In previous releases, we had combined well-known protocols
and custom protocols into a single field. This was because
of previous database constraints, which no longer exist
because of our new Data table approach.
The ContactHeaderWidget is a new widget that is used as a header banner
in various system applications, including contacts, mms, and gtalk.
Convenience methods are supplied for bind the widget to a specific
contact, which can be specified by contact id, email, or phone number.
Make setContentScrollBy return a boolean.
Necessary so that a caller of setContentScrollBy in WebView.cpp
can find out whether the page scrolled. Requires a change in
On the first tap down, send a message to rebuild the nav
cache so that double taps have a better chance of having
some alignment information to work with.
Also, pass scale information to getBlockLeftEdge to
restrict the alignment search
Requires a change to external/webkit. Set ImeActions for textfields,
depending on the existence of other textfields on the page, and
react accordingly.
Triangle will now only show up for preferences that have dialogs popup
when selected - like lists, sliders, EditTexts and Yes/No dialogs.
This is a change for the base preferences. If any subclasses override
and specify a different layout or normal preferences display a
dialog when pressed, they may not follow the new style.
Merge commit '3e584428deb098484cc881192dd221c81f707764'
* commit '3e584428deb098484cc881192dd221c81f707764':
Fix a bug in ImageView: The drawing matrix is not updated when setImageMatrix is called.
Merge commit 'c134c281ca83a28deb96c7b338c48c0b0327f26f'
* commit 'c134c281ca83a28deb96c7b338c48c0b0327f26f':
Highlight IMEI-reading as part of READ_PHONE_STATE description
Check the current enabled state before setting it, in case there's
no change. Otherwise some apps are repeatedly redrawing buttons based
on validation of some text field (like gmail or mms message bodies).
Should slightly improve the performance of soft keyboard text entry.
Merge commit 'c2e06072051e319bc609df66f4c72b77716f4fa4'
* commit 'c2e06072051e319bc609df66f4c72b77716f4fa4':
Tell the SearchManager to stopSearch before starting an in-app voice
Merge commit '6af2552d244ff933dfd54570121db455cc7c3cda'
* commit '6af2552d244ff933dfd54570121db455cc7c3cda':
use safeUnref() since the other macro is not defined in donut
Merge commit '7299d6ad9820bbb601034542c94d6dc73cc4829d'
* commit '7299d6ad9820bbb601034542c94d6dc73cc4829d':
check for null native objects, which never happens on a real subclass (we throw in that case)
search. Without this, because of the recent changes to how the search
dialog hides and resumes, we end up re-showing the search dialog after
returning to the app from voice search, obscuring the new voice search
results behind.
Fixes http://b/2025364
* changes:
Fix 2016808. We used to send the new scale/scroll info to the UI thread after WebCore finish the first layout. As the picture in the UI thread is still the previous one, if there is a UI update happened before we generate the new picture, the new scale/scroll will be applied to the old picture.
WebCore finish the first layout. As the picture in the UI thread is still
the previous one, if there is a UI update happened before we generate the new
picture, the new scale/scroll will be applied to the old picture.
On the other hand, we do want to trigger the resize for the new page after
the first layout. e.g. The page was at Now user types is first layout in the wide viewport where is. We dont
want to show that picture. We would like to show the fit to screen version of as the first picture.
Remove the SnapToAnchor code which is left over from previous zoom attempt.
The Intent.EXTRA_KEY_CONFIRM extra can be set to require user confirmation before shutting down.
The ACTION_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN Intent is protected by android.permission.SHUTDOWN.
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <>
Merge commit 'b91e2b0292f9f4f76175a18e6e3cf392f3967ae8'
* commit 'b91e2b0292f9f4f76175a18e6e3cf392f3967ae8':
Special-case search within the browser to not show the app icon
* changes:
check for null native objects, which never happens on a real subclass (we throw in that case) but can happen because we allow the callers to create the base class from java.
Merge commit '0067057c31720f64926d6ee3d841b15dc197d2df'
* commit '0067057c31720f64926d6ee3d841b15dc197d2df':
Fix the TabWidget to display custom views for the tabs better when the tabs have different sizes.
When the suggstion provider is in a different package from the searchable
activity, the icons stored for shortcuts used the package of the
activity instead of the provider.
Fixes http://b/issue?id=2023993
The drawing matrix used in onDraw() is mDrawMatrix, but in setImageMatrix()
only mMatrix is updated. We need to call configureBounds() to update
mDrawMatrix if it was null. The is found in bug 2023281.
If the new system settings value for AIRPLANE_MODE_TOGGLEABLE_RADIOS
contains RADIO_WIFI, then the user will be allowed to enable Wifi
while in airplane mode.
Turning on airplane mode will still disable Wifi, but the user will
be free to reenable it in the Settings app.
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <>
It turns out we were not returning the density for anything retrieved from a
TypedArray... which basically means any bitmap references from a layout or style...!!!
This is now fixed.
Also fiddle with the density compatibility mode to turn on smoothing in certain situations,
helping the look of things when they need to scale and we couldn't do the scaling at
load time.
* changes:
Special-case search within the browser to not show the app icon to the left of the search field. Also, because this removes context about whether you're in browser search or global search, we make sure to clear any entered text if you jump out to global search from within browser search.
to the left of the search field. Also, because this removes context
about whether you're in browser search or global search, we make
sure to clear any entered text if you jump out to global search from
within browser search.
This is a really ugly hack, but was required by the UI team. We will
find a better way to reconcile in Eclair.