These tests don't appear to be meaningful. We are comparing an
unused decoder against one that is used.
Keeping this test building (the primary changes to this directory
in a while) is not believed to be worth the effort.
Change-Id: Ia0862f2a1de1fb9d744382bb949f6c1638a1a12a
The motivation is an API change: FloatMath is going to be
deprecated and/or removed. Performance is not the goal of
this change.
That said...
Math is faster than FloatMath with AOT compilation.
While making the change, occurances of:
{Float}Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) and
{Float}Math.sqrt({Float}Math.pow(x, 2) + {Float}Math.pow(y, 2))
have been replaced with:
{(float)} Math.hypot(x, y)
Right now there is no runtime intrinsic for hypot so is not faster
in all cases for AOT compilation:
Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) is faster than Math.hypot(x, y) with
AOT, but all other combinations of FloatMath, use of pow() etc.
are slower than hypot().
hypot() has the advantage of being self documenting and
could be optimized in future. None of the behavior differences
around NaN and rounding appear to be important for the cases
looked at: they all assume results and arguments are in range
and usually the results are cast to float.
Different implementations measured on hammerhead / L:
AOT compiled:
[FloatMath.hypot(x, y)]
benchmark=Hypot_FloatMathHypot} 633.85 ns; σ=0.32 ns @ 3 trials
[FloatMath.sqrt(x*x + y*y)]
benchmark=Hypot_FloatMathSqrtMult} 684.17 ns; σ=4.83 ns @ 3 trials
[FloatMath.sqrt(FloatMath.pow(x, 2) + FloatMath.pow(y, 2))]
benchmark=Hypot_FloatMathSqrtPow} 1270.65 ns; σ=12.20 ns @ 6 trials
[(float) Math.hypot(x, y)]
benchmark=Hypot_MathHypot} 96.80 ns; σ=0.05 ns @ 3 trials
[(float) Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)]
benchmark=Hypot_MathSqrtMult} 23.97 ns; σ=0.01 ns @ 3 trials
[(float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2))]
benchmark=Hypot_MathSqrtPow} 156.19 ns; σ=0.12 ns @ 3 trials
benchmark=Hypot_FloatMathHypot} 1180.54 ns; σ=5.13 ns @ 3 trials
benchmark=Hypot_FloatMathSqrtMult} 1121.05 ns; σ=3.80 ns @ 3 trials
benchmark=Hypot_FloatMathSqrtPow} 3327.14 ns; σ=7.33 ns @ 3 trials
benchmark=Hypot_MathHypot} 856.57 ns; σ=1.41 ns @ 3 trials
benchmark=Hypot_MathSqrtMult} 1028.92 ns; σ=9.11 ns @ 3 trials
benchmark=Hypot_MathSqrtPow} 2539.47 ns; σ=24.44 ns @ 3 trials
Change-Id: I06c91f682095e627cb547d60d936ef87941be692
- Report capture failures from service to application
- Only go to error state for device-level errors
- Adjust binder interface method names to match the service side names
- Reduce failed session creation logging
- Don't fire CaptureSession.onActive for CameraDevice.onBusy
- Check with session to determine capture failure reason
Bug: 17160301
Bug: 15524101
Bug: 14448494
Bug: 11272459
Change-Id: I9dd606004fd7845910dc865738fbe17f1640f07d
- Add wrapper class for highSpeedVideoConfiguration.
- Add APIs to query high speed video recording configurations in
- Fix ColorSpaceTransform unit test in CameraMetadataTest
- Fix a bug in HashCodeHelper
Change-Id: I192e57f6ab5dfbba6d958571352f067a9eaec7b2
A higher hal version device like HAL3.2 can be opened as HAL1.0 device
if HAL supports it. This only applies to camera API1.
Change-Id: I4ae9f59f4317158cc1bd7ed7726e4032cdd1fa07
* Also changes Rational to reduce the numerator/denominator by
its greatest common divisor at construction time (e.g. (2/4 -> 1/2)).
Bug: 15432042
Change-Id: Ib827abccf44a040667e5931cf9442afc86b57e2d
Since the focus range is defined in diopters (1/distance), it just so
happens that in a range [near, far] near >= far which is against the
android.util.Range contract.
Change it to pair instead.
Also adds a marshaler for Pairs since they didn't have one before
(and aren't parcelable).
Bug: 15335269
Change-Id: If2f3259aeec072438a1c18c1b9728a4c81e92a40
Add a test to verify we return null TonemapCurve when at least one
channel of tonemap curve is absent.
Bug: 14628001
Change-Id: I3e89dbcf00e5f21b01fc78fe43fe5c4200690357
* CameraMetadata.Key<T>
* CameraCharacteristics.Key<T>
* CaptureResult.Key<T>
* CaptureRequest.Key<T>
CameraMetadata#get has been removed (each metadata subclass has
its own #get now) due to java generic limitations (in particular
a type bound <T1<T2> extends Key<T2>> is an illegal bound).
CameraMetadataNative gets a new #dumpToLog function to dump the native
metadata to logcat.
Bug: 15091017
Change-Id: Ic56c54c0d184e209e20de374dc8a6d79527c209f
* Also @hide/@deprecate a bunch of other keys
* Move some classes into android.hardware.camera2.params
Bug: 14628001
Change-Id: I2db490a0849680a133a901403477a147b004fb28
* Improve existing marshalers:
- each managed/native type combination can be queried marshal support
- marshalers can recursively call other marshalers for nested types
- support marshaling/unmarshaling generic classes by using super type tokens
* Add new marshalers for:
- ColorSpaceTransform
- MeteringRectangle
- Parcelable
- Range<T>
- ReprocessFormatsMap
- RggbChannelVector
- SizeF
- StreamConfiguration
- StreamConfigurationDuration
Batteries included; so are unit tests.
Bug: 14628001
Change-Id: I38d3e646ccfb3953898cd6f750c33e4097328482
* The tag android.sensor.calibrationTransform1 was renamed
to android.sensor.calibrationTransform (1 removed)
Bug: 12002757
Change-Id: Ida0e37a30222f08d0d9bb3871717c74c21e428ac
Recent changes to SkPixelRef (from which SkOmxPixelRef inherited)
added abstract functions which SkOmxPixelRef does not implement.
Solution: remove SkOmxPixelRef, which is completely unused. The only
code that created one was commented out at the same time as it was
added in 2009, so there's likely no benefit to reviving it.
Change-Id: Icbf2537fcc03fd464fd791ff91659a1812019623
(These CLs are already in master.)
Bug: 13246311
This cherry-picks 7 CLs:
Remove calls to deprecated SkBitmap::setIsOpaque()
setIsOpaque() has been removed from ToT Skia.
Update setters for mIsPremultiplied and hasAlpha to take the
other into consideration.
cherry-pick from: I1b36b0b0ce7126031eb7b769b563c17dcd4b306a
Merge AssetStream with AssetStreamAdaptor.
Add enums to the constructor for AssetStreamAdaptor to choose the
different behaviors used by the (former) two different classes.
The old clients of AssetStream now get the following features of
- Debugging statements on error.
- The stream is an SkStreamRewindable.
- getLength() returns the correct value, and the old way of getting
the length (read(NULL, 0)) is no longer implemented, since it is
no longer used.
- isAtEnd() returns the correct value. ToT Skia makes it pure virtual,
so some implementation is necessary.
cherry-pick from: I2a5395914e4f53830aaefee396556459083a1c56
Deprecate Android-specific SkPaint functions.
The following functions were problematic:
const SkGlyph& getUnicharMetrics(SkUnichar, const SkMatrix*);
const SkGlyph& getGlyphMetrics(uint16_t, const SkMatrix*);
const void* findImage(const SkGlyph&, const SkMatrix*);
Replacing them with calls through SkGlyphCache solved a nasty crash
bug, so they have all been deprecated.
Bug: 11968757
cherry-pick from: Id746315d41aec5b211b78b172a883c2061130f08
pass SkGlyphCache into updateGlyphCache()
Doing so prevents us from double-locking the glyph cache, thereby
effectively locking ourselves out of reusing work that we'd just done.
Bug: 11968757
cherry-pick from: I5c552f2d0bbe30af2ce9054ba684e7da756a0d89
Updates to the Skia API needed to merge the WebView m33 version of Skia.
cherry-pick from: I0f63b53f2aae58871413b132742fc84138f069a3
Bugfix for screenshots (recent apps) due to incorrect rowBytes computation
bug: 12915192
cherry-pick from: I4d5fe2a2f75baf66099e0970fb646686a1992714
Fix bug in AndroidPixelRef where we did not store the correct imageInfo for a recycled bitmap.
cherry-pick from: I882483b78886e2f19fa4e43a86e69f5a82b3b7e5
Change-Id: Ie2b731a9f0795802418cfecddb4b684c92c64d33
The libskia target exports all of its public includes directories so
redefining them here is redundant. Also this cleans up and makes it
obvious where the framework is making using of private Skia headers.
Change-Id: Ie7ecc9ddd3df780bed6b9af54ba58ca58274e043
- pass time between capture as us, in high fps case ms could
be inaccurate
- add test cases in MediaRecorderTest for time lapse/slow motion
Bug: 13032650
Change-Id: I34ecc3b39e0519753f74ae42afcaeeddfff1666a