Alan Viverette
Merge "Fix to crash when clicking text link without view activity"
2015-03-25 16:35:37 +00:00
Chris Craik
am 82f6b16e: Merge "hwui : fix memory leak due to duplicate in shadow cache"
* commit '82f6b16e10a116a42e32c99c34fb2d435da21fd5':
hwui : fix memory leak due to duplicate in shadow cache
2015-03-25 16:28:58 +00:00
Alex Klyubin
am ff022cb1: Merge "Address pending comments for NetworkSecurityPolicy."
* commit 'ff022cb1bd70fc4c9f973af5afebf51517bda572':
Address pending comments for NetworkSecurityPolicy.
2015-03-25 16:18:50 +00:00
Chris Craik
Merge "hwui : fix memory leak due to duplicate in shadow cache"
2015-03-25 16:15:12 +00:00
Bryce Lee
am c831b978: Merge "Add isScreenBrightnessBoosted and a broadcast when underlying value changes." into lmp-mr1-modular-dev
* commit 'c831b978238d5ed200ca329c540eff00faba77e3':
Add isScreenBrightnessBoosted and a broadcast when underlying value changes.
2015-03-25 16:09:48 +00:00
Bryce Lee
Merge "Add isScreenBrightnessBoosted and a broadcast when underlying value changes." into lmp-mr1-modular-dev
2015-03-25 16:06:17 +00:00
Alex Klyubin
Framework's NetworkSecurityPolicy delegates to libcore's one.
Now that the libcore's NetworkSecurityPolicy abstraction is in place,
the framework version of the abstraction should delegate to the
libcore one, to avoid them getting out of sync.
Bug: 19215516
Change-Id: Ic57341d703a13e0fb100dc414958e8fd54e03816
2015-03-25 09:00:37 -07:00
Geoff Mendal
am 9cfd002e: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-modular-dev
* commit '9cfd002e06c32789ae57698a2d5ca565d7128a49':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2015-03-25 15:45:39 +00:00
Alex Klyubin
Merge "Address pending comments for NetworkSecurityPolicy."
2015-03-25 15:34:36 +00:00
Geoff Mendal
Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-modular-dev
2015-03-25 15:33:48 +00:00
Geoff Mendal
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
Change-Id: I2577a86f9122987bb941278a290022da1ea61f9d
Auto-generated-cl: translation import
2015-03-25 07:33:12 -07:00
Jason Monk
am 039013c2: Merge "Sort Bluetooth devices in quick settings by name"
* commit '039013c28ef634ab1b630292cc38fb57f206dffd':
Sort Bluetooth devices in quick settings by name
2015-03-25 14:25:10 +00:00
Jason Monk
Merge "Sort Bluetooth devices in quick settings by name"
2015-03-25 14:12:13 +00:00
Gus Prevas
am 568356ff: Merge "Changes callback to a WeakReference in ActivityContainerCallback." into lmp-mr1-modular-dev
* commit '568356ff9a1deab794d329f8c2e245f5a564a2f3':
Changes callback to a WeakReference in ActivityContainerCallback.
2015-03-25 13:02:46 +00:00
Gus Prevas
Merge "Changes callback to a WeakReference in ActivityContainerCallback." into lmp-mr1-modular-dev
2015-03-25 12:55:37 +00:00
Paul Crowley
Fix NPE if FPE service does not exist.
Bug: 19846662
Change-Id: I44e014c66a524b282cce0cfc9b7513fc0f553576
2015-03-25 11:43:42 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am c263a07a: am 862f5900: am 44b5a1c8: am e541f350: Merge "Update JRE for runConfigurations." into lmp-dev
* commit 'c263a07a55a9806147304a1420ceec2d27a6b49d':
Update JRE for runConfigurations.
2015-03-25 00:15:44 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 3deade59: am dbb38b30: am cbb4ec78: am 6f5fac81: Merge "Fix project settings. [DO NOT MERGE]" into lmp-dev
* commit '3deade5981372fc44e83c161c7d0dbb9df529e3f':
Fix project settings. [DO NOT MERGE]
2015-03-25 00:15:39 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am e51f5cdc: am e97079d9: am a16bb347: am 44fea603: Merge "Fix RoundRect radius." into lmp-dev
* commit 'e51f5cdcf34fe127792a177a3953dad03ef23647':
Fix RoundRect radius.
2015-03-25 00:15:33 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 96a67430: am 2b98abde: am 8f9ebc65: am 3bd5cbb1: Merge "Use right colors for status bar and nav bar." into lmp-dev
* commit '96a67430c0088168f21b230c64c348a53e672538':
Use right colors for status bar and nav bar.
2015-03-25 00:15:28 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 5f0252de: am 6fa9d554: am 0b76cf6f: am 34751c79: Merge "Better shadows." into lmp-dev
* commit '5f0252dee43a1cd0f1591b3c9bea2d47ad1f3df0':
Better shadows.
2015-03-25 00:15:22 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 2ceb310d: am 5bc625d8: am a62a18e3: am 311a0f54: Merge "Fix layoutlib tests." into lmp-dev
* commit '2ceb310d09a865c56145ba8b5d643a11a7ad2ce5':
Fix layoutlib tests.
2015-03-25 00:15:14 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 862f5900: am 44b5a1c8: am e541f350: Merge "Update JRE for runConfigurations." into lmp-dev
* commit '862f5900e8abce1cc20979a4dca76e1f0b982880':
Update JRE for runConfigurations.
2015-03-25 00:09:01 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am dbb38b30: am cbb4ec78: am 6f5fac81: Merge "Fix project settings. [DO NOT MERGE]" into lmp-dev
* commit 'dbb38b30612dc054ba3bf066f8528cccfceb47ad':
Fix project settings. [DO NOT MERGE]
2015-03-25 00:08:54 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am e97079d9: am a16bb347: am 44fea603: Merge "Fix RoundRect radius." into lmp-dev
* commit 'e97079d97a5c914d06c24cb9deda1da9bea88aeb':
Fix RoundRect radius.
2015-03-25 00:08:47 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 2b98abde: am 8f9ebc65: am 3bd5cbb1: Merge "Use right colors for status bar and nav bar." into lmp-dev
* commit '2b98abde26aa2033562b48d635d6f2ba11c48908':
Use right colors for status bar and nav bar.
2015-03-25 00:08:41 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 6fa9d554: am 0b76cf6f: am 34751c79: Merge "Better shadows." into lmp-dev
* commit '6fa9d5546fa27665de3f64564897a77735b2a1b0':
Better shadows.
2015-03-25 00:08:35 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 5bc625d8: am a62a18e3: am 311a0f54: Merge "Fix layoutlib tests." into lmp-dev
* commit '5bc625d83d60fbb27ab2297051971be91fb3e415':
Fix layoutlib tests.
2015-03-25 00:08:28 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 44b5a1c8: am e541f350: Merge "Update JRE for runConfigurations." into lmp-dev
* commit '44b5a1c8471ef5e1cd3dcfffec5a9e439f228766':
Update JRE for runConfigurations.
2015-03-25 00:02:18 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am cbb4ec78: am 6f5fac81: Merge "Fix project settings. [DO NOT MERGE]" into lmp-dev
* commit 'cbb4ec78675c8179cdedafba1972ac062844c70a':
Fix project settings. [DO NOT MERGE]
2015-03-25 00:02:06 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am a16bb347: am 44fea603: Merge "Fix RoundRect radius." into lmp-dev
* commit 'a16bb347e120ba17e87f33ff0364380211d01baf':
Fix RoundRect radius.
2015-03-25 00:01:58 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 8f9ebc65: am 3bd5cbb1: Merge "Use right colors for status bar and nav bar." into lmp-dev
* commit '8f9ebc65939ed3ac2e7fdc135e8513fd8d65daaf':
Use right colors for status bar and nav bar.
2015-03-25 00:01:53 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 0b76cf6f: am 34751c79: Merge "Better shadows." into lmp-dev
* commit '0b76cf6ff56c59a04783714d40163576e3081cf1':
Better shadows.
2015-03-25 00:01:49 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am a62a18e3: am 311a0f54: Merge "Fix layoutlib tests." into lmp-dev
* commit 'a62a18e341180ccf6f5379a7d753584f6cee2e7c':
Fix layoutlib tests.
2015-03-25 00:01:43 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am e541f350: Merge "Update JRE for runConfigurations." into lmp-dev
* commit 'e541f35055709ec43407649b8517639ff00e42d6':
Update JRE for runConfigurations.
2015-03-24 23:55:18 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 6f5fac81: Merge "Fix project settings. [DO NOT MERGE]" into lmp-dev
* commit '6f5fac817abee63d9211e8e43646196950c43707':
Fix project settings. [DO NOT MERGE]
2015-03-24 23:55:14 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 44fea603: Merge "Fix RoundRect radius." into lmp-dev
* commit '44fea60376e4e851b07eb365fd581c5b9404611f':
Fix RoundRect radius.
2015-03-24 23:55:10 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 3bd5cbb1: Merge "Use right colors for status bar and nav bar." into lmp-dev
* commit '3bd5cbb1f3d837d7799fb4b33b4dda99adbeeeb4':
Use right colors for status bar and nav bar.
2015-03-24 23:55:06 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 34751c79: Merge "Better shadows." into lmp-dev
* commit '34751c79d6696054b19b5fd0e2946c1dbe5bd9bd':
Better shadows.
2015-03-24 23:55:02 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
am 311a0f54: Merge "Fix layoutlib tests." into lmp-dev
* commit '311a0f54ac95a1649474498748fff8327b0c917d':
Fix layoutlib tests.
2015-03-24 23:54:58 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
Merge "Update JRE for runConfigurations." into lmp-dev
2015-03-24 23:52:29 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
Merge "Fix project settings. [DO NOT MERGE]" into lmp-dev
2015-03-24 23:52:18 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
Merge "Fix RoundRect radius." into lmp-dev
2015-03-24 23:51:50 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
Merge "Use right colors for status bar and nav bar." into lmp-dev
2015-03-24 23:51:30 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
Merge "Better shadows." into lmp-dev
2015-03-24 23:51:11 +00:00
Deepanshu Gupta
Merge "Fix layoutlib tests." into lmp-dev
2015-03-24 23:50:54 +00:00
Gus Prevas
Changes callback to a WeakReference in ActivityContainerCallback.
This change prevents the Runnable posted by ActivityContainerCallback
from retaining the ActivityView's callback if it is never cleared out
from ViewRootImpl.sRunQueues.
Bug: 19872883
Bug: 19654978
Change-Id: I6dce4381b96c8c77afcd38a55bfe474f13dfbfba
2015-03-24 17:30:34 -04:00
Deepanshu Gupta
Better shadows.
Better shadows for rectangles and rounded rectangles (includes circles).
The shadow painting code is mostly from CardView library, but modified
heavily since CardView needs to draw the shadow inside view bounds.
Change-Id: I88c9f19b1c16839b8d6db6df2bebff126fa5a9a3
2015-03-24 14:06:49 -07:00
Jason Monk
am 4b7b21ec: Merge "systemui: Handle case when network has been lost"
* commit '4b7b21ec834cd307e3d122f2d517778b13242dfb':
systemui: Handle case when network has been lost
2015-03-24 20:10:22 +00:00
Jason Monk
Merge "systemui: Handle case when network has been lost"
2015-03-24 19:57:49 +00:00