- make the sync dump handle the case where there are no accounts
- fix a bug that caused the SyncManager to burn up CPU in the system process
The following was implemented:
scheduler offers:
- settings to disable sync
- retries of certain errors
- backoffs
want a way to control these when scheduling a sync
- "ignore_settings"
- "ignore initial backoff"
- "manual" : ignore settings, ignore initial backoff
- "do not retry"
- need to change the default behavior of not retrying manual syncs to retry regardless
scrolling to ListView. Added auto-scrolling to show expanded content
for ExpandableListView. Fixed an AbsListView recycler bug where
offscreen views would stick around in the view hierarchy.
Addresses bugs 1161597 and 1119429.
- added the ability to specify that a sync (of account/authority/extras)
should occur at a given frequency
- the existing daily poll code was replaced with seeding each
account/authority with a 24 hour periodic sync
- enhanced the "adb shell dumpsys content" output to show the
periodic syncs and when they will next run
Note that Rfc822Tokenizer.tokenize(CharSequence text) is already in the SDK
and it just wraps the version I am unhiding.
Change-Id: I1ac3b405a04df960fc1e65ca4797d6f5adf85dc4
Although not strictly a published API (the class does not appear in the docs), it has found it's way into the API through
the public, subclassable android.webkit.JsResult class where it is a protected member.
Based on changed from Ben.
This should have been removed in my previous change.
Change-Id: I3a080888f995e77a61e3ebf1c194ccd65686af1e
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <lockwood@android.com>
Clarifies what the password modes mean, renaming them to "quality"
and updating their documentation and the implementation to follow.
Also adds a facility to find out if a monkey is running, which I
need for the api demo to avoid letting it wipe the device.
Add new ALLOW_LOCK_WHILE_SCREEN_ON window manager flag, which when set
causes the window manager to put up the lockscreen after the
normal screen timeout has elapsed.
Add plumbing to pass PowerManager.userActivity() to the window manager policy.
Change-Id: I05adc52bad39c56031a08e8ec3cbcf5c2d9b9827
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <lockwood@android.com>
SQLiteDatabase.java has ConflictAlgorithm which allows callers to specify
actions to take when insert or update causes constraint violations.
These actions are documented at http://www.sqlite.org/lang_conflict.html.
why make these public? usecase is the following:
Gmail has a table with a column "_id" being the integer primary key and
they let sqlite assign key values to the column.
but there is another UNIQUE key column (message_id) in the table.
so an insert could fail due to constraint violation on the message_id column
(i.e., not on the primary key). and when that happens, they would like to
get the value of _id that caused constraint violation.
currently hidden method insertOnConflict() already provides the above
functionality. that means exposing ConflictAlgorithm also.
Bug #2399147
This new API will be used by scrollable containers to tell children that they
are/are not displayed. This will allow lists to hide their filter popup window
for instance.
- You can now show a dynamic message to the user when asking to
have your DeviceAdmin added.
- A DeviceAdmin can now provide a warning message that is displayed
before a user disables it.
- Better ordering (and text) of the policy warnings.
- New API to set the maximum failed password attempts before the device
wipes itself.
- We now store the number of failed unlock attempts in persistent
- New managed dialog APIs that will be used by the settings app.
Also a little bit of cleanup as I was working on this - removed the
long unused MailboxNotAvailableException, fixed a java doc in Messenger.
QSB can use this instead of POST to send the location
data. After QSB makes the switch, we should also
remove the POST_DATA intent which is hidden.
Add loadUrl(String url, HashMap extraHeaders) to
WebView so that the caller can send the extra http
Remove "inline:" as no one is using it and it is a
hidden feature.
Part 1 of 3-project checkin.
There is now a description attribute associated with all components,
that can supply user-visible information about what the component does.
We use this to show such information about device admins, and wallpapers
are also updated to be able to show this in addition to the existing
description in their meta-data.
This also defines security control for admins, requiring that they
declare the policies they will touch, and enforcing that they do
so to be able to use various APIs.
Allow ApplicationInfo to track multiple files it wants to use as
resources by adding a string array to its public definition.
Change-Id: Ieffc4b1755270520b59c4e5a3c084e86aef02346
Context hides methods related to the underlying functioning of
resources which are readily available from the ApplicationInfo
object. This change allows getting access to information
without having to make PackageManager calls for it.
Change-Id: Icf6a9da652dad8175bd11b5cd81a924181070373
Make NumberPicker public
Made setCurrent() more robust, as the value needs to be within the range
specified earlier. setCurrent() will now throw an exception
if the specified doesn't fall in the range