This CL moves rotation tracking from WindowManagerService to
DisplayContent. This way displays can be rotated independently and
rotation of the main display won't affect rotation of secondary
Bug: 34242678
Test: android.server.cts.ActivityManagerDisplayTests
Test: testRotationNotAffectingSecondaryScreen
Change-Id: Ic46aaa523482b31ff5ec77f0c2908ceda1156fc0
This change will affects 2 types of apps: autofill service implementations
and apps that use autofill APIs.
Since just the former is known to be used at the moment, we're not trying
to keep backward compatibility with the latter.
Bug: 35956626
Test: CtsAutoFillServiceTestCases pass
Test: android.provider.SettingsBackupTest pass
Change-Id: Ia720083508716deae9e887f9faa7ae7c5a82f471
The BatterySaverPolicy is designed to consolidate all battery saver
knobs into a central location. Usually it is consistent to
mLowPowerModeEnabled unless it gets different data for specific
service. By adding these knobs, we can effectively tune the battery
This cl sets up the framework for BatterySaverPolicy and updates
following service to get battery saver data from BatterySaverPolicy
1. GnssLocationProvider
2. VibratorService
3. WindowManagerService
4. BackupManagerService
5. SoundTriggerService
6. NetworkPolicyManagerService
Screen brightness will come in a following cl.
Bug: 34693888
Test: FrameworksServicesTests
Change-Id: I6b040e93391614b44d136a485faa4a332c396e51
Instant apps can only send broadcasts to receivers that are declared in
the manifest with android:visibleToInstantApps=true or if the app
registers a receiver at runtime using the new methods that take
Test: Manually sending broadcasts from Instant Apps only goes to
receivers with visibleToInstantApps set to true.
Test: Receiving a broadcast from within the same app does not require
visibleToInstantApps to be set.
Change-Id: I54d79a502ba9c5fd03ede3c09e08afc88fe2775f
Add an XML layout file which contains some buttons
with different elevations to test the shadow generation
Test: Added new rectangle shadow
Change-Id: Ifcb5a48200846c33d89f66c162521f2c8565c95d
This will allow the android.os.Build class to be generated dynamically
from the Studio side.
In order to allow the "refactoring" of classses like android.os.Build,
Create needed to be modified.
While adding the test, I've also done a small clean-up of the
AsmGeneratorTest to re-use some code.
Test: Added new test to AsmGeneratorTest
Change-Id: Ie4e1209c1c60b7a33cb427dbd556a9741ec8f8b3
This is for example used in displaying a checked radio button.
Test: Modified widget render test to include a checked radio button
Change-Id: I43074ce038f69f28c0cf5fb396d393722b02b142
When passed a color, resolveThemeAttribute was not parsing the value
into the .data field.
Test: Added new test
Change-Id: I9d91e3a70c24f1e71d9d89977fe79b0965e98893
When activity that is moved between displays handles all configuration
changes, it won't be restarted. This CL adds a callback to the client
to notify it about display change. Usually it will be followed by
onConfigurationChanged, except when configuration didn't actually change.
When activity is recreated, it won't receive onMovedToDisplay.
Bug: 34862802
Test: android.server.cts.ActivityManagerDisplayTests
Test: #testOnMovedToDisplayCallback
Change-Id: I9a9501cab788623ada15a31efb53e4b2378639fe
Return null instead of triggering a NPE when there are no resource of
the asked type.
Test: RenderTests.testFonts
Change-Id: Ib45ebdf2178e62cbd987082512fcbb009de3f1b2
The class loader in Resources is now used to inflate drawables. Because
layoutlib was using the system class loader, the drawables would fail to
With this change, Resources will use the layoutlib class loader instead
of the system one.
Test: Tested from the studio side
Change-Id: I933ff68e704f9d3599b69cd74e98e44bdca3c789
After any package install, removal or update, save the changed
package and update a global sequence number. At any point, apps
can query for the packages changed since a particular sequence
If a package is changed multiple times, it is only included once
in the change list.
Bug: 33865505
Test: Create sample app to query for changes and see which packages are changed after performing certain operations
Change-Id: Ia4646035362b16a97110e05f3f909ce385b48428
This is part of work to introduce historical debugging infrastructure
for Android IME.
In this CL, we will focus on the following two event flows.
A1. IMMS#attachNewInputLocked() queues MSG_(RE)START_INPUT to deliver
new InputConnection/EditorInfo to the current IME
A2. The IME triggers IMS#onStartInput()/IMS#onRestartInput() and
updates the following fields:
- InputMethodService#mStartedInputConnection
- InputMethodService#mInputEditorInfo
B1. IME is expected to call back IMM#setImeWindowStatus() to notify
its window visibility change to IMMS.
B2. IMMS updates the following field if the caller is still the
current IME.
- InputMethodManagerService#mImeWindowVis
What this CL aims to do is to enable IMMS to access A1 state when it
was in B2 state, by considering that for given a B1 the last A2
happened before B1 is the cause of B1 and B2.
To do this, IMMS issues a binder token in A1 and each IME keeps it
so that it can be passed in B1. By using this Binder token as a key,
IMMS can keep tracking state snapshot taken from each A1. Note that
those state snapshots keep alive until the Binder token's proxy in the
IME process loses strong reference from its GC root.
Test: Make sure `adb shell dumpsys input_method | grep mImeWindowVis`
matches to the IME window visibility.
Test: Make sure the current IME is not receiving any
InvalidParameterException from IMMS.
Bug: 35079353
Change-Id: I9921b381e02106dbffff5e0b3d13f0a1245ce807
Reverse the logic since the field wouldn't be initialized to true before
super is called.
Test: Layoutlib tests
Change-Id: Ic3affb608bdf3306ada25e2dd986a48f6caae202