2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
2016-01-12 14:45:08 -08:00
#include "LayerBuilder.h"
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
#include "BakedOpState.h"
#include "RenderNode.h"
#include "utils/PaintUtils.h"
#include "utils/TraceUtils.h"
#include <utils/TypeHelpers.h>
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
class BatchBase {
BatchBase(batchid_t batchId, BakedOpState* op, bool merging)
: mBatchId(batchId)
, mMerging(merging) {
mBounds = op->computedState.clippedBounds;
bool intersects(const Rect& rect) const {
if (!rect.intersects(mBounds)) return false;
for (const BakedOpState* op : mOps) {
if (rect.intersects(op->computedState.clippedBounds)) {
return true;
return false;
batchid_t getBatchId() const { return mBatchId; }
bool isMerging() const { return mMerging; }
const std::vector<BakedOpState*>& getOps() const { return mOps; }
void dump() const {
ALOGD(" Batch %p, id %d, merging %d, count %d, bounds " RECT_STRING,
2016-01-11 19:28:17 -08:00
this, mBatchId, mMerging, (int) mOps.size(), RECT_ARGS(mBounds));
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
batchid_t mBatchId;
Rect mBounds;
std::vector<BakedOpState*> mOps;
bool mMerging;
class OpBatch : public BatchBase {
OpBatch(batchid_t batchId, BakedOpState* op)
: BatchBase(batchId, op, false) {
void batchOp(BakedOpState* op) {
class MergingOpBatch : public BatchBase {
MergingOpBatch(batchid_t batchId, BakedOpState* op)
: BatchBase(batchId, op, true)
, mClipSideFlags(op->computedState.clipSideFlags) {
* Helper for determining if a new op can merge with a MergingDrawBatch based on their bounds
* and clip side flags. Positive bounds delta means new bounds fit in old.
static inline bool checkSide(const int currentFlags, const int newFlags, const int side,
float boundsDelta) {
bool currentClipExists = currentFlags & side;
bool newClipExists = newFlags & side;
// if current is clipped, we must be able to fit new bounds in current
if (boundsDelta > 0 && currentClipExists) return false;
// if new is clipped, we must be able to fit current bounds in new
if (boundsDelta < 0 && newClipExists) return false;
return true;
static bool paintIsDefault(const SkPaint& paint) {
return paint.getAlpha() == 255
&& paint.getColorFilter() == nullptr
&& paint.getShader() == nullptr;
static bool paintsAreEquivalent(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b) {
// Note: don't check color, since all currently mergeable ops can merge across colors
return a.getAlpha() == b.getAlpha()
&& a.getColorFilter() == b.getColorFilter()
&& a.getShader() == b.getShader();
* Checks if a (mergeable) op can be merged into this batch
* If true, the op's multiDraw must be guaranteed to handle both ops simultaneously, so it is
* important to consider all paint attributes used in the draw calls in deciding both a) if an
* op tries to merge at all, and b) if the op can merge with another set of ops
* False positives can lead to information from the paints of subsequent merged operations being
* dropped, so we make simplifying qualifications on the ops that can merge, per op type.
bool canMergeWith(BakedOpState* op) const {
bool isTextBatch = getBatchId() == OpBatchType::Text
|| getBatchId() == OpBatchType::ColorText;
// Overlapping other operations is only allowed for text without shadow. For other ops,
// multiDraw isn't guaranteed to overdraw correctly
if (!isTextBatch || PaintUtils::hasTextShadow(op->op->paint)) {
if (intersects(op->computedState.clippedBounds)) return false;
const BakedOpState* lhs = op;
const BakedOpState* rhs = mOps[0];
if (!MathUtils::areEqual(lhs->alpha, rhs->alpha)) return false;
// Identical round rect clip state means both ops will clip in the same way, or not at all.
// As the state objects are const, we can compare their pointers to determine mergeability
if (lhs->roundRectClipState != rhs->roundRectClipState) return false;
2016-03-01 13:27:54 -08:00
// Local masks prevent merge, since they're potentially in different coordinate spaces
if (lhs->computedState.localProjectionPathMask
|| rhs->computedState.localProjectionPathMask) return false;
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
/* Clipping compatibility check
* Exploits the fact that if a op or batch is clipped on a side, its bounds will equal its
* clip for that side.
const int currentFlags = mClipSideFlags;
const int newFlags = op->computedState.clipSideFlags;
if (currentFlags != OpClipSideFlags::None || newFlags != OpClipSideFlags::None) {
const Rect& opBounds = op->computedState.clippedBounds;
float boundsDelta = mBounds.left - opBounds.left;
if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, OpClipSideFlags::Left, boundsDelta)) return false;
boundsDelta = mBounds.top - opBounds.top;
if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, OpClipSideFlags::Top, boundsDelta)) return false;
// right and bottom delta calculation reversed to account for direction
boundsDelta = opBounds.right - mBounds.right;
if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, OpClipSideFlags::Right, boundsDelta)) return false;
boundsDelta = opBounds.bottom - mBounds.bottom;
if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, OpClipSideFlags::Bottom, boundsDelta)) return false;
const SkPaint* newPaint = op->op->paint;
const SkPaint* oldPaint = mOps[0]->op->paint;
if (newPaint == oldPaint) {
// if paints are equal, then modifiers + paint attribs don't need to be compared
return true;
} else if (newPaint && !oldPaint) {
return paintIsDefault(*newPaint);
} else if (!newPaint && oldPaint) {
return paintIsDefault(*oldPaint);
return paintsAreEquivalent(*newPaint, *oldPaint);
void mergeOp(BakedOpState* op) {
// Because a new op must have passed canMergeWith(), we know it's passed the clipping compat
// check, and doesn't extend past a side of the clip that's in use by the merged batch.
// Therefore it's safe to simply always merge flags, and use the bounds as the clip rect.
mClipSideFlags |= op->computedState.clipSideFlags;
int getClipSideFlags() const { return mClipSideFlags; }
const Rect& getClipRect() const { return mBounds; }
int mClipSideFlags;
2016-01-12 14:45:08 -08:00
LayerBuilder::LayerBuilder(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
const Rect& repaintRect, const BeginLayerOp* beginLayerOp, RenderNode* renderNode)
: width(width)
, height(height)
, repaintRect(repaintRect)
2016-02-25 16:54:08 -08:00
, repaintClip(repaintRect)
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
, offscreenBuffer(renderNode ? renderNode->getLayer() : nullptr)
, beginLayerOp(beginLayerOp)
2016-02-25 16:54:08 -08:00
, renderNode(renderNode) {}
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
// iterate back toward target to see if anything drawn since should overlap the new op
// if no target, merging ops still iterate to find similar batch to insert after
2016-01-12 14:45:08 -08:00
void LayerBuilder::locateInsertIndex(int batchId, const Rect& clippedBounds,
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
BatchBase** targetBatch, size_t* insertBatchIndex) const {
for (int i = mBatches.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
BatchBase* overBatch = mBatches[i];
if (overBatch == *targetBatch) break;
// TODO: also consider shader shared between batch types
if (batchId == overBatch->getBatchId()) {
*insertBatchIndex = i + 1;
if (!*targetBatch) break; // found insert position, quit
if (overBatch->intersects(clippedBounds)) {
// NOTE: it may be possible to optimize for special cases where two operations
// of the same batch/paint could swap order, such as with a non-mergeable
// (clipped) and a mergeable text operation
*targetBatch = nullptr;
2016-01-12 14:45:08 -08:00
void LayerBuilder::deferLayerClear(const Rect& rect) {
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
2016-03-28 12:54:07 -07:00
void LayerBuilder::onDeferOp(LinearAllocator& allocator, const BakedOpState* bakedState) {
if (bakedState->op->opId != RecordedOpId::CopyToLayerOp) {
// First non-CopyToLayer, so stop stashing up layer clears for unclipped save layers,
// and issue them together in one draw.
if (CC_UNLIKELY(activeUnclippedSaveLayers.empty()
&& bakedState->computedState.opaqueOverClippedBounds
2016-04-14 16:08:25 -07:00
&& bakedState->computedState.clippedBounds.contains(repaintRect)
&& !Properties::debugOverdraw)) {
2016-03-28 12:54:07 -07:00
// discard all deferred drawing ops, since new one will occlude them
2016-01-12 14:45:08 -08:00
void LayerBuilder::flushLayerClears(LinearAllocator& allocator) {
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
if (CC_UNLIKELY(!mClearRects.empty())) {
const int vertCount = mClearRects.size() * 4;
// put the verts in the frame allocator, since
// 1) SimpleRectsOps needs verts, not rects
// 2) even if mClearRects stored verts, std::vectors will move their contents
2016-02-19 15:51:02 -08:00
Vertex* const verts = (Vertex*) allocator.create_trivial_array<Vertex>(vertCount);
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
Vertex* currentVert = verts;
Rect bounds = mClearRects[0];
for (auto&& rect : mClearRects) {
Vertex::set(currentVert++, rect.left, rect.top);
Vertex::set(currentVert++, rect.right, rect.top);
Vertex::set(currentVert++, rect.left, rect.bottom);
Vertex::set(currentVert++, rect.right, rect.bottom);
mClearRects.clear(); // discard rects before drawing so this method isn't reentrant
// One or more unclipped saveLayers have been enqueued, with deferred clears.
// Flush all of these clears with a single draw
SkPaint* paint = allocator.create<SkPaint>();
2016-10-07 15:59:20 -04:00
2016-02-10 16:08:08 -08:00
SimpleRectsOp* op = allocator.create_trivial<SimpleRectsOp>(bounds,
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
Matrix4::identity(), nullptr, paint,
verts, vertCount);
BakedOpState* bakedState = BakedOpState::directConstruct(allocator,
2016-02-25 16:54:08 -08:00
&repaintClip, bounds, *op);
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
deferUnmergeableOp(allocator, bakedState, OpBatchType::Vertices);
2016-01-12 14:45:08 -08:00
void LayerBuilder::deferUnmergeableOp(LinearAllocator& allocator,
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
BakedOpState* op, batchid_t batchId) {
2016-03-28 12:54:07 -07:00
onDeferOp(allocator, op);
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
OpBatch* targetBatch = mBatchLookup[batchId];
size_t insertBatchIndex = mBatches.size();
if (targetBatch) {
locateInsertIndex(batchId, op->computedState.clippedBounds,
(BatchBase**)(&targetBatch), &insertBatchIndex);
if (targetBatch) {
} else {
// new non-merging batch
2016-02-10 16:08:08 -08:00
targetBatch = allocator.create<OpBatch>(batchId, op);
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
mBatchLookup[batchId] = targetBatch;
mBatches.insert(mBatches.begin() + insertBatchIndex, targetBatch);
2016-01-12 14:45:08 -08:00
void LayerBuilder::deferMergeableOp(LinearAllocator& allocator,
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
BakedOpState* op, batchid_t batchId, mergeid_t mergeId) {
2016-03-28 12:54:07 -07:00
onDeferOp(allocator, op);
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
MergingOpBatch* targetBatch = nullptr;
// Try to merge with any existing batch with same mergeId
auto getResult = mMergingBatchLookup[batchId].find(mergeId);
if (getResult != mMergingBatchLookup[batchId].end()) {
targetBatch = getResult->second;
if (!targetBatch->canMergeWith(op)) {
targetBatch = nullptr;
size_t insertBatchIndex = mBatches.size();
locateInsertIndex(batchId, op->computedState.clippedBounds,
(BatchBase**)(&targetBatch), &insertBatchIndex);
if (targetBatch) {
} else {
// new merging batch
2016-02-10 16:08:08 -08:00
targetBatch = allocator.create<MergingOpBatch>(batchId, op);
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
mMergingBatchLookup[batchId].insert(std::make_pair(mergeId, targetBatch));
mBatches.insert(mBatches.begin() + insertBatchIndex, targetBatch);
2016-01-12 14:45:08 -08:00
void LayerBuilder::replayBakedOpsImpl(void* arg,
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
BakedOpReceiver* unmergedReceivers, MergedOpReceiver* mergedReceivers) const {
2016-05-04 16:27:28 -07:00
if (renderNode) {
ATRACE_FORMAT_BEGIN("Issue HW Layer DisplayList %s %ux%u",
renderNode->getName(), width, height);
} else {
ATRACE_BEGIN("flush drawing commands");
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
for (const BatchBase* batch : mBatches) {
size_t size = batch->getOps().size();
if (size > 1 && batch->isMerging()) {
int opId = batch->getOps()[0]->op->opId;
const MergingOpBatch* mergingBatch = static_cast<const MergingOpBatch*>(batch);
MergedBakedOpList data = {
mergedReceivers[opId](arg, data);
} else {
for (const BakedOpState* op : batch->getOps()) {
unmergedReceivers[op->op->opId](arg, *op);
2016-05-04 16:27:28 -07:00
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
2016-03-28 12:54:07 -07:00
void LayerBuilder::clear() {
for (int i = 0; i < OpBatchType::Count; i++) {
mBatchLookup[i] = nullptr;
2016-01-12 14:45:08 -08:00
void LayerBuilder::dump() const {
2016-03-11 19:16:21 -08:00
ALOGD("LayerBuilder %p, %ux%u buffer %p, blo %p, rn %p (%s)",
this, width, height, offscreenBuffer, beginLayerOp,
renderNode, renderNode ? renderNode->getName() : "-");
2016-01-11 14:07:59 -08:00
for (const BatchBase* batch : mBatches) {
} // namespace uirenderer
} // namespace android