Fixes a race between the onDaemonConnected callback and setting the
mOutputStream in NativeDaemonConnector.
MountService connects to vold using the NativeDaemonConnector.
Throws a “NativeDaemonConnectorException: No output stream!”
when the onDaemonConnected callback in MountService calls the doListCommand.
Change-Id: Ib895bab37f7df680e4362df6366198c0a673c5e9
When resampling too short sound, AudioMixer uses previous
tracks buffer. So we re-initialize the temporary buffer per
loop to avoid it.
Change-Id: I55a59a3b14faa8445e09c450478fe79cef704760
That return statement is effectively a reading of asynchronously modified
field. The reading and writing is elsewhere protected by locking on thread
instance, except this one occurence. Moving 'return' statement into
synchronized block ensures that it reads updated value.
Don't be afraid of deadlock - wait() releases the lock and acquires it
back when notified.
Change-Id: I940c24c04a1a2d4508d14d11b6174ff4fb2ab7d5
The owner isn't kept track it URI's writeOwners when
grantUriPermissionUncheckedLocked is invoked to provide both
read and write access to the URI. Fix is to check for both
read and write permissions and add owner to appropriate lists.
Change-Id: Id23688b96aefeb0a4911ee52ad47124bc5904fa0
Cyclic references can occur between a Service object held by an
application and a ServiceRecord object held by the system server.
A part of the problem is that binders are leaked and since many binders
are implemented by inner classes of services these services are also leaked.
This causes low memory problems. The solution is: When a Service is beeing
destroyed, go through the ServiceRecord's all IntentBindRecord and set its
binder references to null. This allows the binder and the service object to
be garbage collected.
Change-Id: I5a257521964851f34c08ffb3908feaad96b1bafe
When using sendOrderedBroadcast(..) with a BroadcastReceiver the
BroadcastReceiver instance was not released. The reason for this was that
the resultTo field in the BroadcastRecord kept a reference until it was pushed
out of the mBroadcastHistory. This reference in turn kept a reference to the
process side IIntentReceiver (implemented in ReceiverDispatcher$InnerReceiver).
This in turn had a strong reference (through mStrongRef) to the Context.
In order to keep the debug output the resultTo is also kept as a String in the
new resultToString variable.
Change-Id: I4382a22a541c27b3694fb2b78a04ee820b235f8f
The service connection to the previous live wallpaper is unbound when
a new wallpaper is effective. Although the service connection is
unbound it is not disconnected and its reference to wallpaper's
service and engine is still effective. This adds up to the total
JNI references and causes dalvik (hosting system_server) to abort.
Fix is to release the references in clearWallpaperComponentLocked.
Change-Id: Idd2bab83a56d2e6c6dd7ab9be08d5e14887aa384
ServiceRecord's bindings is a hashmap to keep track of all active
bindings to the service. This is not cleared when the service is
brought down by activity manager. This adds up the references to
IntentBindRecords and its references to ServiceRecord. Fix is to
clear the bindings.
ServiceRecord's restarter is a reference to the service and is not
cleared when the service is brought down by activity manager. This
adds up the references to ServiceRecord. Fix is to set the reference
to null when the service is brought down by activity manager.
Change-Id: Ica448cd5f60192c8adb23209b5d0e2cf0c04e446
This fix improves the performance by caching the string that should
be returned, and reuse it next time if possible.
This will make it faster to switch between activities, approximately
half the time to create the new view when changing from landscape to
portrait. Also, the time for starting a new application is be reduced
as WindowState.toString is being called thousands of times in this
Change-Id: I2b8b9bc1e251d1af43b6c85f049c01452f2573a2
To monitor the dropbox an application have to either poll the dropbox
and keep track of all entries or observ the /data/system/dropbox
directory. The later requires that the application runs as system-user.
This commit adds that a broadcast intent is sent when something is written
to the dropbox and an application can just listen on this intent and
then reads the entry with help of the DropboxManager class.
The application have to hold the permission android.permission.READ_LOGS
to get the intent.
Change-Id: I1f77f206a243df69f4ed5306078c47f7bf6181ec
This patch allows users of WindowManagerService.injectKeyEvent() to
set flags on the key event being injected.
In particular this allows long presses (FLAG_LONG_PRESS) to be
injected into the window manager.
Rework sensorservice to allow "virtual sensors", that is
sensors that report a synthetized value based on real sensors.
the main change to sensorservice is around managing which real
sensor need to be activated and which rate to use.
The logic for all this has been moved into SensorDevice, which
essentially wraps the sensor HAL but adds two features to it:
- it keeps track of which sensors need to be activated
- it keeps track of what rate needs to be used
For this purpose an "identity" is associated with each real sensor
activation, so we can track them.
On start-up we check for gravity, linear-acceleration and
rotation-vector sensors, if they're not present in the HAL, we
synthetize them in sensor-service.
Change-Id: I841db2c1b37ef127ed571efa21732ecc5adf1800
the per-connection state assumed the main sensorservice
lock was held during access. This is however not true while
pre-processing the events just before sending them to clients.
Therefore, there was a small window during which this state
could be modified while being used.
we now have an internal lock that protects this state.
Change-Id: I594680f20f09d6a4f1f38f093a1d3f650dcef1be
We only recorded the last received event (which is needed when a sensor
is activated on a connection) when there was some connection active.
This should fix an issue where sometimes the light sensor doesn't
return an event whent activated.
we also didn't need to hold the main lock while dispatching events
to clients.
Change-Id: I6c6386c040051ce205e3c0516c678e0603fa45e1
If the memory card is not inserted (or removed) from
the phone the shut down process is very long. It
takes almost 24 seconds. For the phone with memory
card the averige is 5-6 seconds
Make sure to send onShutDownComplete even if an SD
card is not mounted and no unmount is done.
Change-Id: I0e79b82e294a971f5e7144cdd3cc16b7ff414b9c
the increased maximum rate is needed for proper gyro integration, current gyro
parts can sample at up to 800Hz
Change-Id: Ide75f6d5bc7a0fdafeb2dafd72db39e7afb9e794
versionCode and mVersionName were added recently but ps.pkg can be null
in some situations. Move them to where it will check before
dereferencing it.
Bug: 3152896
Change-Id: If992a1f29ac7b8f595f847b7743fd2374662bb6e
Two issues:
1. First, due to an inverted conditional in the input dispatcher, we were
reporting touches as long touches and vice-versa to the power manager.
2. Power manager user activity cheek event suppression also suppresses touch
events (but not long touch or up events). As a result, if cheek event
suppression was enabled, touches would not poke the user activity timer.
However due to the above logic inversion, this actually affected long
touches. Net result, if cheek suppression was enabled in the power manager
and you held your thumb on the screen long enough, the phone would
go to sleep!
Cheek event suppression is commonly turned on when making a phone call.
Interestingly, it does not seem to get turned off afterward...
This change fixes the logic inversion and exempts touches from the cheek
suppression. The reason we do the latter is because the old behavior
was actually harmful in other ways too: a touch down would be suppressed
but not a long touch or the touch up. This would cause bizarre behavior
if you touched the screen while it was dimmed. Instead of brightening
immediately, it would brighten either when you lifted your finger or
300ms later, whichever came first.
Bug: 3154895
Change-Id: Ied9ccec6718fbe86506322ff47a4e3eb58f81834
Two bugs were counter acting each other.
- rotation matrices are on the left-hand side of multiplies
- the transform of the overlay is applied before that of the layer
Change-Id: Ia79bd368e9b719235c89ecf244ea263f01ce906a
getBestProvider should only return location providers that the client
has permission to use.
BUG: 3124614
Change-Id: I065091d0445092563bc53fb4f7d93a1ab6bebb9a
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <>
These are the logs from when I just reproduced it here. This means that we got an event after the
screen turned off. So isScreenTurningOffLocked() is working, but we need to also check that we're
not off. This bug is happening because lightSensorChangedLocked is calling
mButtonLight.setBrightness() directly instead of going through updateLightsLocked, which is where
I added that check to not turn the buttons on of the screen is off.
D/PowerManagerService( 1243): onSensorChanged: light value: 1280
I/power ( 1243): *** set_screen_state 0
D/PowerManagerService( 1243): enableLightSensor false
D/PowerManagerService( 1243): onSensorChanged: light value: 320
D/PowerManagerService( 1243): lightSensorChangedLocked 320
D/PowerManagerService( 1243): lcdValue 55
D/PowerManagerService( 1243): buttonValue 255
D/PowerManagerService( 1243): keyboardValue 0
D/SurfaceFlinger( 1243): About to give-up screen, flinger = 0x8dcf! 0
Bug: 3117801
Change-Id: I722d66cafba71b183cc987b7383d4ad7e171ba82
Merge commit '457bed2bc6561dd67429dde238453fee8602fa9b' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '457bed2bc6561dd67429dde238453fee8602fa9b':
fix [3123221] Video sticks playing back upside down following orientation switch
Merge commit 'ce4d36ad729f83253d4c5ec9906148f45cc00f8e' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'ce4d36ad729f83253d4c5ec9906148f45cc00f8e':
fix [3118445] Transform * Transform does not work as expected
Merge commit '89821204379816f6bee6902c4f132c014700c3b0' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '89821204379816f6bee6902c4f132c014700c3b0':
Remove the FLIP_H/ROT_90 workaround from not merge
the overlay wasn't reconfigured when the screen-orientation changed. It was
only done when a parameter of the surface itself changed.
Change-Id: I0ca0925bf58ded4c91ab89d12cb1fe4d1477c96c