Added IEffect and IEffectClient binder interfaces to exchange effect module control
and status information between application and media server processes.
Change-Id: I10e8e894898e52ed9956a765d0ef7075eb2593af
First effect factory and effect library API implementation.
Also added default effect libraries for reverb and equalizer effects.
These libraries are for functional test only and are not fine tuned with
regard to audio quality. They will probably be replaced by other implementations
before the release.
Change-Id: I6868f8612146ae282c64052765c61a52ec789ec8
The problem is due to a too big difference between the buffer size used at the hardware interface and at the A2DP interface.
When no resampling occurs we don't notice problems but the timing is very tight. As soon as resampling is activated, the AudioTrack underruns.
This is because the AudioTrack buffers are not resized when moving the AudioTrack from hardware to A2DP output.
The AudioTrack buffers are calculated based on a hardware output buffer size of 3072 bytes. Which is much less than the A2DP output buffer size (10240).
The solution consists in creating new tracks with new buffers in AudioFlinger when the A2DP output is opened
instead of just transfering active tracks from hardware output mixer thread to the new A2DP output mixer thread.
To avoid synchronization issues between mixer threads and client processes, this is done by invalidating tracks
by setting a flag in their control block and having AudioTrack release the handle on this track (IAudioTrack)
and create a new IAudioTrack when this flag is detected next time obtainBuffer() or start() is executed.
AudioFlinger modifications:
- invalidate the tracks when setStreamOutput() is called
- make sure that notifications of output opening/closing and change of stream type to output mapping are sent synchronously to client process.
This is necessary so that AudioSystem has the new stream to output mapping when the AudioTrack detects the invalidate flag in the client process.
Previously their were sent when the corresponding thread loop was executed.
AudioTrack modifications:
- move frame count calculation and verification from set() to createTrack() so that is is updated every time a new IAudioTrack is created.
- detect track invalidate flag in obtainBuffer() and start() and create a new IAudioTrack.
AudioTrackShared modifications
- group all flags (out, flowControlFlag, forceReady...) into a single bit filed to save space.
Change-Id: I9ac26b6192230627d35084e1449640caaf7d56ee
Merge commit 'b003ad17bffeba7875b9708ffeef2300ef28c916' into kraken
* commit 'b003ad17bffeba7875b9708ffeef2300ef28c916':
Support for customizable socket-read timeouts through the HTTP response.
Specify a response header of "X-SocketTimeout: 15" to override the default timeout
of 5 secs with a timeout of 15 seconds. Specify a negative value to disable the
timeout altogether.
Change-Id: I545adf3d8b3f7efe5f8d081a641c6404440a77db
related-to-bug: 2675721
Merge commit '1707851090e6512a77247b0c260dd673ef687589' into kraken
* commit '1707851090e6512a77247b0c260dd673ef687589':
A new OggExtractor/VorbisDecoder combo to support approximate seeking.
Merge commit '71bd9fc81e3154b9cad22ca7ff2d9c6ed6fdbe6c' into kraken
* commit '71bd9fc81e3154b9cad22ca7ff2d9c6ed6fdbe6c':
Disable vorbis seek when streaming from localhost.
Merge commit '8ea45aad100ee25067b2e83703454c71a968ba4f' into kraken
* commit '8ea45aad100ee25067b2e83703454c71a968ba4f':
Support for Ogg Vorbis decoding in stagefright.
Set the magic property media.stagefright.enable-vorbis to true to use the new implementation instead of the standalon vorbis player for file-based playback. HTTP streaming of vorbis content will always go through stagefright.
Change-Id: Ie3843a99fadb22372f89540d0f8d65196e0c2af8
related-to-bug: 2654400
Merge commit '248ea4a9f773210a7b7dbd7892e6b865a0f7add3' into kraken
* commit '248ea4a9f773210a7b7dbd7892e6b865a0f7add3':
Distinguish QCELP audio from mpeg4 audio, ignore QCELP audio tracks since we don't have a decoder for it, ignore potentially malformed metadata for AMR NB and WB tracks.
1. CamcorderProfile: “@see” links are broken; Remove m prefix from fields; remove “final”
2. CamcorderProfile.Quality: use an int rather than an enum
3. Add API on MediaRecorder to pass in a CamcorderProfile
4. CameraProfile.getImageEncodingQualityLevels @hide or make it consistent with CamcorderProfile
5. Remove a convenient method and instead let the (mms) app do that task
bug - 2553862
Change-Id: I759215c7892f772aeddf3651d17038489c6fbc50
- I decided to completely remove jpeg decoding related stuff from this change
I think that setting is better off if it is specified by the system properties.
We don't have to include MediaProfiles.h header in skia files