(and stop when the SearchDialog is stopped). This way we get a
network-based location quickly so that by the time any location-
based suggestion provider wants to do suggestions, it's likely
to have a good fresh location.
* changes:
Fixes #1866819.\nTextView sets the bounds of its compound drawables to contain only the width and the height of the drawables. This causes View.invalidateDrawable() to invalidate the compound drawables at location (0, 0) within the view, thus invalidating the wrong part of the View. This prevents animation from running correctly when using animated drawable. This change overrides invalidateDrawable() in TextView to take into account the real position of the compound drawable.
* changes:
Increment BatteryStatsImpl's VERSION. That'll make it stop trying to interpret older records with the new format. Also applied other comments involving name changes to remove un-needed 'Wifi' labels in WifiManager API, etc.
If an installerPackageName was specified when the app was installed,
looks for a receiver of ACTION_APP_ERROR in that package. If found,
this is the bug report receiver and the crash/ANR dialog will get a
"Report" button. If pressed, a bug report will be delivered.
Now we have a 5-second time after home is pressed, during which
only the home app (and the status bar) can switch to another app.
After that time, any start activity requests that occurred will
be executed, to allow things like alarms to be displayed. Also
if during that time the user launches another app, the pending
starts will be executed without resuming their activities and
the one they started placed at the top and executed.
CellLocation uses TelephonyManager to get the PhoneType.
TelephonyManager uses the system property to get the phoneType,
if the ITelephony interface is not up.
* changes:
TextView was not setting the callback on its compound drawables, thus preventing them from refreshing the view when updating their internal state. This would for instance prevent animated drawables from actually animating. Quite infuriating.
* changes:
Fixes external #2686. Make @android:anim/linear_interpolator public since the default intperpolator for all animations is accelerate_decelerate.
That'll make it stop trying to interpret older records with the new format.
Also applied other comments involving name changes to remove un-needed 'Wifi' labels in WifiManager API, etc.
JSR239 and android.opengl gl Pointer functions (glColorPointer, etc.)
now respect the current setting of the Buffer position.
This fixes a regression introduced when we started requiring the
Buffers passed to the Pointer functions to be direct Buffers.