Fix bug 5144738 - Allow user to define pressed state asset for action
bar. Added android:actionBarItemBackground theme attribute. This
allows themes to define item pressed states for the action bar
independent of the standard selectableItemBackground.
Fix bug 5145416 - Custom view in action bar should use themed context
when inflating resource ID. Also applies to tab custom views.
Fix bug 5135550 - Tab divider height / Color should match spec. Added
actionBarDivider theme attribute. Similar to actionBarItemBackground
above, this allows apps to maintain proper contrast when the bar has a
different contrast profile than the rest of the activity.
Fix bug 5154778 - Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar in themes.xml and
search_bar.xml are still referencing the deprecated title_bar_shadow
when we should be pointing to ab_solid_shadow_holo
Change-Id: I5ef0084de28a7c2d2fa02ae1752884feab0f8523
Content provider does not directly use this intent. But it is fired by
the contacts app to request the voicemail source to fetch voicemail
audio of a single voicemail message.
The constant needs to live in the contracts file to serve as a common
definition between contacts and voicemail source apps.
Bug: 5114261
Change-Id: Ibf7b2a4c871d3561d2ca50d03f8182352fadd3ab
This allos apps (e.g. browsers) that launch web searches
to control how the search results page is opened. For example,
the Android Browser will use this to make sure that searches
typed in the browser address bar open in the Andorid Browser,
and not somewhere else.
Bug: 4988580
Change-Id: I4665c9812ca8d704adbaea22a3812188bb48d1d2
If returns true, the SurfaceTexture will be released by TextureView.
If returns false, the client needs to release the SurfaceTexture.
Change-Id: I946f71e337ad4170c168854ac27e028b82489c8c
Bug: 5143618
Handle imeOptions and inputType attributes in SearchableInfo.
Methods to directly modify those attributes on SearchView.
Change-Id: I340617767f930ecb1b1ad5ab2696bc613982a20b
Provide method to surface progress when building a notification. Also
manages visibility of various items, including hiding the entire line
when unneeded.
Bug: 4022082, 3399877
Change-Id: I90d8fca383c746001aadc6c5f21c68a23bb937e5
Previously, AnimatorSet incorrectly checked whether child animations were
'running' to figure out what to cancel. If a child animation was started, but
sitting in a startDelay phase, it was not 'running', so the right cancel/end
events would not propagate.
The fix is to add a new isStarted() API to Animator, which returns true when
the animator has started (but not yet ended), regardless of whether the animator
has a startDelay or not. It's basically a superset of the existing isRunning()
method, which only returns true when an animator has actually started setting values.
Change-Id: I126814cb6637b58295b6d18d9b155235671f99be
Bug: 5110151
- Add a bundle to an argment of newSpellCheckerSession
- Expose SpellCheckerSessionImpl in SpellCheckerService
- Fix function names
- etc
Change-Id: Ia8ec783b7b4d5fcd18389854b445fc10fc502297
Now we have device default themes that OEMs
can change without affecting the Holo theme
or its derivatives. Additionally, the device
default themes point to device default styles
that have stubs (while inheriting from their
holo analogs).
Change-Id: I91f4a828eca1ba4da1d5b073dd04a34e52534aa4
READ_WRITE_OWN_VOICEMAIL sounds a confusing name. Dianne recommened to
rename it to ADD_VOICEMAILS as this simply allows 3rd party apps to add
new voicemails to the system. The fact that we allow the app to acces
only its own voicemail is implicit and need not be highlighted in the
permission name. See bug: 5098551 for more details
This CL implements the 1st step of this change by adding the permission
content provider and contacts app have been modified to start using the
new ADD_VOICEMAILS permission instead.
Bug: 5098551
Change-Id: I515e7967bdb0e8498a60a32983f9122ce10dcc4a
Create API to expose quota status derived from underlying network
policy. This is designed to support applications making informed
decisions when performing network requests.
Fix bug with random stats generation, and write policy when changing
restrict background data flag. Deprecate EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO, since
it varies based on UID.
Bug: 4517283, 5088603
Change-Id: Ic6893a8967f69937e466be226ba7bb86ef5a5d2d
Cut down the list of new themes for ICS. Holo apps now have
Theme.Holo, Theme.Holo.Light, and Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar to
choose from.
Add manifest attribute android:uiOptions to express
splitActionBarWhenNarrow. Other options may move into this later as
well. (DialogWhenLarge?) This attribute is valid on both activity and
application tags; application settings will serve as the default for
activities that do not explicitly set uiOptions.
uiOptions are not currently reflected in the startup window for new
Change-Id: Iffdc2ce4cc69f79c9bd4e541b7923286e6936c1e
GridLayout needs to call measure on children after it knows how large children should be
. Remove deprecated methods and XML attributes.
. Stop Spaces having margins by default.
. Remove getSpacers() and findUsed()
. Change default for row/columnOrderPreserved() from false to true.
. Improve automatic index allocation mechanism to use individual maxima.
Change-Id: Id79fbb2e70a0bf2002191ec2a9746547d896de72
SpellCheckerSession should be in android.view.textservice because this class will be used directly by users.
Change-Id: I0df6d7958adda421312b5f641ac4459ca4739cc9
Nice to not load 4MB bitmaps in the system process.
Also, hey, with how we are now scrolling the surface instead of
the bitmap, there is no reason to keep that 4MB bitmap loaded in
to memory. So don't.
Unfortunately it looks like for some reason the VM is still
holding on to the bitmap. I'll need to figure out why. Later.
Change-Id: Ib3503756144502fc5c8d5e294248c2417c4fe8c8