A new field was added where bus can be specified for testing uhid
devices. This commit adds the relevant documention to the README.
Bug: 144949707
Test: none
Change-Id: If5f6673dd0fdd268b702119b6ccd4abdc37f65bd
Hid command, JNI layer:
- Removed dependency of the hid device on libandroid_runtime
and libutils. Using ALooper from libandroid to process callbacks from
/dev/uhid file descriptor.
- Switched to using "CREATE2" and "INPUT2" constructs in uhid driver
Hid command, Java layer:
- Removed delay workarounds, user now responsible for waiting for
onInputDeviceChanged notification prior to using the hid commands.
- Added a new executeShellCommandRw function that allows bidirectional
communication to shell command
- Added uhid permissions to bluetooth stack for /dev/uhid access
- CTS test now consistently passes
Bug: 34052337
Test: CTS test case invoked with the following command:
run cts -t android.hardware.input.cts.tests.GamepadTestCase
-m CtsHardwareTestCases --skip-system-status-check
Change-Id: Ic916c513b7e652b1e25675f0f38f0f1f3a65d214