Original preview frame rate API assumes the frame rate
is fixed. It does not not work with auto frame rate camera.
Change-Id: I1233a22ed64d42f167432085716bb6bfc3d36bbf
Back key exit selection mode. No more "Stop selecting text" in second context menu.
A tap on one of the handles also triggers the second context menu.
Paste is only available on long press in first menu for empty text fields.
Change-Id: Ic4fa00458d4f617a81885436b53d4fc923347609
Adds a fire-and-forget save method (startCommit) to the
SharedPreferences.Editor, which is the way most people use it anyway.
This commit adds the implementation. The previous commit added the
interface and docs:
previous change: Idf9934b445da1fb72b79f0192218b47c0a7f5a34
git commit: edf32d01316bd3432c023f17747461b08ae36375
In addition, this change:
-- adds a generic "runPendingWorkFinishers" mechanism to
ActivityThread to wait on async operations that are still
in flight and use it for this.
-- ties runPendingWorkFinishers into Activity.onPause,
BroadcastReceiver, and Service.
-- makes sSharedPreferences keyed on name, not File, to avoid
unnnecessary allocations
-- documents and guarantees what thread
OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener callbacks run on
-- makes a few things in frameworks/base use startCommit(), notably
Preference.java (which was ignoring the return value anyway)
Change-Id: I1c8db60ad45643226fe6d246d3e513eeb7bd0ebd
to return the selected text.
The TextView may choose to highlight the text in some way (underline for now) to indicate
that the text is selected for correction, if the IME wants to provider alternatives.
Choosing an alternative in the IME can then call IC.commitText() to replace the highlighted
(not selected) text with a different candidate.
This change also ensures that any existing spans/styles are not wiped out. So we can now
correct rich text as well.
This is a convenience to get the selected text instead of using extracted text that is
more heavy weight. Existing getTextBeforeCursor() and getTextAfterCursor() fail to
retrieve the selected text, only what's before and after the selection.
Change-Id: Ieb5ecd5ff947ea04958589f501e7bd5228e00fb5
This is a new data kind representing a SIP address for a contact.
The new class is ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.SipAddress,
and the new mime type is "vnd.android.cursor.item/sip_address".
It's pretty generic right now (basically a single text field, like
"Website") but we may eventually want to extend it later to have multiple
labels+types (like phone numbers.)
Bug: 2942998
Change-Id: I45d90a680a3badf60bccb5aafdc2397037494e95
Text can be selected in gmail by choosing Select Text from the
menu and dragging the selection. There's no pretend action bar
like there is in the Browser to commit the selection.
When tapping outside of the selection, copy the text, if
the client (like gmail) has mapped the trackball to the
arrow keys.
Change-Id: I7dd133fd860d392bb01ec103e379e1f1d2a43e64
* rename setThreadBlockingPolicy to setThreadPolicy (opens the way to
using StrictMode for non-blocking-related things in the future?)
* add allowThreadDiskWrites() and allowThreadDiskReads() to modify the
current policy mask and return the old one. this will allow turning
off part of StrictMode during certain regions of code. (for
instance, writing to disk in Activity onPause...)
Change-Id: Ia1878153713f79299971fdab567fa15b3cb9d56c
Vertical movement requires going over a given threshold to change line.
Makes it easier to move down without changing line, so that one can see the
cursor better. Also simplifies long line selection.
Change-Id: I791da500232c6e510af64c637ed994c5da9a4fea
ProgressBar overrides setVisibilty(), causing it to lose the
RemotableViewMethod annotation and making it impossible to hide a
ProgressBar in a RemoteViews. This change adds the annotation.
Change-Id: Ic1212b99fd52f8c36bef4805bfef5e170b28f0a6
- Actually aggregate discharge amounts.
- Actually print the unplugged battery info when currently plugged in.
Change-Id: I22dd6feb73ac1364eb169d3239ce403b0755bb6c
Remove auto-generated AIDL files and replace them with manually edited
.java and .cpp/.h files so that binder calls can be made from either
Java or C++.
Update the makefiles to not attempt to generate the AIDL files and also
remove the old auto-generated .java files.
Put all the storage-related C++ things in libstorage so that we don't
pollute other libraries.
Change-Id: I82d1631295452709f12ff1270f36c3100e652806