A recent change on the multi-track API surfaced an issue that it's hard to
identify selected tracks from the list of tracks obtained from
TvView.getTracks() method, especially when two or more tracks convey the same
track information (e.g. two English stereo audio tracks with the same sample
rate). This change introduced a new public method getId() in TvTrackInfo that
returns an ID with which one can identify the tracks uniquely. It also led to
minor signature changes across the multi-track API to make it more
developer-friendly in both application and TV input service developers'
Change-Id: I226f75e697b0ce52b44db7471660f6d9f646f6f9
This adds some fields for display purposes to MediaMetadata and also
makes the default for all text CharSequence instead of String. Also
adds a hidden method for getting a Description for the metadata.
bug: 11708293
Change-Id: I0ed58d9ac3aeff41325c4ccf5fed0539bbf03b4d
Add sound model update callback.
Add native service state change callback.
Add vendor UUID in sound model description.
Add coarse confidence level in recognition event.
Add capture format in recognition event.
Bug: 12378680.
Change-Id: Id63437819ec7b9a4a69e1ff6185b747e20cad95e
In the standard TV content rating systems, there are no cases that
a TV content rating system is used for multiple countries.
Moreover, since we allow the case that the country code is null for
a custom rating system (e.g. YT), the country code should be removed.
Change-Id: I79472dbd491aa7efb40f3e081f90b45e13a91505
This change addresses the following issues raised in the API review:
TvInputPassthroughWrapperService needs to be rearchitected:
-- Create a nested class (possibly called RemoteTvInput) inside TvInputService that
represents remote connection to the underlying physical TV input (HDMI).
RemoteTvInput which will need to have additional method like createRemoteSession.
-- This class has methods to control that remote input, and a callback so TvInputService
to observe state changes.
-- Add TvInputService.onGetParentInputId() (no argument) which returns null by default.
-- Extend TvInputService.onCreateSession(String inputId, RemoteTvInput parent) to pass
in the RemoteTvInput requested by onGetParentInputId(), if any.
Bug: 16542165
Change-Id: Ic6b0c9b5d770c9d1f9377061af8dcb6bae0cb9dc
An AudioAttributes instance can either be built through the
Builder, or from unmarshalling: the mFormattedTags field
should always be in sync with the array of tags.
In toString() method, use the more compact mFormattedTags.
Change-Id: Ie06cd7758bf4f2d2693fedaa8c3ba4245802d921
This change addresses the following API council feedback.
- Remove all constants from TvContentRating. Instead this class becomes a
general parser for a tuple of "rating domain"+type+subtype(s).
- Instead of constants in the API, the rating definitions should come from
parsed XML meta-data tied to a TvInputService entry in the AndroidManifest.
This XML should define a ranked order of the rating constants along with
@string references for displaying in the Settings UI. Mention that the
"rating domain" should be scoped similar to a package name, for example
- For system-defined rating types (like US, Korea, etc) we should parse this
same XML format, but it may come from a hard-coded XML resource (since they
aren't tied to a single TvInputService.)
- Thoroughly document the built-in supported types in javadoc on TvContentRating.
Change-Id: I0a9526c73c8ca67fd0eeac63f3c63c05657a45e3
This change addresses the following API council feedback:
-- Remove all KEY_/VALUE_ constants, and replace with explicit,
strongly-typed accessor methods.
-- Add additional Bundle getExtras() method (in addition to the explicit
types); most of the time this Bundle will be null.
Bug: 16542165
Change-Id: Ie48cb170b2bbf07d9460fdc8ed77d7db01799772
This change addresses the following API council feedback.
-- Replace the listener interface with a broadcast Intent with well-known
action, something like ACTION_BLOCKED_RATINGS_CHANGED.
-- TvParentalControlManager goes away, and two remaining methods move to
== Implementation changes ==
-- The user-selected rating preferences should be stored in an XML file, and
loaded at boot by your internal system service. It should _not_ be stored in
a Secure/Global setting.
Bug: 16542165
Change-Id: I278df963576652ec9163a66c1ef99419fcdb36c2
Add audio recording source in AudioAttributes.
New AudioRecord constructor with AudioAttributes and
Legacy AudioRecord constructor is calling into the new
Bug 16009464
Change-Id: I69d81f9e71bdf946c4cfbda6d3d8552ffac6b5c2
* changes:
Add context to MediaController constructor
Add getPackageName to MediaController
Expose a way to set a PendingIntent for restarting playback
Finish plumbing for launch intents in sessions
This also adds a convenience method to MediaSession to allow getting
a controller instead of having to create and cache your own.
Change-Id: I87f551a7474e71f1cf2f07e0e541c3a4515cd977