This is intended to be the first of multiple performance tests around
This also refactors some of the existing performance utils so that a
BenchmarkState which accepts the elapsed time rather than measures it
can be added (ManualBenchmarkState).
This test measures the current time, sends a Broadcast, the target APK
receives it, measures the current time, and sends its measured time
back to the test APK.
Test: m ActivityManagerPerfTestsTestApp ActivityManagerPerfTests
Test: adb install $OUT/data/app/ActivityManagerPerfTestsTestApp/ActivityManagerPerfTestsTestApp.apk
Test: adb install $OUT/data/app/ActivityManagerPerfTests/ActivityManagerPerfTests.apk
Test: adb shell am instrument -w -e class \ \
Bug: 67460485
Change-Id: Ib1606ff60c6a845088bde5bd1a33294765b88b36
There is already MeasuredText, so renamed existing MeasuredText to
MeasuredParagraph, then renamed PremeasuredText to MeasuredText.
Bug: 67504091
Test: bit CtsWidgetTestCases:android.widget.cts.TextViewTest
Test: bit CtsTextTestCases:*
Change-Id: Ie20bea9501b18fabb36f64d388a7851c4643d4c3
By measuring the character widths beforehand, we can save at least 40%
of the StaticLayout construction time which typically happens on UI
Also verified this doesn't cause performance regression for not
premeasured text.
Raw performance score (Not premeasured -> premeasured, median, N=100)
No Style, Greedy, Hyphenation OFF: 7,812,975 -> 503,245 (-93.6%)
No Style, Balanced, Hyphenation OFF: 7,843,254 -> 396,892 (-95.0%)
No Style, Greedy, Hyphenation ON : 19,134,214 -> 11,658,928 (-39.1%)
No Style, Balanced, Hyphenation ON : 19,348,062 -> 11,634,942 (-39.9%)
Styled, Greedy, Hyphenation OFF: 14,353,673 -> 572,840 (-96.0%)
Raw performance score (w/o patch -> w/ patch, median, N=100):
No Style, Greedy, Hyphenation OFF: 7,732,894 -> 7,812,975 (+1.04%)
No Style, Balanced, Hyphenation OFF: 7,884,510 -> 7,843,254 (-0.52%)
No Style, Greedy, Hyphenation ON : 18,986,958 -> 19,134,214 (+0.78%)
No Style, Balanced, Hyphenation ON : 19,232,791 -> 19,348,062 (+0.60%)
Styled, Greedy, Hyphenation OFF: 14,319,690 -> 14,353,673 (+0.24%)
Bug: 67504091
Test: bit CtsTextTestCases:*
Test: bit CtsGraphicsTestCases:*
Test: bit CtsWidgetTestCases:*
Test: FrameworksCoreTests:android.text.MeasuredTextTest
Change-Id: I0b46f04b42cc012606a9c722eca0d51147a0dcc7
Statically including legacy-android-test leads to duplicate classes
which causes build time problems (with Proguard) and runtime problems on
older SDK versions. This change:
* Stops statically including legacy-android-test.
* Adds compile time dependencies on andoid.test.base, android.test.mock
and android.test.runner where necessary.
* Adds <uses-library android:name="android.test.runner"/> to any
affected package to ensure that the classes that were included by
legacy-android-test are still available at runtime. That also adds a
dependency on android.test.base and android.test.mock.
The following change descriptions were generated automatically and so
may be a little repetitive. They are provided to give the reviewer
enough information to check the comments match what has actually been
changed and check the reasoning behind the changes.
* apct-tests/perftests/core/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in CorePerfTests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
CorePerfTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
* core/tests/ConnectivityManagerTest/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
ConnectivityManagerTest's source depends on its classes and because
of these changes they are no longer present on the compilation
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in ConnectivityManagerTest
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* core/tests/bandwidthtests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
BandwidthTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in BandwidthTests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* core/tests/bluetoothtests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
BluetoothTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in BluetoothTests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/DownloadManagerTestApp/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in DownloadManagerTestApp
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
DownloadManagerTestApp's source depends on its classes and because
of these changes they are no longer present on the compilation
* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/ExternalSharedPerms/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
ExternalSharedPermsTestApp results in duplicate classes which leads
to build time and compile time issues.
* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/ExternalSharedPermsBT/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
ExternalSharedPermsBTTestApp results in duplicate classes which
leads to build time and compile time issues.
* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/ExternalSharedPermsDiffKey/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
ExternalSharedPermsDiffKeyTestApp results in duplicate classes
which leads to build time and compile time issues.
* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/ExternalSharedPermsFL/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
ExternalSharedPermsFLTestApp results in duplicate classes which
leads to build time and compile time issues.
* core/tests/notificationtests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
NotificationStressTests's source depends on its classes and because
of these changes they are no longer present on the compilation
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in NotificationStressTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* keystore/tests/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in KeystoreTests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* media/mca/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
CameraEffectsTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in CameraEffectsTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* media/tests/MediaFrameworkTest/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
mediaframeworktest's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in mediaframeworktest
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* nfc-extras/tests/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in NfcExtrasTests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* packages/CarrierDefaultApp/tests/unit/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
CarrierDefaultAppUnitTests's source depends on its classes and
because of these changes they are no longer present on the
compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
CarrierDefaultAppUnitTests results in duplicate classes which leads
to build time and compile time issues.
* packages/ExtServices/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
ExtServicesUnitTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in ExtServicesUnitTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because MtpDocumentsProviderTests's source
depends on their classes and because of these changes they are no
longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
MtpDocumentsProviderTests results in duplicate classes which leads
to build time and compile time issues.
* packages/SettingsLib/tests/integ/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
SettingsLibTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in SettingsLibTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* packages/SettingsProvider/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in SettingsProvider
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* packages/SettingsProvider/AndroidManifest.xml
Add uses-library for android.test.runner because otherwise this
change would change the set of files available to SettingsProvider
at runtime.
* packages/Shell/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because ShellTests's source depends on their
classes and because of these changes they are no longer present on
the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in ShellTests results in
duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* packages/SystemUI/shared/tests/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in SystemUISharedLibTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* packages/SystemUI/tests/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in SystemUITests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
SystemUITests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
* packages/WAPPushManager/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
WAPPushManagerTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in WAPPushManagerTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* sax/tests/saxtests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksSaxTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in FrameworksSaxTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* tests/BrowserPowerTest/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
BrowserPowerTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in BrowserPowerTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* tests/CanvasCompare/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
CanvasCompare's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in CanvasCompare results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* tests/CoreTests/android/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
CoreTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in CoreTests results in
duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* tests/DataIdleTest/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
DataIdleTest's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in DataIdleTest results in
duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* tests/FrameworkPerf/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworkPerf's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in FrameworkPerf results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* tests/HierarchyViewerTest/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
HierarchyViewerTest's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in HierarchyViewerTest
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* tests/ImfTest/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
ImfTestTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in ImfTestTests results in
duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* tests/Internal/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in InternalTests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* tests/MemoryUsage/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
MemoryUsage's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in MemoryUsage results in
duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
* tests/NetworkSecurityConfigTest/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
NetworkSecurityConfigTests's source depends on its classes and
because of these changes they are no longer present on the
compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
NetworkSecurityConfigTests results in duplicate classes which leads
to build time and compile time issues.
* tests/SoundTriggerTests/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in SoundTriggerTests
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
SoundTriggerTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
* tests/SurfaceComposition/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in SurfaceComposition
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
Added 'android.test.runner.stubs' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
SurfaceComposition's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
* tests/TtsTests/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in TtsTests results in
duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
TtsTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
* tests/WindowAnimationJank/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in WindowAnimationJank
results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
time issues.
* tests/permission/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworkPermissionTests's source depends on its classes and
because of these changes they are no longer present on the
compilation path.
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in
FrameworkPermissionTests results in duplicate classes which leads
to build time and compile time issues.
* tests/testables/tests/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because statically including the classes in TestablesTests results
in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time
Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because TestablesTests's source depends on
their classes and because of these changes they are no longer
present on the compilation path.
Bug: 30188076
Test: make checkbuild
Change-Id: Iacfc939c97415314366ed61c5f3b7aa1a40f0ec9
This CL adds more perf test case for StaticLayout.
The "testCreate" and "testCreateRandom" is renamed to
"testCreate_FixedText_NoStyle_Greedy_NoHyphenation" and
The test configuration is now constructed with underscores.
- FixedText/RandomText
The text contents to be used for performing StaticLayout generation.
FixedText means using the same text.
RandmText means generating random text.
This configuration is mainly seeing how LayoutCache performs well.
- NoStyle/Styled
The text styles to be used for performing StaticLayout generation.
NoStyle means using not styled text. (CharBuffer is used).
Styled means using randomly styled text.
- Greedy/Balanced
The line breaking strategy to be used performing StaticLayout generation.
Greedy means using Greedy algorithm.
Balanced means that the line length is balanced.
- Hyphenation/NoHyphenation
The word can be hyphenated for performing StaticLayout generation.
Hyphenation means enable hyphenation.
NoHyphenation means disable hyphenation.
This CL doesn't add all combination since some configuration doesn't
affect others. For example, Styled/NoStyled and
Greedy/Balanced/Hyphenation/NoHyphenation are independent.
Bug: N/A
Test: N/A
Change-Id: Ibd05a6c40b314e2db6a04459a9bfb32334d6e0c7
Pausing and resuming the benchmark timer isn't needed unless we plan to
flush the text layout cache. The cached benchmark runs are so fast on
high-end devices, the overhead of these extra calls can be significant
compared to the actual code being measured.
Test: run PaintMeasureTextTest on sailfish
Bug: 69634871
Change-Id: If8246154e50451d82ac96e026036aa4a42eaed8d
Signed-off-by: Greg Hackmann <>
The stack is truncated up to 5 lines at parcel time. When unparceling,
a separate RemoteException will be created and set as a cause of the
exception being thrown.
Performance results(in nanoseconds):
timeWriteExceptionWithStackTraceParceling 4168
timeWriteException 2201
timeReadException 15878
timeReadExceptionWithStackTraceParceling 23805
Test: manual + ParcelPerfTest
Bug: 36561158
Change-Id: I18b64a6c39c24ab067115874ddb5bd71f556a601
It measures typical CRUD operations and loading rows into the Cursor
Test: SQLiteDatabasePerfTest
Bug: 64262688
Change-Id: Id25f8fcea57a19a8c963c5458591262f4cabbb84
Perf dashboard cannot match test labels with empty space. This CL
removes -<empty space>chars- from the test labels.
Test: None
Bug: 67112217
Change-Id: Id4f3a3b8340df2b691e5fe3ae4b10ddeae384b0a
We have measured and identified important combinations for layout
performance tests. In order to reduce the number of tests logged, this
CL removed some of the parameterized tests configurations.
Test: bit CorePerfTests:android.text.PaintMeasureDrawPerfTest
Test: bit CorePerfTests:android.text.BoringLayoutIsBoringPerfTest
Test: bit CorePerfTests:android.text.BoringLayoutCreateDrawPerfTest
Test: bit CorePerfTests:android.text.StaticLayoutCreateDrawPerfTest
Test: bit CorePerfTests:android.text.TextViewSetTextMeasurePerfTest
Bug: 67112217
Change-Id: I92a08f679a185595a519465450881a814f2b4feb
Test: bit CorePerfTests:android.text.PaintMeasureDrawPerfTest
Test: bit CorePerfTests:android.text.BoringLayoutIsBoringPerfTest
Test: bit CorePerfTests:android.text.BoringLayoutCreateDrawPerfTest
Test: bit CorePerfTests:android.text.StaticLayoutCreateDrawPerfTest
Test: bit CorePerfTests:android.text.TextViewSetTextMeasurePerfTest
Bug: 67112217
Change-Id: Ibb55431fb82a4fccba39c2bc250c83560dda0259
The last indent should be repeated, so we need to pass an int array
instead of null even if the indent offset is out of array length.
Bug: 65024629
Test: bit CtsTextTestCases:android.text.cts.StaticLayoutTest
Test: bit CtsTextTestCases:android.text.cts.DynamicLayoutTest
Test: bit CtsWidgetTestCases:android.widget.cts.TextViewTest
Bug: 65024629
Change-Id: Ic1274d797db27ae1921135a27bab55e475369710
* Increase the ascent and descent of individual lines in StaticLayout
as needed, if any fallback fonts that end up getting used call for
it. For backward compatibility, this is hidden behind a builder
* Document in that the returned parameters are only for
the default font, and a layout may need more space based on
fallbacks used.
Also update for changes in minikin API:
* MinikinFont now requires a method for getting vertical extents
(ascent, descent, and line gap).
* minikin API now allows asking for vertical extents of laid out
* minikin API's LineBreaker now returns ascents and descents for each
Finally, added performances test for creating a StaticLayout.
Follwing are the numbers on a marlin with a stable clock before and
after this CL.
For fixed text almost always hitting the cache:
Before: mean=260684 median=260188 min=258532 standardDeviation=1897
After: mean=262432 median=261509 min=260429 standardDeviation=2185
For random text almost never hitting the cache:
Before: mean=5971827 median=5991126 min=5886871 standardDeviation=83724
After: mean=6337093 median=6317010 min=6311222 standardDeviation=40213
Bug: 28963299
Bug: 29063863
Bug: 32057121
Bug: 37756858
Test: bit FrameworksCoreTests:android.text.
Test: bit CtsTextTestCases:*
Change-Id: I482a98ff8f472e8bab4f0ba9d1d7b368858038ff
Previously, measures all paragraph for deciding view width.
However, in case AT_MOST measurment, we can stop calculating measure if
the measured paragraph already exceeds the upper limit.
Bug: 64389125
Test: bit CtsWidgetTestCases:*
Test: CorePerfTest. Here is a result before and after this patch.
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: measure_AtMost_median=50332114
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: measure_Exactly_median=28276317
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: measure_Unspecified_median=50193036
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: measure_AtMost_median=28475187
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: measure_Exactly_median=26944710
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: measure_Unspecified_median=50880088
Change-Id: I2a39eb39817a8f845c4fa2e174a905a2d057096e
The dashbaord suggests that multiple tests are always capped at the same
value due to the timeout. To collect the actual metric, set a larger
timeout value, 10s for now.
Also, added a test to stop managed profile user. However, the test is
still finishing surprisingly fast because of the empty broadcast queue.
Bug: 62096041
Test: adb shell am instrument -e class android.multiuser.UserLifecycleTest -w
Change-Id: Ia52db17525d9eb960c9a8c860cdb52c0f487e5f1
Developer can specify android:fontFamily with three ways, pre-defined
font family name, e.g. "sans-serif", path to the font file in resource
directory, e.g. "res/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf", or path to the XML font
family file, e.g. "res/fonts/Roboto.xml".
Resources.getFont treats font files and XML files but pre-defined family
name is handled by TextView. Thus, we can early exit if the passed value
is not likely resource path.
This improves the inflation performance.
The score without this patch:
gfx-avg-frame-time-50: 6.9
gfx-avg-frame-time-90: 9.4
gfx-avg-frame-time-95: 10.4
gfx-avg-frame-time-99: 16.7
The score with this patch:
gfx-avg-frame-time-50: 7.0
gfx-avg-frame-time-90: 8.9
gfx-avg-frame-time-95: 9.7
gfx-avg-frame-time-99: 16.5
Measured on bullhead-userdebug.
The APCT perf test improves from
String FontFamily: 200,086 -> 132,561
File FontFamily : 199,256 -> 161,843
XML FontFamily : 203,681 -> 158,553
Measured on angler-userdebug.
Bug: 38232467
Test: UiBenchmark
Change-Id: Ia601ae7207ae8c60848c9efdbb9396267a57257c
Only do access checks if there's a cache miss. If there's
a cache hit then those checks have necessarily already
passed once so we don't need to repeatedly do them
on every access.
Test: ran perf test
Change-Id: I51f0186f8e66c05ea0e5a457930377d1460dea17
dx doesn't like classes in the java.* namespace unless it is compiling
a core library. Move SystemPerfTest to
Test: builds
Change-Id: I24951d2c9a71d8bb873763d1ccd2f1a67f2be64e
* public attr "autoSizeText" becomes "autoSizeTextType"
(inlined with all other methods and naming)
* documentation for autoSizetextType "uniform" re-worked:
"The TextView scales text size both horizontally and
vertically to fit within the container"
* converted comments into Javadoc for
* better documented attr "autoSizePresetSizes" to specify
it is a resource array of dimensions
* various small fixes in comments
Bug: 35755149
Bug: 35763485
Bug: 35764658
Bug: 32221168
Test: run cts-dev -m CtsWidgetTestCases -t \
Change-Id: I36afd399e005521b6e85922aa9e1e4418bb960e1
This CL is no-op (cosmetics only)
* renames autoSizeText type "xy" to "uniform"
* renames attribute "autoSizeStepSizeSet" to "autoSizePresetSizes"
* renames public TextView#getAutoSizeTextPresetSizes() to public
TextView#getAutoSizeTextAvailableSizes() because this method can
return either preset sizes or computed sizes (via min/max/step)
Bug: 34923754
Bug: 32221168
Test: associated test renames in the same topic
Change-Id: Ifacccf21ca014b6c0a07322fa02b7859ee53e387
In preparation for removing junit classes from the Android API
the legacy-test target will be removed from the
TARGET_DEFAULT_JAVA_LIBRARIES. This change adds explicit
dependencies on junit and/or legacy-android-test to ensure that
modules will compile properly once it is removed.
Bug: 30188076
Test: make checkbuild
Change-Id: If507b641624a2933e722f61e815890fcdf442265
Bug: 33460152
Test: adb shell am instrument -w -e class android.view.ViewShowHidePerfTest
- Also FastNative for setDisplayList, simplifying upcall into field setter.
- Also removes depth sweep parameter for ViewShowHideTests for now, they're not
providing much extra info.
Together with Outline/Path CL, about 25% faster visibility toggles
960MHz Bullhead Before (prior to Outline/Path CL):
$ adb shell am instrument -w -e class android.view.ViewShowHidePerfTest | grep min
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: add[Factory:NestedLinearLayoutTree,depth:6]_min=743505
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: goneToVisible[Factory:NestedLinearLayoutTree,depth:6]_min=332420
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: invisibleToVisible[Factory:NestedLinearLayoutTree,depth:6]_min=354154
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: recordAfterAdd[Factory:NestedLinearLayoutTree,depth:6]_min=1106095
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: remove[Factory:NestedLinearLayoutTree,depth:6]_min=1261290
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: visibleToGone[Factory:NestedLinearLayoutTree,depth:6]_min=356153
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: visibleToInvisible[Factory:NestedLinearLayoutTree,depth:6]_min=362149
After (this CL + Outline/Path CL):
$ adb shell am instrument -w -e class android.view.ViewShowHidePerfTest | grep min
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: add[Factory:NestedLinearLayoutTree,depth:6]_min=636061
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: goneToVisible[Factory:NestedLinearLayoutTree,depth:6]_min=267481
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: invisibleToVisible[Factory:NestedLinearLayoutTree,depth:6]_min=289433
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: recordAfterAdd[Factory:NestedLinearLayoutTree,depth:6]_min=976827
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: remove[Factory:NestedLinearLayoutTree,depth:6]_min=1207286
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: visibleToGone[Factory:NestedLinearLayoutTree,depth:6]_min=286148
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: visibleToInvisible[Factory:NestedLinearLayoutTree,depth:6]_min=292834
Change-Id: Iaddfa9550bdbab807c662595d005126d98cdc277