
687 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <utils/Trace.h>
#include <ui/Rect.h>
#include <ui/Region.h>
#include "Caches.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "DeferredDisplayList.h"
#include "DisplayListOp.h"
#include "OpenGLRenderer.h"
#include "Properties.h"
#include "utils/MathUtils.h"
#define DEFER_LOGD(...) ALOGD(__VA_ARGS__)
#define DEFER_LOGD(...)
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
// Depth of the save stack at the beginning of batch playback at flush time
#define DEBUG_COLOR_BARRIER 0x1f000000
#define DEBUG_COLOR_MERGEDBATCH 0x5f7f7fff
static bool avoidOverdraw() {
// Don't avoid overdraw when visualizing it, since that makes it harder to
// debug where it's coming from, and when the problem occurs.
return !Properties::debugOverdraw;
// Operation Batches
class Batch {
virtual void replay(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, Rect& dirty, int index) = 0;
virtual ~Batch() {}
virtual bool purelyDrawBatch() { return false; }
virtual bool coversBounds(const Rect& bounds) { return false; }
class DrawBatch : public Batch {
explicit DrawBatch(const DeferInfo& deferInfo) : mAllOpsOpaque(true),
mBatchId(deferInfo.batchId), mMergeId(deferInfo.mergeId) {
virtual ~DrawBatch() { mOps.clear(); }
virtual void add(DrawOp* op, const DeferredDisplayState* state, bool opaqueOverBounds) {
// NOTE: ignore empty bounds special case, since we don't merge across those ops
mAllOpsOpaque &= opaqueOverBounds;
mOps.push_back(OpStatePair(op, state));
bool intersects(const Rect& rect) {
if (!rect.intersects(mBounds)) return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mOps.size(); i++) {
if (rect.intersects(mOps[i].state->mBounds)) {
DEFER_LOGD("op intersects with op %p with bounds %f %f %f %f:", mOps[i].op,
mOps[i].state->mBounds.left, mOps[i].state->,
mOps[i].state->mBounds.right, mOps[i].state->mBounds.bottom);
return true;
return false;
virtual void replay(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, Rect& dirty, int index) override {
DEFER_LOGD("%d replaying DrawBatch %p, with %d ops (batch id %x, merge id %p)",
index, this, mOps.size(), getBatchId(), getMergeId());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mOps.size(); i++) {
DrawOp* op = mOps[i].op;
const DeferredDisplayState* state = mOps[i].state;
op->applyDraw(renderer, dirty);
const Rect& bounds = state->mBounds;
int batchColor = 0x1f000000;
if (getBatchId() & 0x1) batchColor |= 0x0000ff;
if (getBatchId() & 0x2) batchColor |= 0x00ff00;
if (getBatchId() & 0x4) batchColor |= 0xff0000;
renderer.drawScreenSpaceColorRect(bounds.left,, bounds.right, bounds.bottom,
virtual bool purelyDrawBatch() override { return true; }
virtual bool coversBounds(const Rect& bounds) override {
if (CC_LIKELY(!mAllOpsOpaque || !mBounds.contains(bounds) || count() == 1)) return false;
Region uncovered(android::Rect(bounds.left,, bounds.right, bounds.bottom));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mOps.size(); i++) {
const Rect &r = mOps[i].state->mBounds;
uncovered.subtractSelf(android::Rect(r.left,, r.right, r.bottom));
return uncovered.isEmpty();
inline int getBatchId() const { return mBatchId; }
inline mergeid_t getMergeId() const { return mMergeId; }
inline int count() const { return mOps.size(); }
std::vector<OpStatePair> mOps;
Rect mBounds; // union of bounds of contained ops
bool mAllOpsOpaque;
int mBatchId;
mergeid_t mMergeId;
class MergingDrawBatch : public DrawBatch {
MergingDrawBatch(DeferInfo& deferInfo, int width, int height) :
DrawBatch(deferInfo), mClipRect(width, height),
mClipSideFlags(kClipSide_None) {}
* Helper for determining if a new op can merge with a MergingDrawBatch based on their bounds
* and clip side flags. Positive bounds delta means new bounds fit in old.
static inline bool checkSide(const int currentFlags, const int newFlags, const int side,
float boundsDelta) {
bool currentClipExists = currentFlags & side;
bool newClipExists = newFlags & side;
// if current is clipped, we must be able to fit new bounds in current
if (boundsDelta > 0 && currentClipExists) return false;
// if new is clipped, we must be able to fit current bounds in new
if (boundsDelta < 0 && newClipExists) return false;
return true;
* Checks if a (mergeable) op can be merged into this batch
* If true, the op's multiDraw must be guaranteed to handle both ops simultaneously, so it is
* important to consider all paint attributes used in the draw calls in deciding both a) if an
* op tries to merge at all, and b) if the op can merge with another set of ops
* False positives can lead to information from the paints of subsequent merged operations being
* dropped, so we make simplifying qualifications on the ops that can merge, per op type.
bool canMergeWith(const DrawOp* op, const DeferredDisplayState* state) {
bool isTextBatch = getBatchId() == DeferredDisplayList::kOpBatch_Text ||
getBatchId() == DeferredDisplayList::kOpBatch_ColorText;
// Overlapping other operations is only allowed for text without shadow. For other ops,
// multiDraw isn't guaranteed to overdraw correctly
if (!isTextBatch || op->hasTextShadow()) {
if (intersects(state->mBounds)) return false;
const DeferredDisplayState* lhs = state;
const DeferredDisplayState* rhs = mOps[0].state;
if (!MathUtils::areEqual(lhs->mAlpha, rhs->mAlpha)) return false;
// Identical round rect clip state means both ops will clip in the same way, or not at all.
// As the state objects are const, we can compare their pointers to determine mergeability
if (lhs->mRoundRectClipState != rhs->mRoundRectClipState) return false;
if (lhs->mProjectionPathMask != rhs->mProjectionPathMask) return false;
/* Clipping compatibility check
* Exploits the fact that if a op or batch is clipped on a side, its bounds will equal its
* clip for that side.
const int currentFlags = mClipSideFlags;
const int newFlags = state->mClipSideFlags;
if (currentFlags != kClipSide_None || newFlags != kClipSide_None) {
const Rect& opBounds = state->mBounds;
float boundsDelta = mBounds.left - opBounds.left;
if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, kClipSide_Left, boundsDelta)) return false;
boundsDelta = -;
if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, kClipSide_Top, boundsDelta)) return false;
// right and bottom delta calculation reversed to account for direction
boundsDelta = opBounds.right - mBounds.right;
if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, kClipSide_Right, boundsDelta)) return false;
boundsDelta = opBounds.bottom - mBounds.bottom;
if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, kClipSide_Bottom, boundsDelta)) return false;
// if paints are equal, then modifiers + paint attribs don't need to be compared
if (op->mPaint == mOps[0].op->mPaint) return true;
if (PaintUtils::getAlphaDirect(op->mPaint)
!= PaintUtils::getAlphaDirect(mOps[0].op->mPaint)) {
return false;
if (op->mPaint && mOps[0].op->mPaint &&
op->mPaint->getColorFilter() != mOps[0].op->mPaint->getColorFilter()) {
return false;
Inspect SkShader to determine hw shader. Instead of duplicating internal info about SkShader, inspect the SkShader installed on the SkPaint. core/java/android/view/ Remove setupModifiers, nResetModifiers, and nSetupShader. core/jni/android/graphics/Shader.cpp: Remove calls to create/destroy the (previously) attached SkiaShader. core/jni/android_view_GLES20Canvas.cpp: Remove native code for setupShader and resetModifiers. graphics/java/android/graphics/ graphics/java/android/graphics/ graphics/java/android/graphics/ graphics/java/android/graphics/ graphics/java/android/graphics/ graphics/java/android/graphics/ Remove code keeping track of native SkiaShader. libs/hwui/Caches.h: Include Extensions.h. libs/hwui/DeferredDisplayList.cpp: Compare shaders on the paint, instead of on DrawModifiers. libs/hwui/DisplayList.cpp: libs/hwui/DisplayList.h: Remove vector of SkiaShaders. libs/hwui/DisplayListOp.h: Access the SkShader on mPaint. Remove SetupShaderOp and ResetShaderOp. libs/hwui/DisplayListRenderer.cpp: libs/hwui/DisplayListRenderer.h: Remove resetShader, setupShader, refShader, and mShaderMap. libs/hwui/FontRenderer.cpp: Pass SkShader to setupDrawShader and setupDrawShaderUniforms. libs/hwui/OpenGLRenderer.cpp: libs/hwui/OpenGLRenderer.h: Add LayerShader, a class inheriting from SkShader, to mimic the behavior of SkiaLayerShader. Unlike SkiaLayerShader, it can be set on the SkPaint so it can be inspected later. Set a LayerShader instead of a SkiaLayerShader. setupDrawShader and setupDrawShaderUniforms now inspect an SkShader passed in. Inspect SkShader instead of mDrawModifiers.mShader. Remove resetShader and setupShader. setupDrawColorUniforms now takes a boolean indicating whether there is a shader. Add an inline function for accessing the SkShader on an SkPaint. In setupDrawBlending(Layer*, bool), do not check the shader (which will never be set), but do check whether the color filter may change the alpha (newly fixed behavior). In setupDrawBlending(SkPaint, ...), check the SkShader and whether the color filter affects alpha (the latter is new behavior). libs/hwui/Renderer.h: Remove pure virtual functions setupShader and resetShader. libs/hwui/ResourceCache.cpp: libs/hwui/ResourceCache.h: Remove functions for refing/unrefing shaders. libs/hwui/SkiaShader.cpp: libs/hwui/SkiaShader.h: Much of this code was redundant and has been removed. Convert structs into class with nothing but static functions for calling describe/setupProgram. libs/hwui/TextureCache.cpp: libs/hwui/TextureCache.h: Use the SkPixelRef as the key to the bitmap Lru cache, since shader inspection will provide a different SkBitmap pointer (though it will hold the correct SkPixelRef with the correct generation ID). tests/CanvasCompare/src/com/android/test/hwuicompare/ tests/CanvasCompare/src/com/android/test/hwuicompare/ Update manual test to have more shaders: radial, sweep, compose, invalid compose. BUG:10650594 Change-Id: Iaa7189178bda1c55f96da044d2a9fa602ba36034
2014-05-05 12:50:38 -04:00
if (op->mPaint && mOps[0].op->mPaint &&
op->mPaint->getShader() != mOps[0].op->mPaint->getShader()) {
return false;
return true;
virtual void add(DrawOp* op, const DeferredDisplayState* state,
bool opaqueOverBounds) override {
DrawBatch::add(op, state, opaqueOverBounds);
const int newClipSideFlags = state->mClipSideFlags;
mClipSideFlags |= newClipSideFlags;
if (newClipSideFlags & kClipSide_Left) mClipRect.left = state->mClip.left;
if (newClipSideFlags & kClipSide_Top) = state->;
if (newClipSideFlags & kClipSide_Right) mClipRect.right = state->mClip.right;
if (newClipSideFlags & kClipSide_Bottom) mClipRect.bottom = state->mClip.bottom;
virtual void replay(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, Rect& dirty, int index) override {
DEFER_LOGD("%d replaying MergingDrawBatch %p, with %d ops,"
" clip flags %x (batch id %x, merge id %p)",
index, this, mOps.size(), mClipSideFlags, getBatchId(), getMergeId());
if (mOps.size() == 1) {
DrawBatch::replay(renderer, dirty, -1);
// clipping in the merged case is done ahead of time since all ops share the clip (if any)
renderer.setupMergedMultiDraw(mClipSideFlags ? &mClipRect : nullptr);
DrawOp* op = mOps[0].op;
op->multiDraw(renderer, dirty, mOps, mBounds);
renderer.drawScreenSpaceColorRect(mBounds.left,, mBounds.right, mBounds.bottom,
* Contains the effective clip rect shared by all merged ops. Initialized to the layer viewport,
* it will shrink if an op must be clipped on a certain side. The clipped sides are reflected in
* mClipSideFlags.
Rect mClipRect;
int mClipSideFlags;
class StateOpBatch : public Batch {
// creates a single operation batch
StateOpBatch(const StateOp* op, const DeferredDisplayState* state) : mOp(op), mState(state) {}
virtual void replay(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, Rect& dirty, int index) override {
DEFER_LOGD("replaying state op batch %p", this);
// use invalid save count because it won't be used at flush time - RestoreToCountOp is the
// only one to use it, and we don't use that class at flush time, instead calling
// renderer.restoreToCount directly
int saveCount = -1;
mOp->applyState(renderer, saveCount);
const StateOp* mOp;
const DeferredDisplayState* mState;
class RestoreToCountBatch : public Batch {
RestoreToCountBatch(const StateOp* op, const DeferredDisplayState* state, int restoreCount) :
mState(state), mRestoreCount(restoreCount) {}
virtual void replay(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, Rect& dirty, int index) override {
DEFER_LOGD("batch %p restoring to count %d", this, mRestoreCount);
// we use the state storage for the RestoreToCountOp, but don't replay the op itself
const DeferredDisplayState* mState;
* The count used here represents the flush() time saveCount. This is as opposed to the
* DisplayList record time, or defer() time values (which are RestoreToCountOp's mCount, and
* (saveCount + mCount) respectively). Since the count is different from the original
* RestoreToCountOp, we don't store a pointer to the op, as elsewhere.
const int mRestoreCount;
class BarrierDebugBatch : public Batch {
virtual void replay(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, Rect& dirty, int index) {
renderer.drawScreenSpaceColorRect(0, 0, 10000, 10000, DEBUG_COLOR_BARRIER);
// DeferredDisplayList
void DeferredDisplayList::resetBatchingState() {
for (int i = 0; i < kOpBatch_Count; i++) {
mBatchLookup[i] = nullptr;
if (mBatches.size() != 0) {
mBatches.add(new BarrierDebugBatch());
mEarliestBatchIndex = mBatches.size();
void DeferredDisplayList::clear() {
mComplexClipStackStart = -1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBatches.size(); i++) {
delete mBatches[i];
mEarliestBatchIndex = 0;
mEarliestUnclearedIndex = 0;
// Operation adding
int DeferredDisplayList::getStateOpDeferFlags() const {
// For both clipOp and save(Layer)Op, we don't want to save drawing info, and only want to save
// the clip if we aren't recording a complex clip (and can thus trust it to be a rect)
return recordingComplexClip() ? 0 : kStateDeferFlag_Clip;
int DeferredDisplayList::getDrawOpDeferFlags() const {
return kStateDeferFlag_Draw | getStateOpDeferFlags();
* When an clipping operation occurs that could cause a complex clip, record the operation and all
* subsequent clipOps, save/restores (if the clip flag is set). During a flush, instead of loading
* the clip from deferred state, we play back all of the relevant state operations that generated
* the complex clip.
* Note that we don't need to record the associated restore operation, since operations at defer
* time record whether they should store the renderer's current clip
void DeferredDisplayList::addClip(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, ClipOp* op) {
if (recordingComplexClip() || op->canCauseComplexClip() || !renderer.hasRectToRectTransform()) {
DEFER_LOGD("%p Received complex clip operation %p", this, op);
// NOTE: defer clip op before setting mComplexClipStackStart so previous clip is recorded
storeStateOpBarrier(renderer, op);
if (!recordingComplexClip()) {
mComplexClipStackStart = renderer.getSaveCount() - 1;
DEFER_LOGD(" Starting complex clip region, start is %d", mComplexClipStackStart);
* For now, we record save layer operations as barriers in the batch list, preventing drawing
* operations from reordering around the saveLayer and it's associated restore()
* In the future, we should send saveLayer commands (if they can be played out of order) and their
* contained drawing operations to a seperate list of batches, so that they may draw at the
* beginning of the frame. This would avoid targetting and removing an FBO in the middle of a frame.
* saveLayer operations should be pulled to the beginning of the frame if the canvas doesn't have a
* complex clip, and if the flags (SaveFlags::Clip & SaveFlags::ClipToLayer) are set.
void DeferredDisplayList::addSaveLayer(OpenGLRenderer& renderer,
SaveLayerOp* op, int newSaveCount) {
DEFER_LOGD("%p adding saveLayerOp %p, flags %x, new count %d",
this, op, op->getFlags(), newSaveCount);
storeStateOpBarrier(renderer, op);
* Takes save op and it's return value - the new save count - and stores it into the stream as a
* barrier if it's needed to properly modify a complex clip
void DeferredDisplayList::addSave(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, SaveOp* op, int newSaveCount) {
int saveFlags = op->getFlags();
DEFER_LOGD("%p adding saveOp %p, flags %x, new count %d", this, op, saveFlags, newSaveCount);
if (recordingComplexClip() && (saveFlags & SaveFlags::Clip)) {
// store and replay the save operation, as it may be needed to correctly playback the clip
DEFER_LOGD(" adding save barrier with new save count %d", newSaveCount);
storeStateOpBarrier(renderer, op);
* saveLayer() commands must be associated with a restoreToCount batch that will clean up and draw
* the layer in the deferred list
* other save() commands which occur as children of a snapshot with complex clip will be deferred,
* and must be restored
* Either will act as a barrier to draw operation reordering, as we want to play back layer
* save/restore and complex canvas modifications (including save/restore) in order.
void DeferredDisplayList::addRestoreToCount(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, StateOp* op,
int newSaveCount) {
DEFER_LOGD("%p addRestoreToCount %d", this, newSaveCount);
if (recordingComplexClip() && newSaveCount <= mComplexClipStackStart) {
mComplexClipStackStart = -1;
if (mSaveStack.empty() || newSaveCount > mSaveStack.back()) {
while (!mSaveStack.empty() && mSaveStack.back() >= newSaveCount) mSaveStack.pop_back();
storeRestoreToCountBarrier(renderer, op, mSaveStack.size() + FLUSH_SAVE_STACK_DEPTH);
void DeferredDisplayList::addDrawOp(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, DrawOp* op) {
/* 1: op calculates local bounds */
DeferredDisplayState* const state = createState();
if (op->getLocalBounds(state->mBounds)) {
if (state->mBounds.isEmpty()) {
// valid empty bounds, don't bother deferring
} else {
/* 2: renderer calculates global bounds + stores state */
if (renderer.storeDisplayState(*state, getDrawOpDeferFlags())) {
return; // quick rejected
/* 3: ask op for defer info, given renderer state */
DeferInfo deferInfo;
op->onDefer(renderer, deferInfo, *state);
// complex clip has a complex set of expectations on the renderer state - for now, avoid taking
// the merge path in those cases
deferInfo.mergeable &= !recordingComplexClip();
deferInfo.opaqueOverBounds &= !recordingComplexClip()
&& mSaveStack.empty()
&& !state->mRoundRectClipState;
if (CC_LIKELY(avoidOverdraw()) && mBatches.size() &&
state->mClipSideFlags != kClipSide_ConservativeFull &&
deferInfo.opaqueOverBounds && state->mBounds.contains(mBounds)) {
// avoid overdraw by resetting drawing state + discarding drawing ops
discardDrawingBatches(mBatches.size() - 1);
if (CC_UNLIKELY(Properties::drawReorderDisabled)) {
// TODO: elegant way to reuse batches?
DrawBatch* b = new DrawBatch(deferInfo);
b->add(op, state, deferInfo.opaqueOverBounds);
// find the latest batch of the new op's type, and try to merge the new op into it
DrawBatch* targetBatch = nullptr;
// insertion point of a new batch, will hopefully be immediately after similar batch
// (eventually, should be similar shader)
int insertBatchIndex = mBatches.size();
if (!mBatches.empty()) {
if (state->mBounds.isEmpty()) {
// don't know the bounds for op, so create new batch and start from scratch on next op
DrawBatch* b = new DrawBatch(deferInfo);
b->add(op, state, deferInfo.opaqueOverBounds);
DEFER_LOGD("Warning: Encountered op with empty bounds, resetting batches");
if (deferInfo.mergeable) {
// Try to merge with any existing batch with same mergeId.
std::unordered_map<mergeid_t, DrawBatch*>& mergingBatch
= mMergingBatches[deferInfo.batchId];
auto getResult = mergingBatch.find(deferInfo.mergeId);
if (getResult != mergingBatch.end()) {
targetBatch = getResult->second;
if (!((MergingDrawBatch*) targetBatch)->canMergeWith(op, state)) {
targetBatch = nullptr;
} else {
// join with similar, non-merging batch
targetBatch = (DrawBatch*)mBatchLookup[deferInfo.batchId];
if (targetBatch || deferInfo.mergeable) {
// iterate back toward target to see if anything drawn since should overlap the new op
// if no target, merging ops still interate to find similar batch to insert after
for (int i = mBatches.size() - 1; i >= mEarliestBatchIndex; i--) {
DrawBatch* overBatch = (DrawBatch*)mBatches[i];
if (overBatch == targetBatch) break;
// TODO: also consider shader shared between batch types
if (deferInfo.batchId == overBatch->getBatchId()) {
insertBatchIndex = i + 1;
if (!targetBatch) break; // found insert position, quit
if (overBatch->intersects(state->mBounds)) {
// NOTE: it may be possible to optimize for special cases where two operations
// of the same batch/paint could swap order, such as with a non-mergeable
// (clipped) and a mergeable text operation
targetBatch = nullptr;
DEFER_LOGD("op couldn't join batch %p, was intersected by batch %d",
targetBatch, i);
if (!targetBatch) {
if (deferInfo.mergeable) {
targetBatch = new MergingDrawBatch(deferInfo,
renderer.getViewportWidth(), renderer.getViewportHeight());
std::make_pair(deferInfo.mergeId, targetBatch));
} else {
targetBatch = new DrawBatch(deferInfo);
mBatchLookup[deferInfo.batchId] = targetBatch;
DEFER_LOGD("creating %singBatch %p, bid %x, at %d",
deferInfo.mergeable ? "Merg" : "Draw",
targetBatch, deferInfo.batchId, insertBatchIndex);
mBatches.insert(mBatches.begin() + insertBatchIndex, targetBatch);
targetBatch->add(op, state, deferInfo.opaqueOverBounds);
void DeferredDisplayList::storeStateOpBarrier(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, StateOp* op) {
DEFER_LOGD("%p adding state op barrier at pos %d", this, mBatches.size());
DeferredDisplayState* state = createState();
renderer.storeDisplayState(*state, getStateOpDeferFlags());
mBatches.push_back(new StateOpBatch(op, state));
void DeferredDisplayList::storeRestoreToCountBarrier(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, StateOp* op,
int newSaveCount) {
DEFER_LOGD("%p adding restore to count %d barrier, pos %d",
this, newSaveCount, mBatches.size());
// store displayState for the restore operation, as it may be associated with a saveLayer that
// doesn't have SaveFlags::Clip set
DeferredDisplayState* state = createState();
renderer.storeDisplayState(*state, getStateOpDeferFlags());
mBatches.push_back(new RestoreToCountBatch(op, state, newSaveCount));
// Replay / flush
static void replayBatchList(const std::vector<Batch*>& batchList,
OpenGLRenderer& renderer, Rect& dirty) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < batchList.size(); i++) {
if (batchList[i]) {
batchList[i]->replay(renderer, dirty, i);
DEFER_LOGD("--flushed, drew %d batches", batchList.size());
void DeferredDisplayList::flush(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, Rect& dirty) {
ATRACE_NAME("flush drawing commands");
if (isEmpty()) return; // nothing to flush
// save and restore so that reordering doesn't affect final state;
if (CC_LIKELY(avoidOverdraw())) {
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < mBatches.size(); i++) {
if (mBatches[i] && mBatches[i]->coversBounds(mBounds)) {
discardDrawingBatches(i - 1);
// NOTE: depth of the save stack at this point, before playback, should be reflected in
// FLUSH_SAVE_STACK_DEPTH, so that save/restores match up correctly
replayBatchList(mBatches, renderer, dirty);
DEFER_LOGD("--flush complete, returning %x", status);
void DeferredDisplayList::discardDrawingBatches(const unsigned int maxIndex) {
for (unsigned int i = mEarliestUnclearedIndex; i <= maxIndex; i++) {
// leave deferred state ops alone for simplicity (empty save restore pairs may now exist)
if (mBatches[i] && mBatches[i]->purelyDrawBatch()) {
delete mBatches[i];
mBatches[i] = nullptr;
mEarliestUnclearedIndex = maxIndex + 1;
}; // namespace uirenderer
}; // namespace android