2016-10-26 10:30:09 -04:00
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "SkiaPipeline.h"
#include "utils/TraceUtils.h"
2016-11-23 20:41:22 -05:00
#include <SkImageEncoder.h>
2016-12-12 15:31:39 -05:00
#include <SkImagePriv.h>
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#include <SkOverdrawCanvas.h>
#include <SkOverdrawColorFilter.h>
2016-10-26 10:30:09 -04:00
#include <SkPicture.h>
#include <SkPictureRecorder.h>
#include <SkPixelSerializer.h>
#include <SkStream.h>
2017-03-17 17:22:01 -04:00
#include <unistd.h>
2016-10-26 10:30:09 -04:00
using namespace android::uirenderer::renderthread;
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
namespace skiapipeline {
float SkiaPipeline::mLightRadius = 0;
uint8_t SkiaPipeline::mAmbientShadowAlpha = 0;
uint8_t SkiaPipeline::mSpotShadowAlpha = 0;
Vector3 SkiaPipeline::mLightCenter = {FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN};
SkiaPipeline::SkiaPipeline(RenderThread& thread) : mRenderThread(thread) { }
TaskManager* SkiaPipeline::getTaskManager() {
return &mTaskManager;
void SkiaPipeline::onDestroyHardwareResources() {
// No need to flush the caches here. There is a timer
// which will flush temporary resources over time.
2016-11-04 10:46:18 -04:00
bool SkiaPipeline::pinImages(std::vector<SkImage*>& mutableImages) {
for (SkImage* image : mutableImages) {
2016-11-16 16:00:17 -05:00
if (SkImage_pinAsTexture(image, mRenderThread.getGrContext())) {
} else {
return false;
2016-11-04 10:46:18 -04:00
return true;
void SkiaPipeline::unpinImages() {
for (auto& image : mPinnedImages) {
SkImage_unpinAsTexture(image.get(), mRenderThread.getGrContext());
2016-10-26 10:30:09 -04:00
void SkiaPipeline::renderLayers(const FrameBuilder::LightGeometry& lightGeometry,
LayerUpdateQueue* layerUpdateQueue, bool opaque,
const BakedOpRenderer::LightInfo& lightInfo) {
updateLighting(lightGeometry, lightInfo);
ATRACE_NAME("draw layers");
renderLayersImpl(*layerUpdateQueue, opaque);
void SkiaPipeline::renderLayersImpl(const LayerUpdateQueue& layers, bool opaque) {
// Render all layers that need to be updated, in order.
for (size_t i = 0; i < layers.entries().size(); i++) {
2017-03-02 13:23:16 -08:00
RenderNode* layerNode = layers.entries()[i].renderNode.get();
2016-10-26 10:30:09 -04:00
// only schedule repaint if node still on layer - possible it may have been
// removed during a dropped frame, but layers may still remain scheduled so
// as not to lose info on what portion is damaged
if (CC_LIKELY(layerNode->getLayerSurface() != nullptr)) {
SkiaDisplayList* displayList = (SkiaDisplayList*)layerNode->getDisplayList();
if (!displayList || displayList->isEmpty()) {
SkDEBUGF(("%p drawLayers(%s) : missing drawable", this, layerNode->getName()));
const Rect& layerDamage = layers.entries()[i].damage;
SkCanvas* layerCanvas = layerNode->getLayerSurface()->getCanvas();
int saveCount = layerCanvas->save();
SkASSERT(saveCount == 1);
2016-12-15 18:17:42 -05:00
2016-10-26 10:30:09 -04:00
auto savedLightCenter = mLightCenter;
// map current light center into RenderNode's coordinate space
const RenderProperties& properties = layerNode->properties();
const SkRect bounds = SkRect::MakeWH(properties.getWidth(), properties.getHeight());
if (properties.getClipToBounds() && layerCanvas->quickReject(bounds)) {
2016-11-09 16:13:54 -05:00
layerNode->getSkiaLayer()->hasRenderedSinceRepaint = false;
2016-10-26 10:30:09 -04:00
RenderNodeDrawable root(layerNode, layerCanvas, false);
mLightCenter = savedLightCenter;
bool SkiaPipeline::createOrUpdateLayer(RenderNode* node,
const DamageAccumulator& damageAccumulator) {
SkSurface* layer = node->getLayerSurface();
if (!layer || layer->width() != node->getWidth() || layer->height() != node->getHeight()) {
SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(node->getWidth(), node->getHeight());
SkSurfaceProps props(0, kUnknown_SkPixelGeometry);
SkASSERT(mRenderThread.getGrContext() != nullptr);
SkSurface::MakeRenderTarget(mRenderThread.getGrContext(), SkBudgeted::kYes,
info, 0, &props));
if (node->getLayerSurface()) {
// update the transform in window of the layer to reset its origin wrt light source
// position
Matrix4 windowTransform;
node->getSkiaLayer()->inverseTransformInWindow = windowTransform;
return true;
return false;
void SkiaPipeline::destroyLayer(RenderNode* node) {
void SkiaPipeline::prepareToDraw(const RenderThread& thread, Bitmap* bitmap) {
GrContext* context = thread.getGrContext();
if (context) {
ATRACE_FORMAT("Bitmap#prepareToDraw %dx%d", bitmap->width(), bitmap->height());
SkBitmap skiaBitmap;
sk_sp<SkImage> image = SkMakeImageFromRasterBitmap(skiaBitmap, kNever_SkCopyPixelsMode);
SkImage_pinAsTexture(image.get(), context);
SkImage_unpinAsTexture(image.get(), context);
// Encodes to PNG, unless there is already encoded data, in which case that gets
// used.
class PngPixelSerializer : public SkPixelSerializer {
bool onUseEncodedData(const void*, size_t) override { return true; }
SkData* onEncode(const SkPixmap& pixmap) override {
2016-11-23 20:41:22 -05:00
SkDynamicMemoryWStream buf;
return SkEncodeImage(&buf, pixmap, SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG, 100)
? buf.detachAsData().release()
: nullptr;
2016-10-26 10:30:09 -04:00
void SkiaPipeline::renderFrame(const LayerUpdateQueue& layers, const SkRect& clip,
const std::vector<sp<RenderNode>>& nodes, bool opaque, const Rect &contentDrawBounds,
sk_sp<SkSurface> surface) {
// draw all layers up front
renderLayersImpl(layers, opaque);
// initialize the canvas for the current frame
SkCanvas* canvas = surface->getCanvas();
std::unique_ptr<SkPictureRecorder> recorder;
bool recordingPicture = false;
if (skpCaptureEnabled()) {
property_get("debug.hwui.capture_frame_as_skp", prop, "0");
2017-03-17 17:22:01 -04:00
recordingPicture = prop[0] != '0' && access(prop, F_OK) != 0;
2016-10-26 10:30:09 -04:00
if (recordingPicture) {
recorder.reset(new SkPictureRecorder());
canvas = recorder->beginRecording(surface->width(), surface->height(),
nullptr, SkPictureRecorder::kPlaybackDrawPicture_RecordFlag);
2016-11-14 18:33:38 -05:00
renderFrameImpl(layers, clip, nodes, opaque, contentDrawBounds, canvas);
if (skpCaptureEnabled() && recordingPicture) {
sk_sp<SkPicture> picture = recorder->finishRecordingAsPicture();
if (picture->approximateOpCount() > 0) {
SkFILEWStream stream(prop);
if (stream.isValid()) {
PngPixelSerializer serializer;
picture->serialize(&stream, &serializer);
SkDebugf("Captured Drawing Output (%d bytes) for frame. %s", stream.bytesWritten(), prop);
if (CC_UNLIKELY(Properties::debugOverdraw)) {
renderOverdraw(layers, clip, nodes, contentDrawBounds, surface);
ATRACE_NAME("flush commands");
2016-11-17 09:54:38 -05:00
namespace {
static Rect nodeBounds(RenderNode& node) {
auto& props = node.properties();
return Rect(props.getLeft(), props.getTop(),
props.getRight(), props.getBottom());
2016-11-14 18:33:38 -05:00
void SkiaPipeline::renderFrameImpl(const LayerUpdateQueue& layers, const SkRect& clip,
const std::vector<sp<RenderNode>>& nodes, bool opaque, const Rect &contentDrawBounds,
SkCanvas* canvas) {
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SkAutoCanvasRestore saver(canvas, true);
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if (!opaque) {
2016-11-17 09:54:38 -05:00
if (1 == nodes.size()) {
if (!nodes[0]->nothingToDraw()) {
RenderNodeDrawable root(nodes[0].get(), canvas);
} else if (0 == nodes.size()) {
//nothing to draw
} else {
// It there are multiple render nodes, they are laid out as follows:
// #0 - backdrop (content + caption)
// #1 - content (local bounds are at (0,0), will be translated and clipped to backdrop)
// #2 - additional overlay nodes
// Usually the backdrop cannot be seen since it will be entirely covered by the content. While
// resizing however it might become partially visible. The following render loop will crop the
// backdrop against the content and draw the remaining part of it. It will then draw the content
// cropped to the backdrop (since that indicates a shrinking of the window).
// Additional nodes will be drawn on top with no particular clipping semantics.
// Usually the contents bounds should be mContentDrawBounds - however - we will
// move it towards the fixed edge to give it a more stable appearance (for the moment).
// If there is no content bounds we ignore the layering as stated above and start with 2.
// Backdrop bounds in render target space
const Rect backdrop = nodeBounds(*nodes[0]);
// Bounds that content will fill in render target space (note content node bounds may be bigger)
Rect content(contentDrawBounds.getWidth(), contentDrawBounds.getHeight());
content.translate(backdrop.left, backdrop.top);
if (!content.contains(backdrop) && !nodes[0]->nothingToDraw()) {
// Content doesn't entirely overlap backdrop, so fill around content (right/bottom)
// Note: in the future, if content doesn't snap to backdrop's left/top, this may need to
// also fill left/top. Currently, both 2up and freeform position content at the top/left of
// the backdrop, so this isn't necessary.
RenderNodeDrawable backdropNode(nodes[0].get(), canvas);
if (content.right < backdrop.right) {
// draw backdrop to right side of content
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
canvas->clipRect(SkRect::MakeLTRB(content.right, backdrop.top,
backdrop.right, backdrop.bottom));
if (content.bottom < backdrop.bottom) {
// draw backdrop to bottom of content
// Note: bottom fill uses content left/right, to avoid overdrawing left/right fill
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
canvas->clipRect(SkRect::MakeLTRB(content.left, content.bottom,
content.right, backdrop.bottom));
RenderNodeDrawable contentNode(nodes[1].get(), canvas);
if (!backdrop.isEmpty()) {
// content node translation to catch up with backdrop
float dx = backdrop.left - contentDrawBounds.left;
float dy = backdrop.top - contentDrawBounds.top;
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
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canvas->translate(dx, dy);
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const SkRect contentLocalClip = SkRect::MakeXYWH(contentDrawBounds.left,
contentDrawBounds.top, backdrop.getWidth(), backdrop.getHeight());
} else {
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
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2016-11-17 09:54:38 -05:00
// remaining overlay nodes, simply defer
for (size_t index = 2; index < nodes.size(); index++) {
if (!nodes[index]->nothingToDraw()) {
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
RenderNodeDrawable overlayNode(nodes[index].get(), canvas);
2016-10-26 10:30:09 -04:00
2016-11-07 15:43:41 -05:00
void SkiaPipeline::dumpResourceCacheUsage() const {
int resources, maxResources;
size_t bytes, maxBytes;
mRenderThread.getGrContext()->getResourceCacheUsage(&resources, &bytes);
mRenderThread.getGrContext()->getResourceCacheLimits(&maxResources, &maxBytes);
SkString log("Resource Cache Usage:\n");
log.appendf("%8d items out of %d maximum items\n", resources, maxResources);
log.appendf("%8zu bytes (%.2f MB) out of %.2f MB maximum\n",
bytes, bytes * (1.0f / (1024.0f * 1024.0f)), maxBytes * (1.0f / (1024.0f * 1024.0f)));
ALOGD("%s", log.c_str());
2016-11-14 18:33:38 -05:00
// Overdraw debugging
// These colors should be kept in sync with Caches::getOverdrawColor() with a few differences.
// This implementation:
// (1) Requires transparent entries for "no overdraw" and "single draws".
// (2) Requires premul colors (instead of unpremul).
// (3) Requires RGBA colors (instead of BGRA).
static const uint32_t kOverdrawColors[2][6] = {
{ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x2f2f0000, 0x2f002f00, 0x3f00003f, 0x7f00007f, },
{ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x2f2f0000, 0x4f004f4f, 0x5f50335f, 0x7f00007f, },
void SkiaPipeline::renderOverdraw(const LayerUpdateQueue& layers, const SkRect& clip,
const std::vector<sp<RenderNode>>& nodes, const Rect &contentDrawBounds,
sk_sp<SkSurface> surface) {
// Set up the overdraw canvas.
SkImageInfo offscreenInfo = SkImageInfo::MakeA8(surface->width(), surface->height());
sk_sp<SkSurface> offscreen = surface->makeSurface(offscreenInfo);
SkOverdrawCanvas overdrawCanvas(offscreen->getCanvas());
// Fake a redraw to replay the draw commands. This will increment the alpha channel
// each time a pixel would have been drawn.
// Pass true for opaque so we skip the clear - the overdrawCanvas is already zero
// initialized.
renderFrameImpl(layers, clip, nodes, true, contentDrawBounds, &overdrawCanvas);
sk_sp<SkImage> counts = offscreen->makeImageSnapshot();
// Draw overdraw colors to the canvas. The color filter will convert counts to colors.
SkPaint paint;
const SkPMColor* colors = kOverdrawColors[static_cast<int>(Properties::overdrawColorSet)];
surface->getCanvas()->drawImage(counts.get(), 0.0f, 0.0f, &paint);
2016-10-26 10:30:09 -04:00
} /* namespace skiapipeline */
} /* namespace uirenderer */
} /* namespace android */