The packagemanager uses a ParceledListSlice to send back its lists
of installed packages and apps. The list slice has a method append
which, in addition to adding the item to the list, also returns true
if the list has passed a size limit (about 1/4 of the total possible
IPC parcel size) to let the caller know that he should send the
slice. However, when used by the pm, it has an extra ! that makes it
send whenever it ISN'T over this limit instead (and conversely, not
send if it is under). This causes a lot more calls than needed since
it sends tiny one item slices instead of larger ones. This patch
removes the extra ! making it behave correctly.
Change-Id: I8db46d380a25406b55f3214aee1505e81949acc5
1. An accessibility service has to explicitly opt in to be notified
for gestures by the system. There is only one accessibility service
that handles gestures and in case it does not handle a gesture
the system performs default handling. This default handling ensures
that we have gesture navigation even if no accessibility service
would like to participate/customize the interaction model.
Change-Id: Id8194293bd94097b455e9388b68134a45dc3b8fa
Step to Reproduce
1) Turn off device’s screen. (Sleep mode)
2) Kill any process.
A. Engineer Version: kill [PID]
B. User Version: am force-stop [Package Name]
3) Foreground activity proceed [Resume] and [Pause] consecutively.
Reason: Since ICS version, activity goes to stopped status when screen turns off.
stopIfSleepingLocked( ) makes activity to stopped status but, pauseIfSleepingLocked( ) was used in GB
and, activity keep paused status and, this problem did not occur.
This change give effect to resuming activity when any process was killed.
Because, resume is proceed without exception for activity status.
The exception only filtered for [ActivityState.PAUSED] in sleep or shutdown mode.
and, resume complete flow when activity status was [ActivityState.STOPPED].
Solution for this issue:
We think that exception’s condition have to change if stopped activity status is intended in sleep mode.
According to activity life cycle, activity can not resume from stop status.
Also check [ActivityState.STOPPING]. :)
Change-Id: Icca3366ac30ffa3b18f6e2393e4d7309089ef26a
Add permissions for various things it pokes. Create new permission
to control launching non-exported activities from recents. Hidden
API to relax WallpaperService checks.
Change-Id: I547fdcd7c213dd153ae101533ce7c56cd8f86a0d
This fixes a rotation bug introduced by delaying rendering animation
into the Surface. Now instead of delaying the rendering we delay the
show by eliminating a point where we were showing the Surface too soon.
Change-Id: I63ad3b494963111ffc96569093c8d43517c5408b
When a package's ability to post notifications is disabled,
all outstanding notifications from that package are
immediately canceled, and the score of any future
notification from that package is set so low that the
notification manager won't even send it to the status bar.
No UI for this yet, but you can try it out:
adb shell service call notification 8 s16 $PKG i32 (1|0)
Bug: 5547401
Change-Id: Ieccac5746b40f60debd902a45d1dedbc91dcdc89
* commit '7eda9de1a638e4ed1ce5dc65fecd673400b9f3c0':
Transparent activity orientation problem when previous landsacpe fullscreen activity not yet destroyed.
These now do something reasonable when performing transitions
across two activities that are both on top of the wallpaper.
Fixed computation of the pivot point of the animations.
Fixed issue where the recents panel was considered a status
bar element for purposes of deciding if the animating elements
are obscured by the status bar, which would result in us not
running the animation correctly.
Change-Id: I4b9b588b80243463e6f087a9703ee886ee281630
Hold off on updating surface with animation until the Surface draw has
completed. Previously we were calling Surface.setAlpha/setLayer/
setMatrix prior to the app drawing into the surface. This fixes a bug
that caused a flash of the target animation image before the animation
had begun.
Change-Id: Id9142e09b0b22d631dc002eba4dc787455dea03a
1. Added more gesture for accessibility. After a meeting
with the access-eng team we have decided that the current
set of gestures may be smaller than needed considering
that we will use four gestures for home, back, recents,
and notifications.
2. Adding actions for going back, home, opening the recents,
and opening the notifications.
3. Added preliminary mapping from some of the new gestures
to the new actions.
4. Fixed a bug in the accessibility interaction controller
which was trying to create a handled on the main looper
thread which may be null if the queried UI is in the
system process. Now the context looper of the root view
is used.
5. Fixed a bug of using an incorrect constant.
6. Added a missing locking in a couple of places.
7. Fixed view comparison for accessibilityt since it was
not anisymmetric.
Change-Id: Icc983bf4eafefa42b65920b3782ed8a25518e94f
Also allow isActiveNetworkMetered() to inspect networks without
Bug: 3001465
Change-Id: Ibc23577d4ad941e4f93db417be6b046881dcbfb1
After terminating landsacpe fullscreen activity,
when user launch transparent activity via portrait home app, transparent activity is shown as landscape mode.
At this time AppWindowToken of previous acitivity has not been deleted, because Activity.onDestory() has not been returned yet.
In this case, getOrientationFromAppTokensLocked() returned ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE.
Ignore hidden application is terminated on the top.
See also
Change-Id: I51239431120ec6ba8f8ff76871efb2347b9810ca
Added the concept of a keyboard layout overlay, which is
a key character map file that has "type OVERLAY".
Added support for loading keyboard layout overlays from
resources dynamically. The layouts are reloaded whenever they
are changed in the Settings application or an application
is installed. This is somewhat more aggressive than necessary
so we might want to optimize it later.
Before system-ready, the input system uses just the generic
keyboard layouts that are included on the device system image.
After system-ready, it considers the user's selected keyboard
layout overlay and attempts to load it as necessary. We need to
wait until system-ready before doing this because we need to
be in a state where it is safe to start applications or access
their resources.
Bug: 6110399
Change-Id: Iae0886d3356649b0d2440aa00910a888cedd8323
Added two public methods to Debug. These methods return a String
indicating the caller (getCaller()) or callers (getCallers(int depth))
of the calling method. The String indicates the class, method and line
number of the caller(s). Similar to using Throwable.fillInStackTrace()
but much more concise.
Change-Id: I53d0085aa50e4501d28e8eb3ad5b91ef700ac218
Several Surface operations - notably setPosition, setSize, and show -
had been moved outside of a Surface.openTransaction/closeTransaction
window. This corrects that problem.
In addition, before animations were separated from layout the Surface
frame was computed prior to returning from relayoutWindow(). After
separation the frame was being computed during animation. This checkin
restores the frame calculation in layout.
Fixes bug 6343291.
Change-Id: I4752bdf1fed0f2b46c5eb9508825c9b1b0fd702f
An intent is launched in a singleton process if the process is persistent
and the resolved activity/service/etc is not requested to run in a different
Change-Id: I1463e73a76bc8bde4185f9cf4395edb47515841d
In the old code orientationChangeComplete was set to true on each pass
through perfomLayout. If any window was rotating the variable was set
to false on the way through the performLayout. Since we can now make
passes through performLayout before any animation step occurs we were
seeing mOrientationChangeComplete true prior to rotation completing.
This change sets mOrientationChangeComplete false at the start of a
rotation and sets it to true if we ever get through an animation step
without encountering any rotating windows.
Change-Id: I37690cf20868dfbaac94a81640bc4d9cb9fb8f00