<li>Includes proper provisioning for the platform's Backup Manager. For more information about how to use the Backup Manager, see <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/data/backup.html">Data Backup</a>.</li>
<li>Updates the Android 2.2 system image to FRF91.</li>
<li>New OpenGL ES 2.0 APIs in {@link android.opengl.GLES20 android.opengl.GLES20}.</li>
<li>New {@link android.opengl.ETC1}, {@link android.opengl.ETC1Util}, and {@link android.opengl.ETC1Util.ETC1Texture} classes and utility methods for using ETC1 for texture compression.</li>
<li>New APIs in {@link android.media.AudioManager android.media.AudioManager} for managing audio focus, transport control, transient loss of audio focus, ducking.</li>
<li>New broadcast intent for routing audio to SCO — {@link android.media.AudioManager#ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED} with extras indicating new state.</li>
<li>New APIs in {@link android.media.SoundPool} to detect completion of sound-loading.</li>
<li>New APIs in {@link android.media.SoundPool} for auto pause and resume.</li>
<li>New APIs in {@link android.media.MediaRecorder} for specifying audio settings for number of channels, encoding and sampling rates, sampling rate.</li>
<li>New APIs for adding files to the media database, so that they are automatically scanned. See {@link android.media.MediaScannerConnection#scanFile(Context, String[], String[], OnScanCompletedListener) MediaScannerConnection.scanFile} and {@link android.media.MediaScannerConnection.OnScanCompletedListener MediaScannerConnection.OnScanCompletedListener}.</li>
<li>The platform provides new speech-recognition APIs that allow applications to have a richer interaction with the available voice recognizer. For example, the APIs are sufficient to integrate voice recognition deeply into an IME.</li>
<li>The platform also provides a {@link android.speech.RecognitionService} base class that lets third-party developers create plug-in recognition engines. </li>
<li>New {@link android.speech.RecognitionListener} interface to receive callbacks.</li>
<li>New {@link android.speech.RecognizerIntent} extras that let a requester app specify details as preferred language, minimum length in milliseconds, and so on.</li>
<li>Changes to camera preview API to improve efficieny of preview pipeline. </li>
<li>New display orientation for camera (it can now work in portrait orientation).</li>
<li>New APIs in {@link android.hardware.Camera android.hardware.Camera} for managing zoom level.</li>
<li>New APIs {@link android.hardware.Camera.Parameters android.hardware.Camera.Parameters} for querying and setting device camera settings such as focal length, exposure, zoom level, view angle, and others.</li>
<li>New {@link android.media.ThumbnailUtils thumbnail} utility for video and image thumbnails.</li>
<li>New {@link android.media.CamcorderProfile} and {@link android.media.CamcorderProfile} classes enable apps to determine device hardware camera capablities.</li>
<li>New support in {@link android.media.ExifInterface android.media.ExifInterface} for retrieving GPS and focal length.</li>
<li>New UI modes "car mode" and "night mode" and {@link android.app.UiModeManager} let applications adjust their application UI for specific user modes. </li>
<li>New {@link android.view.ScaleGestureDetector} that lets Views detect and handle transformation gestures that involve more than one pointer (multitouch) using the supplied MotionEvents. </li>
<li>Improvements in the way that multitouch events are reported in {@link android.view.MotionEvent} objects.</li>
<li>The layout attribute <code>fill_parent</code> is renamed to <code>match_parent</code>. This affects both XML and Java code (see {@link android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams}). Note that the platform will continue to honor uses of <code>fill_parent</code> in legacy applications. </li>
<li>New layout attributes {@link android.R.attr#tabStripEnabled}, {@link android.R.attr#tabStripRight}, and {@link android.R.attr#tabStripLeft} let developers customize the bottom strip of TabWidgets.</li>
<li>New method {@link android.content.ContentResolver#addPeriodicSync(Account, String, Bundle, long) AddPeriodicSync()} lets you schedule a periodic sync with a specific account, authority, and extras at the given frequency.</li>
<li>For specifying the application's preferred install location (see <a href="#install-loc">App Installation on External Storage Media</a>, above):
<li>New <code>android:installLocation</code> attribute of the <code><manifest></code> element. Specifies the default install location defined by an application.</li>
<li>For managing user data backup (see <a href="#backup-manager">Backup manager</a>, above, for more information):
<li> New <code>android:backupAgent</code> attribute of the
<li> New <code>android:restoreAnyVersion</code> attribute of the
<code><application></code> element. Boolean value that indicates whether
the application is prepared to attempt a restore of any backed-up dataset, even
if the backup is apparently from a newer version of the application than is
currently installed on the device.</li>
<li>For managing the platform's JIT compiler:
<li>New <code>android:vmSafeMode</code> attribute of the <code><application></code> element. Boolean value that specifies whether to disable JIT compiler optimizations when running the application.</li>
<li><code>android.permission.BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN</code> — Any device administration broadcast receiver must require this permission, to ensure that only the system can interact with it.</li>
<li><code>android.permission.KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES</code> — Allows an application to call {@link android.app.ActivityManager#killBackgroundProcesses(String)}.
<li><code>android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER</code> — Any {@link android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService} must require this permission, to ensure that only the system can interact with it.</li>
<li><code>android.permission.SET_TIME</code> — Allows an application to set the system time.</li>
<h3 id="api-diff">API differences report</h3>
<p>For a detailed view of all API changes in Android {@sdkPlatformVersion} (API