This is just the initial state tracking. Still to go is
actually triggering Bluetooth A2DP correctly and tracking
process state in the system server.
Change-Id: I33031d52799d6e2d7208910da833831085cc3677
Now that AudioService handles the device connection intents itself,
those need to be sent under wakelock.
The wake lock is acquired when AudioService is notified of the
device connection, and released when the corresponding message
has been handled.
This change only covers the device connection messages, and doesn't
affect the handling of the other AudioService messages.
Bug 6485897
Change-Id: I2d35f5404f097b5adde8af21fd81347bdd5576a6
AudioService is currently notified of wired headset and A2DP
sink connection states via broadcast intents from WiredAccessoryObserver
and BluetoothA2dpService. This is a problem as there is no guaranty that
AudioService can take actions upon the change before other apps are notified.
For instance, the Play On feature requires the UI to be refreshed when a device
is inserted/removed and we must guaranty that the UI component can read
new A2DP enable state from AudioManager after it receives a device connection state
change intent.
- Added hidden methods to AudioManager so that WiredAccessoryObserver
and BluetoothA2dpService can notify AudioService of device connection directly.
- The wired accessories connection intents are now sent by AudioService.
- The A2DP state change intent is delayed by BluetoothA2DPService when
- ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY intent is not sent when disconnecting A2DP
while a wired headset is present and vice versa.
Bug 6485897.
Change-Id: Ie160b3ee5f451132065530772b868593c90afd94
- use an ID instead of a String for StorageVolume description
- use this ID for getting the correct localized version of the description string
Change-Id: I30f3080fce2c889be38bfdf9f5121dffcf8a99e8
When doing a "like" match on a path, add a second non-like constraint
so that sqlite wildcard characters don't match arbitrary other characters.
Change-Id: I21f9b1c2d8e7c7ef27c0ad5fe24c3e01cd67fb61
Remove deprecation on setBluetoothA2dpOn() method so that applications
can override the default audio policy which is to use A2DP
for media whenever connected.
The request is not persistent and the default policy is restored when a
new A2DP i ro wired headset connection occurs.
Bug 6485897.
Change-Id: I2a4b6b6bdba55f7b133e64f86d27c03eb86acfa4
When the user long presses on the headset key, the type of search
that will launched must depend on the state of the device. The
following logic is implemented:
- screen on and device unlocked: action is ACTION_WEB_SEARCH,
- device locked or screen off: action is ACTION_VOICE_SEARCH_HANDS_FREE
with EXTRA_SECURE set to true if the device is securely locked.
Bug 6518222
Change-Id: I318770346b8d83e44dfcd4154bcdb517ea7098b5
Handle canceled key events correctly and don't synthesize
key events in that case.
Unfortunately, the state machine was confused by some sequences
of key events that it might receive from the input dispatcher
when new activities take focus during a long-press on the headset key.
The audio service may receive a cancel event intended for the old
window, followed by a repeated down and finally an up for the new window.
Simplified this down to just two booleans.
Bug: 6484717
Change-Id: I9587d0a5e282419ef4d7c17665940682aacea96a
Add functionality in AudioManager/AudioService to register a
media button receiver for telephony that, when registered, gets
priority for media button key events during a phone call or
when ringing.
Bug 6484717
Change-Id: I0835fc02cb24d06ca59af5a32c3ba0ae93e54442
Whenever a stream type is muted, the progress bar in volume panel
is at 0.
If a stream is muted by ringer mode and does not control ringer mode,
the progress bar is disabled.
Pressing VOL- when in vibrate or silent mode resets the last audible
volume of ringtone stream (music strem on tablets) to 0.
VolumePanel implementation:
- Always prefer AudioManager APIs over AudioService APIs when available on both.
- Do not use AudioManager.shouldVibrate() (deprecated).
Change-Id: I57fcb19ada4e8d729b6b41d668496562ebe340c3
Enforce the same rules as for HDMI output:
- FL/FR must be present
- paired channels must be used in pairs (e.g. no rear left
without rear right)
Bug 6392126
Change-Id: I0a39e474dcf509cb7eabd8edd1f0e44852d72b51
Implement the interception of long-press on keys that
can be used to trigger voice-based interactions (here
only HEADSETHOOK) only if the long-press hasn't been
trapped by the foreground application:
- if the key is not one that is used for voice input, handle
the event as before.
- if the key press wasn't long enough, simulate a delayed
key press.
- if long press is detected, send
RecognizerIntent.ACTION_WEB_SEARCH. Long press duration
is set to 300ms (a typical key press is under 100ms).
Bug 3225090
Change-Id: I5b3adeb91d3c41ccd54d23fdb93d7eaec496eee7
Also broadcast ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY on USB audio disconnect
Change-Id: I46dfcc744df880066aea6bf651334a081c14af0f
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <>
Fix various issues in adjustStreamVolume() related to stream type aliases
using different ranges.
Always Update last audible index on all streams sharing the same alias.
Add check on setRingerMode() to prevent setting mode to VIBRATE when no
vibrator is present.
Issue 6455831.
Change-Id: Id110e05d2f16e208e1e398922617bf31967b62db
Add synchronization to prevent concurrent accesses to
volume indexes HashMap in VolumeStreamState.
Use ConcurrentHashMap for VolumeStreamState mIndex and
Issue 6421841.
Change-Id: I6dee805a79aa5e2cd0ba4072014a2fcdda4ed507
o Removes mParcel from TimedText class.
o Converts native parcel into java parcel object directly without
copying to an intermediate byte array.
o JNIMediaPlayerListener::notify checks for Java exceptions, logs them,
and clears the exception state.
related-to-bug: 6405934
Change-Id: I8b82d3cd5b9b3ef8cad27e805202a0e445a88a45
Clean up related to new Vibration policy.
The vibrate behavior is now only derived from:
- presence of a vibrator on the device
- current ringer mode selected: NORMAL, VIBRATE or SILENT
If no vibrator is present the ringer mode can only be NORMAL or SILENT.
The control of ringer mode via volume keys when volume keys control the "master"
stream type (RING on phones, MUSIC on tablets) is as follows:
If a vibrator is present:
VOL- and volume equals 1: NORMAL => VIBRATE
VOL- and volume equals 0 and not continuous press: VIBRATE => SILENT
VOL+ and in VIBRATE mode: VIBRATE => NORMAL, volume = 1
If no vibrator is present:
VOL- and volume equals 0 and not continuous press: NORMAL => SILENT
VOL+ and in SILENT mode: SILENT => NORMAL, volume = 0
VIBRATE_ON and VIBRATE_IN_SILENT settings are not stored/retreived any more.
AudioService checks and corrects ringer mode and stream volumes if necessary when reading from
DB at boot time.
Added dump for stream volumes in AudioService.
Added device names missing in AudioSystem for USB accessory and USB device.
Issue: 6036529
Issue: 6414950
Issue: 6448163
Change-Id: I77fb821ec63e4e566320cac2701b4ac466e86aef
Silent ringtones have a valid Uri, but isn't openable by MediaPlayer,
so treat as no-op playback instead of throwing. Also handle missing
permissions when resolving title.
Bug: 6448074, 6447538
Change-Id: I656675d7fc2e78a6ba05824e13bdd43193fcfdf2
If the "" system property is
defined and true, monitor device configuration changes
and see if the device orientation changed. If it did,
set the "orientation" audio system parameter to one
of "landscape", "portrait", "square" or "undefined".
Set orientation when starting AudioService, and
when media server restarts.
Change-Id: Idce548f93abf3aab30149e5952daaa7051630232
Deprecate methods, intent and constants related to vibrate
settings management: getVibrateSetting(), setVibrateSetting(),
shouldVibrate() ...
According to new vibrate/notification policy, applications should
maintain their own vibrate settings.
Issue 6036529.
Change-Id: I99bcef2c5f602131f1d9b0222f7fb39f3bbef823
Changing STREAM_MUSIC from volume panel on tablets should exit silent
mode as does changing STREAM_RING on phones.
Issue 5970208.
Change-Id: Ia8ed62033da07a5d4dfcfa84b0b47b27414bdd9a
AudioService maintains a stack of registered media button event
This change modifies the broadcasters of ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON intents
let AudioService directly handle the corresponding key event instead
of trapping the intent sent by PhoneWindowManager, KeyguardViewBase
and PhoneFallbackEventHandler.
Because the key event may be sent through a PendingIntent,
AudioService now also implements the OnFinished interface to be
notified when the event was consumed so it can release the wake
lock held if it was held when the key event needed to be sent
(see where PassHeadsetKey was instanciated in PhoneWindowManager).
Change-Id: I2e8614df94af9d54edbf714ef443cc372d21827a