Added a new InputManager service for interacting with input
devices and configuring them. This will be the focus of
an upcoming refactoring.
Added an API for registering keyboard layouts with the system
based on the use of a broadcast receiver. Applications can
register their own keyboard layouts simply by declaring a
broadcast receiver in their manifests.
Added the skeleton of a package that will ultimately contain
the keyboard layouts and other input device related resources
that are part of the base system.
Bug: 6110399
Change-Id: Ie01b0ef4adbd5198f6f012e73964bdef3c51805c
Promote navigation helpers from the support library to the core
The support library's meta-data element has been replaced with a
first-class parentActivityName attribute. This attribute is valid
on both activity and activity-alias elements. An activity-alias
will inherit the target activity's parentActivityName if one is
not explicitly specified.
Automatic Up navigation for Activities
Add the public method onNavigateUp() to Activity. The default
implementation will use the metadata supplied in the manifest about an
activity's hierarchical parent (parentActivityName) to do the right
If any activities in the parent chain require special Intent
arguments, the Activity subclass should override onNavigateUp() to
properly implement Up navigation for the app, supplying such arguments
as needed.
If automatic Up navigation within the same task can't find an activity
matching the supplied intent in the current task stack, it will act as
an in-app "home" and return to the root activity (presumably the app's
front page) in that task. (From this state, pressing "back" with
default behavior will return to the launcher.)
Change-Id: If163e27e59587f7af36975a09c986cb117ec3bc6
This can be used by app to efficiently listen for draw passes. This listener
is guaranteed to not generate any garbage unlike OnPreDrawListener.
Change-Id: Ida40d11a3f8a5d2617bafe722906ee5c9af48602
- fix bug #6163772
- use bits field and pack them as much as possible
- take care of "supportsRtl" flag from Manifest
- add visual unit tests
CTS unit tests in another CL
Change-Id: Ib77c4eb423854209af130688c5ef9977401a9c1c
Add Java properties for those XML attributes that don't have getter/setter
pairs. Also, link existing methods to their XML attributes where the comments
were previously missing.
This CL is worth extra scruitiny: first because it's View, and secondly
because many of the new APIs depend on subtleties in the underlying implementations
that I'm not familiar with.
Also, please consider whether it is too much to deprecate getBackgroundDrawable().
Change-Id: I0f2641926d86e5f44b92a0057736f64b59d2e9b9
This was deprecated and the replacement provided in API level 3.
Hiding it in API 16 as a step toward removing support for it in 17.
Bug: 5012841
Change-Id: Ice66a0fc1031c0d6705973dae7cbc11b028e14c9
Some views (such as ImageView and TextView) handle non-opaque alpha
values directly. This was originally an optimization, but we can handle it faster
in many cases without this optimization when DisplayList properties are enabled.
Basically, if a view has non-overlapping rendering, we set the alpha value directly
on the renderer (the equivalent of setting it on the Paint object) and draw each
primitive with that alpha value. Doing it this way avoids re-creating DisplayLists
while getting the same speedup that onSetAlpha() used to get pre-DisplayList properties.
Change-Id: I0f7827f075d3b35093a882d4adbb300a1063c288
- introduce "supportsRtl" as a new application attribute in the AndroidManifest
- "supportsRtl" default value is FALSE (no RTL support)
- adapt the View layoutDirection and textDirection logic to take care of "supportsRtl" value
Change-Id: I5e4f9f576e14f35dedc6b0c29a7142c397f598e0
Specifically, this carefully ensures that ViewStub.inflate() uses
the restricted LayoutInflater from RemoteViews, which has a filter
to enforce the @RemoteView annotation.
Bug: 2541651
Change-Id: I341aacbf6029cdd717a894eb084760c6ec224786
The main change is a few new flags you can supply to
View.setSystemUiVisibility(). One is a new visibility mode,
SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN, which is basically the same as
the global FLAG_FULLSCREEN option for windows, but driven as
part of the system UI state.
There are also three new flags for telling the framework that you
would like to have your application's UI ignore screen
decorations -- SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_NAVIGATION for going
behind the navigation bar and SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN
for ignoring full screen decorations (that is the status bar).
In combination with this you can use SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE
to have the framework report consistent insets to your application.
When using NO_NAVIGATION, when the user taps the screen we now
also automatically clear ONLY_CONTENT, so that we atomically show
both UI elements. This should make it easy for apps like video
players that want to move between fully full-screen and regular
The ActionBar has also been extended when in overlay mode so
that it will adjust the system window insets to also account
for its space, and allow it to be hidden using the new
Change-Id: Ic8db1adec49a0f420bfe40c1d92eb21307856d0b
There are now two "rebuilder" classes, each of which
consumes a Notification.Builder and modifies its behavior.
(Inheritance in Builder classes is...not advisable.)
- BigPictureStyle: includes a large Bitmap above the usual
notification strip.
- BigTextStyle: shows the contentText in a large, wrapping
TextView instead of truncating to one line.
As for SystemUI, the notification panel now shows the
expanded form if it is available, otherwise the usual
contentView is shown.
(Note that the structure of largeIcon notifications has
changed a bit: The largeIcon is no longer handled by the
status bar at all; it's entirely inside the template now.
Not only does this make the code simpler, and make large
notifications possible, but it fixes the longstanding
irritation that tapping on a largeIcon doesn't highlight the
whole notification row. Man, that feels good.)
Change-Id: I2b9d8a6ea4385659d8cb1ed467c1caf5e12628dd
This will allow apps to figure out if discovery is active or not
and based on that initiate a new discovery for fresh connections
Change-Id: I4778f135fdd88773e4f0d50c384f9b6ebf561e6d
Add properties to Java API so as to better mirror the framework's XML API.
I'm not familiar with many of these areas so this CL is worth some scrutiny.
Change-Id: Iff63c43521305efaad5a2189c1b5556d2353cbd4
Also provide a lifecycle method on SQLiteOpenHelper so that
applications can configure things like this before the onCreate,
onUpgrade, onDowngrade and onOpen callbacks run.
Change-Id: If3d1396720bd2e032dd9e034733fb1ff9a9733dd
Use it for recent tasks switching.
Not perfect yet by far, but something.
Also fix issue #6186758: Twitter crashes after tapping on a tweet on JRM75D
Change-Id: I49bf6c94aafde875ac652dedaf96d6c08cc9e7d2
Using enableWriteAheadLogging() to enable WAL is inefficient because
we previously disabled WAL mode when the database was opened.
Switching from WAL to PERSIST then back to WAL is inefficient
and could slow down application launch time. It would be better
to leave the database in WAL mode when we open it to begin with.
To do that, we need to know ahead of time whether we will want to
have WAL enabled for the newly opened database.
Using this flag also reduces the chance that we will encounter
an error enabling WAL mode due to there being other open connections
to the database.
Bug: 6124556
Change-Id: I38ec7a528baeda9f1ef77e25e88b3ca4b6296200
Actions will be attached to the Notification object and also
used to inject additional tap targets in the default
template used by Builder.
Change-Id: Idd58686b9c44b2ca7bb9ec5aa8337f3bdce5b878
Changing WAL mode requires obtaining an exclusive lock on the
database and can only be done when there are NO other active
database connections.
Check that this is really the case, and bail with a useful
error message if an application attempts to change WAL mode while
transactions are in progress.
Expose disableWriteAheadLogging() in the API.
Change-Id: I87599de3b88c53dcd75677aefd72e40de216c2c1
1. The number picker no longer shows up and down arrows, it
has only three touch targets which are the currently selected number
in the middle with a lesser one above and greater below, now what
you touch is what you get, flingability and long press are still
2. Removed the restriction for a View with an AccessibilityNodeProvider
to not have any concrete children. If the View has a provider, then
this provider is responsible for creating the AccessibilityNodeInfos
for all its descendants, concrete and virtual. The number picker is
a good example for such a case - it has a concrete input view and
two virtual buttons as its children. This is a safe change since
this behavior has not been released.
3. This patch also fixes bug where the number picker is stretched too
much in the Theme theme.
Change-Id: I5fb370fe0b864a156f5f2aaf2de5f55f6b6d4e84