There is no "X" (veto) button anymore. (Well, there is,
but it's offscreen so it should still be available to
assistive devices.) Users can use "Clear all" or the new
swipe-to-veto gesture to clear notifications.
2. As a consequence of #1, your layout goes all the way to
the right edge of the notifications panel again. Enjoy
the extra space!
3. The numeric bubble in the notification icon is now capped
at "999+" like it is in the expanded notification view.
(Note that this involves a couple of new public framework
resources: one to indicate the number beyond which the
substitution string will be used, and one specifying a
localizable substitution string.)
Bug: 4651514
Bug: 4686329
Bug: 4501990
Change-Id: I0e6bdb6aec4fe5bfc927eb1aba955d444a9414ec
This new column may be set in Cursors returned to global search. QSB
will may use this to help sorting results when presenting them to the
Change-Id: Id5bc87dcb50f3e3a55b0a54a8c90057e60fd0e9e
New styling for Holo dialogs. Now 76% easier for apps to create
dialog-based layouts! (Less tricky padding and margin rules)
Cancelable AlertDialogs now are canceled when the user touches
Dialogs in landscape mode will try not to fill the width of the
Change-Id: I621b5a19780883ee703a8492510451b480a0b8cc
The new support library features and sample code for switching
between fragments using a TabHost now eliminates the utility of
the TabActivity class, so deprecate it. This also means there is
no longer any use in ActivityGroup or LocalActivityManager. Yay.
Also fix up things so the new support API demos are included in
the documentation.
Change-Id: I4f073b82787f32560ba1fa5b6a23746ecc8aecdc
Also included bugfix from Winson: arcs wre not being cleared in invalidateStructure() so
state wasn't properly cleared when children were added after the first layout operation.
Change-Id: I7b46eadd955bd74b7bb3e4dad2f47ed3f092ff63
This makes it a lot easier for engine implementers
to test their engine. This is a dumb data object, and
contains no logic whatsoever.
Change-Id: I2a8bea134a8ff6b962508cfed67ea6085a682b23
- primary account (3510087)
- per-method ranking (4371572)
Primary account enables to ContactsProvider to prioritize
email addresses associated with the account.
Per-method ranking enables ContactsProvider to get feedback
from applications about usage per method instead of that per
Both should be available for unbundled applications.
Bug: 3510087
Bug: 4371572
Change-Id: Icb01415317a7dbb6538804181b06bd973af6205c
- update Callback2 interface
- update Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity() and Gravity.apply() to be more generic
by changing "boolean isRtl" parameter to "int layoutDirection"
- fix BiDiTests for RTL FrameLayout
Change-Id: I97bb456c22d5fd3ecb34f08564ce4dbed37e7459