This is a new implementation of TTY support.
Previous implementation in commit aead64def1fe58c95c086a0ca00cf0b13fa32ef1 is reverted.
The new method does not rely any more on the kernel headset driver to send a UEvent containing
current TTY mode.
cherry-pick,29843 from eclair-mr2
This will cherry-pick SHA1: 58def690a87b4aa2c01331c06b61e457198de0ea
This will workaround the following three bugs which are occuring because
the webview DB is getting corrupted:
Here are the comments from the eclair-mr2 CL:
If openOrCreateDatabase() throws an exception, delete
the old db and re-do it. If it still fails, something
bad happens, like the directory may have the different
permission. Let it throw as WebView needs the db.
Fix http://b/issue?id=2179339
There is a bug that affects interpolators that do not return 0.0f when given 0.0f as input. All default interpolators in Android do return 0.0f, which is why it hasn't been
noticed. Some custom interpolators can for example run backwards, returning 1.0f when given input 0.0f.
Handle TTY mode change events received by HeadsetObserver and send information down to AudioHardware with AudioManager.setParameters()
Use setting "tty_mode_uses_heaset_events" in core config.xml to indicate if the product uses this particular
method of indicating the TTY mode change.
Merge commit 'd8a3a8957b9d71ab75584b0cc98324fd70cc527c' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'd8a3a8957b9d71ab75584b0cc98324fd70cc527c':
Fix 2404771: Expose reset() in SlidingTab widget so we can reset it when we get an incoming call.
When the same page is loaded, updateRestoreState
will be false when we finish the first layout. As
we are still in the same page, we don't want to
update the current zoom/scroll. But in some cases,
like a site switch from mobile to full site and
keeps the same url, we do want to update the zoom
range as the viewport spec changed. Otherwise, user
can't zoom in the full site as the WebView thought
it is still a mobile non-scalable page.
Merge commit '9985867a8eb80c6db84c80a9b5e96bd68e2d14d7' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '9985867a8eb80c6db84c80a9b5e96bd68e2d14d7':
Fix 2397617: Right-align carrier text in lock screen and add carrier text to PINunlock in landscape mode.
Merge commit 'f904be1659fcc88dd80be2c900ffc89e77b1c737' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'f904be1659fcc88dd80be2c900ffc89e77b1c737':
disable high-quality filtering during scrolling, until I can cached the scaled images.
Merge commit '2e4e25f39ea6488ddc2b5427ec4a66edc1f8facc' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '2e4e25f39ea6488ddc2b5427ec4a66edc1f8facc':
Fix 2287263: Change carrier TextView to be 1 line and marquee if text is too long.
Merge commit '9a400fa4d3e89a3ab3669c0aa2ef6676020646d1' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '9a400fa4d3e89a3ab3669c0aa2ef6676020646d1':
initialize sync adapters that get installed while the system is running
Merge commit '495bae67ff7df4a11325a4cc1d8af288f82128fe' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '495bae67ff7df4a11325a4cc1d8af288f82128fe':
fix bug 2264186: clean up the outstanding async queries in ContactHeaderWidget.
- ContactHeaderWidget has cascading async queries, which weren't cancelled if a new query for a different phone number is started.
If the new query fails to find a corresponding contact, the old async queries from the previous number could end up setting the
contact name and photo to the wrong contact.
I tested this by calling
where number1 has a corresponding contact in the databse, and number2 doesn't. At the end of these 2 calls, the ContactHeaderWidget
would display the contact info for number1.
- also found a bug in AsyncQueryHandler.cancelOperation(), which doesn't reliably cancel the previous query. In ContactHeaderWidget's
case, we really depend on the cancelling to work. So work around this bug by resetting mAsyncQueryHandler when we need to do a
new lookup/query. When the old query result is passed back in the callback, discard the result if the QueryHandler is not the same
as mAsyncQueryHandler.
Change-Id: Ice79e77f787af03400e080cbd58162a91838181f
Merge commit 'd5ada83c719d366d3063572ca6ce5ab8918fd39b' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'd5ada83c719d366d3063572ca6ce5ab8918fd39b':
ScaleGestureDetector needs to query the displaymetrics
for the width/height on each touch down as orientation
can change.
This should fix the problem where we can't pinch on the
top right corner when device is in landscape mode.
Just scale the canvas instead of changing the real
scale factor during pinch.
Added over limit zoom feedback for pinch in the WebView.
Fix http://b/issue?id=2383539