Since list item clicks are delivered asynchronously, it's possible to
get click callbacks after the activity has already paused.
This should actually be blocked further up the event chain, ideally,
so that the list selection state is not out of sync with the application.
Bug: 9752185
Change-Id: I1058d64cba98e9093b462e2e581bdbccdace1420
We now keep track of all of the active start operations per
non-system process, so they can be cleaned up if the process
goes away.
Change-Id: I9d05f1e0281c47dbe1213de014f0491f1359685c
1. Adding bundle with metadata to PrintDocumentAdapter#onLayout
with one key for now to specify whether this is for a preview.
2. Cleaned up docs.
Change-Id: I89380781bf3ae41aa89f8a0347d74516a210394c
This new method on view reflects whether the view has been laid out
at least once since it was attached. hasLayout() seems too vague for that
meaning; every View that has a parent has a layout (since we use container,
parent, and layout interchangeably). The new version of the method
is closer to the actual meaning.
Change-Id: I519745739b6a6317faeb077aa61f994025cf81f3
Also do some tweaking of the various container classes
to synchronize them with the support lib and make it
easier to copy code between the two.
And update activity/fragment to use ArrayMap.
Change-Id: I3cfe82392a17119dfc72c3d9961f64e1914f42be
This change introduces a new measure cache to View, to remember
the measured dimensions for previous pairs of measure specs. The
measure cache is cleared whenever a View requests layout.
Unfortunately some Views rely on measure being always called when
layout is invoked. To work around this problem, we need to remember
when we hit the measure cache to force a call to measure just prior
to calling onLayout(). This does not completely removes all measure
calls but enough to optimize a number of layouts.
Change-Id: Ie085fbcf186e9d7505e1127e0786a12968ebc344
Previously, there were two distinct problems with how delayed
transitions were being run:
- there would be a delay between the transition being put into
a preDrawListener (to be kicked off when that listener fired) and
being removed from the pending list. This allowed another delayed
transition to be run in parallel, which would cause conflicting/
clobbering issues with transition values on the same objects.
- there would be an extra frame delay in some cases due to how/when the
delayed transition would be started. Specfically, we would postOnAnimation()
to call a method that would then add the onPreDraw listener. This two-step
forwarding caused issues noted above.
The fix is to simply add the transition to the preDrawListener immediately, removing
the two-step problem, and also ensuring that the transition is only removed
from the pending list when it is actually started, which prevents other transitions
from starting in the meantime.
Also, added more debug logging to help chase future issues with transitions.
Change-Id: Ie2ff8e73d29f342512842e9641bd8d605e74544c
setMatrix() was crashing in native code, only with hw acceleration on.
concat() would throw a NullPointerException. It now ignores null matrices.
Change-Id: Iebd8b410a957d2ba501570c6fbb3f680ff4a1a23
1. Fixed a case in which the onPrintCompleted callback may not be invoked.
2. Added string resulrces for the different error messages for failed
printing in OnPrintCompletedCallback
3. Fixed the string comments for the MediaSize constants.
4. Added APIs to create certain print attributes by passing in a
string label instead of resource and package name since in some cases
a print service may be getting already internationalized lables
or it may not know all possible values.
5. Fixed a crash in PrintJobConfigActivity if there is no input or
output tray.
Change-Id: Ie877b7dc669051606394aa290e6d2b979a42db4c
1. Now a user state has ins own spooler since the spooler app is
running per user. The user state registers an observer for the state
of the spooler to get information needed to orchestrate unbinding
from print serivces that have no work and eventually unbinding from
the spooler when all no service has any work.
2. Abstracted a remote print service from the perspective of the system
in a class that is transparently managing binding and unbinding to
the remote instance.
3. Abstracted the remote print spooler to transparently manage binding
and unbinding to the remote instance when there is work and when
there is no work, respectively.
4. Cleaned up the print document adapter (ex-PrintAdapter) APIs to
enable implementing the all callbacks on a thread of choice. If
the document is really small, using the main thread makes sense.
Now if an app that does not need the UI state to layout the printed
content, it can schedule all the work for allocating resources, laying
out, writing, and releasing resources on a dedicated thread.
5. Added info class for the printed document that is now propagated
the the print services. A print service gets an instance of a
new document class that encapsulates the document info and a method
to access the document's data.
6. Added APIs for describing the type of a document to the new document
info class. This allows a print service to do smarts based on the
doc type. For now we have only photo and document types.
7. Renamed the systemReady method for system services that implement
it with different semantics to systemRunning. Such methods assume
the the service can run third-party code which is not the same as
8. Cleaned up the print job configuration activity.
9. Sigh... code clean up here and there. Factoring out classes to
improve readability.
Change-Id: I637ba28412793166cbf519273fdf022241159a92
Move markSocketAsUser to the top of IConnectivityManager.aidl to make
calls from
framework/native/services/connectivitymanager less fragile
Change-Id: Iba92c21dfef175b570521f34e7ee2732e5a0a9c9
1. Delayed accessibility events sent when a view subtree changes may be
be delivered after accessibility is disabled leading to a crash. It is
possible that accessibility was disabled while we were waiting for
the timeout before sending the event. Added a check before dispatching.
2. When refreshing a cached node the accessibility node info cache was
not using the correct bypass cache argument value and as result was
not getting the latest node but its cached value. We really want to
get the latest state to update the cache.
3. The debugging cache integrity verification logic was incorrectly
removing nodes from the cache while doing its work.
4. Removed the comments for some debug logging.
Change-Id: I20ee1a6ffa65ad35457b51d3f2dc0bc5d8d784e6
These new constants are a better mapping to the kind of
information that procstats is wanting to collect about
processes. In doing this, the process states are tweaked
to have a bit more information that we care about for
This changes the format of the data printed by procstats,
so the checkin version is bumped to 2. The structure is
the same, however the codes for process states have all
changed. The new codes are, in order of precedence:
p -- persistent system process.
t -- top activity; actually any visible activity.
f -- important foreground process (ime, wallpaper, etc).
b -- important background process
u -- performing backup operation.
w -- heavy-weight process (currently not used).
s -- background process running a service.
r -- process running a receiver.
h -- process hosting home/launcher app when not on top.
l -- process hosting the last app the user was in.
a -- cached process hosting a previous activity.
c -- cached process hosting a client activity.
e -- cached process that is empty.
In addition, we are now collecting uss along with pss
data for each process, so the pss checkin entries now
have three new values at the end of the min/avg/max uss
values of that process.
With this switch to using process state constants more
fundamentally, I realized that they could actually be
used by the core oom adj code to make it a lot cleaner.
So that change has been made, that code has changed quite
radically, and lost a lot of its secondary states and flags
that it used to use in its computation, now relying on
primarily the oom_adj and proc state values for the process.
This also cleaned up a few problems -- for example for
purposes of determing the memory level of the device, if a
long-running service dropped into the cached oom_adj level,
it would start being counted as a cached process and thus
make us think that the memory state is better than it is.
Now we do this based on the proc state, which always stays
as a service regardless of what is happening like this, giving
as a more consistent view of the memory state of the device.
Making proc state a more fundamentally part of the oom adj
computation means that the values can also be more carefully
tuned in semantic meaning so the value assigned to a process
doesn't tend to change unless the semantics of the process
has really significantly changed.
For example, a process will be assigned the service state
regardless of whether that services is executing operations
in the foreground, running normally, or has been dropped to
the lru list for pruning. The top state is used for everything
related to activities visible to the user: when actually on
top, visible but not on top, currently pausing, etc.
There is a new Context.BIND_SHOWING_UI added for when system
services bind to apps, to explicitly indicate that the app
is showing UI for the system. This gives us a better metric
to determine when it is showing UI, and thus when it needs
to do a memory trim when it is no longer in that state. Without
this, services could get in bad states of continually trimming.
Finally, more HashSet containers have been changed to ArraySet,
reducing the temporary iterators created for iterating over
Change-Id: I1724113f42abe7862e8aecb6faae5a7620245e89
Add support for routing sockets as if they were another user's.
This is for services that handle delegated network tasks like MediaServer and DownloadManager.
Change-Id: Id20efc1f5c2cce6f8838d777762f6c0a703a9437
Looks like an oversight. The other state sets are public, and we
reference this one in the public docs.
Change-Id: I1c2d8bec3cb277ebfb55ccaacefab0cb38703177
Fix links in @throws clauses, typos, redundant "returns"
and use @code for true + false in returns.
Change-Id: Ic3c4c75d6061732d997a386dc3232475c992c188