
631 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "VectorDrawable.h"
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include "PathParser.h"
#include "SkColorFilter.h"
#include "SkImageInfo.h"
#include "SkShader.h"
#include "utils/Macros.h"
#include "utils/TraceUtils.h"
#include "utils/VectorDrawableUtils.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
namespace VectorDrawable {
const int Tree::MAX_CACHED_BITMAP_SIZE = 2048;
void Path::dump() {
ALOGD("Path: %s has %zu points", mName.c_str(), mProperties.getData().points.size());
// Called from UI thread during the initial setup/theme change.
Path::Path(const char* pathStr, size_t strLength) {
PathParser::ParseResult result;
Data data;
PathParser::getPathDataFromAsciiString(&data, &result, pathStr, strLength);
Path::Path(const Path& path) : Node(path) {
const SkPath& Path::getUpdatedPath(bool useStagingData, SkPath* tempStagingPath) {
if (useStagingData) {
VectorDrawableUtils::verbsToPath(tempStagingPath, mStagingProperties.getData());
return *tempStagingPath;
} else {
if (mSkPathDirty) {
VectorDrawableUtils::verbsToPath(&mSkPath, mProperties.getData());
mSkPathDirty = false;
return mSkPath;
void Path::syncProperties() {
if (mStagingPropertiesDirty) {
} else {
mStagingPropertiesDirty = false;
FullPath::FullPath(const FullPath& path) : Path(path) {
static void applyTrim(SkPath* outPath, const SkPath& inPath, float trimPathStart, float trimPathEnd,
float trimPathOffset) {
if (trimPathStart == 0.0f && trimPathEnd == 1.0f) {
*outPath = inPath;
if (trimPathStart == trimPathEnd) {
// Trimmed path should be empty.
SkPathMeasure measure(inPath, false);
float len = SkScalarToFloat(measure.getLength());
float start = len * fmod((trimPathStart + trimPathOffset), 1.0f);
float end = len * fmod((trimPathEnd + trimPathOffset), 1.0f);
if (start > end) {
measure.getSegment(start, len, outPath, true);
if (end > 0) {
measure.getSegment(0, end, outPath, true);
} else {
measure.getSegment(start, end, outPath, true);
const SkPath& FullPath::getUpdatedPath(bool useStagingData, SkPath* tempStagingPath) {
if (!useStagingData && !mSkPathDirty && !mProperties.mTrimDirty) {
return mTrimmedSkPath;
Path::getUpdatedPath(useStagingData, tempStagingPath);
SkPath* outPath;
if (useStagingData) {
SkPath inPath = *tempStagingPath;
applyTrim(tempStagingPath, inPath, mStagingProperties.getTrimPathStart(),
mStagingProperties.getTrimPathEnd(), mStagingProperties.getTrimPathOffset());
outPath = tempStagingPath;
} else {
if (mProperties.getTrimPathStart() != 0.0f || mProperties.getTrimPathEnd() != 1.0f) {
mProperties.mTrimDirty = false;
applyTrim(&mTrimmedSkPath, mSkPath, mProperties.getTrimPathStart(),
mProperties.getTrimPathEnd(), mProperties.getTrimPathOffset());
outPath = &mTrimmedSkPath;
} else {
outPath = &mSkPath;
const FullPathProperties& properties = useStagingData ? mStagingProperties : mProperties;
bool setFillPath = properties.getFillGradient() != nullptr ||
properties.getFillColor() != SK_ColorTRANSPARENT;
if (setFillPath) {
SkPath::FillType ft = static_cast<SkPath::FillType>(properties.getFillType());
return *outPath;
void FullPath::dump() {
ALOGD("stroke width, color, alpha: %f, %d, %f, fill color, alpha: %d, %f",
mProperties.getStrokeWidth(), mProperties.getStrokeColor(), mProperties.getStrokeAlpha(),
mProperties.getFillColor(), mProperties.getFillAlpha());
inline SkColor applyAlpha(SkColor color, float alpha) {
int alphaBytes = SkColorGetA(color);
return SkColorSetA(color, alphaBytes * alpha);
void FullPath::draw(SkCanvas* outCanvas, bool useStagingData) {
const FullPathProperties& properties = useStagingData ? mStagingProperties : mProperties;
SkPath tempStagingPath;
const SkPath& renderPath = getUpdatedPath(useStagingData, &tempStagingPath);
// Draw path's fill, if fill color or gradient is valid
bool needsFill = false;
SkPaint paint;
if (properties.getFillGradient() != nullptr) {
paint.setColor(applyAlpha(SK_ColorBLACK, properties.getFillAlpha()));
needsFill = true;
} else if (properties.getFillColor() != SK_ColorTRANSPARENT) {
paint.setColor(applyAlpha(properties.getFillColor(), properties.getFillAlpha()));
needsFill = true;
if (needsFill) {
outCanvas->drawPath(renderPath, paint);
// Draw path's stroke, if stroke color or Gradient is valid
bool needsStroke = false;
if (properties.getStrokeGradient() != nullptr) {
paint.setColor(applyAlpha(SK_ColorBLACK, properties.getStrokeAlpha()));
needsStroke = true;
} else if (properties.getStrokeColor() != SK_ColorTRANSPARENT) {
paint.setColor(applyAlpha(properties.getStrokeColor(), properties.getStrokeAlpha()));
needsStroke = true;
if (needsStroke) {
outCanvas->drawPath(renderPath, paint);
void FullPath::syncProperties() {
if (mStagingPropertiesDirty) {
} else {
// Update staging property with property values from animation.
mStagingPropertiesDirty = false;
static_assert(sizeof(float) == sizeof(int32_t), "float is not the same size as int32_t");
static_assert(sizeof(SkColor) == sizeof(int32_t), "SkColor is not the same size as int32_t");
bool FullPath::FullPathProperties::copyProperties(int8_t* outProperties, int length) const {
int propertyDataSize = sizeof(FullPathProperties::PrimitiveFields);
if (length != propertyDataSize) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Properties needs exactly %d bytes, a byte array of size %d is provided",
propertyDataSize, length);
return false;
PrimitiveFields* out = reinterpret_cast<PrimitiveFields*>(outProperties);
*out = mPrimitiveFields;
return true;
void FullPath::FullPathProperties::setColorPropertyValue(int propertyId, int32_t value) {
Property currentProperty = static_cast<Property>(propertyId);
if (currentProperty == Property::strokeColor) {
} else if (currentProperty == Property::fillColor) {
} else {
"Error setting color property on FullPath: No valid property"
" with id: %d",
void FullPath::FullPathProperties::setPropertyValue(int propertyId, float value) {
Property property = static_cast<Property>(propertyId);
switch (property) {
case Property::strokeWidth:
case Property::strokeAlpha:
case Property::fillAlpha:
case Property::trimPathStart:
case Property::trimPathEnd:
case Property::trimPathOffset:
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Invalid property id: %d for animation", propertyId);
void ClipPath::draw(SkCanvas* outCanvas, bool useStagingData) {
SkPath tempStagingPath;
outCanvas->clipPath(getUpdatedPath(useStagingData, &tempStagingPath));
Group::Group(const Group& group) : Node(group) {
void Group::draw(SkCanvas* outCanvas, bool useStagingData) {
// Save the current clip and matrix information, which is local to this group.
SkAutoCanvasRestore saver(outCanvas, true);
// apply the current group's matrix to the canvas
SkMatrix stackedMatrix;
const GroupProperties& prop = useStagingData ? mStagingProperties : mProperties;
getLocalMatrix(&stackedMatrix, prop);
// Draw the group tree in the same order as the XML file.
for (auto& child : mChildren) {
child->draw(outCanvas, useStagingData);
// Restore the previous clip and matrix information.
void Group::dump() {
ALOGD("Group %s has %zu children: ", mName.c_str(), mChildren.size());
ALOGD("Group translateX, Y : %f, %f, scaleX, Y: %f, %f", mProperties.getTranslateX(),
mProperties.getTranslateY(), mProperties.getScaleX(), mProperties.getScaleY());
for (size_t i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); i++) {
void Group::syncProperties() {
// Copy over the dirty staging properties
if (mStagingPropertiesDirty) {
} else {
mStagingPropertiesDirty = false;
for (auto& child : mChildren) {
void Group::getLocalMatrix(SkMatrix* outMatrix, const GroupProperties& properties) {
// TODO: use rotate(mRotate, mPivotX, mPivotY) and scale with pivot point, instead of
// translating to pivot for rotating and scaling, then translating back.
outMatrix->postTranslate(-properties.getPivotX(), -properties.getPivotY());
outMatrix->postScale(properties.getScaleX(), properties.getScaleY());
outMatrix->postRotate(properties.getRotation(), 0, 0);
outMatrix->postTranslate(properties.getTranslateX() + properties.getPivotX(),
properties.getTranslateY() + properties.getPivotY());
void Group::addChild(Node* child) {
if (mPropertyChangedListener != nullptr) {
bool Group::GroupProperties::copyProperties(float* outProperties, int length) const {
int propertyCount = static_cast<int>(Property::count);
if (length != propertyCount) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Properties needs exactly %d bytes, a byte array of size %d is provided",
propertyCount, length);
return false;
PrimitiveFields* out = reinterpret_cast<PrimitiveFields*>(outProperties);
*out = mPrimitiveFields;
return true;
// TODO: Consider animating the properties as float pointers
// Called on render thread
float Group::GroupProperties::getPropertyValue(int propertyId) const {
Property currentProperty = static_cast<Property>(propertyId);
switch (currentProperty) {
case Property::rotate:
return getRotation();
case Property::pivotX:
return getPivotX();
case Property::pivotY:
return getPivotY();
case Property::scaleX:
return getScaleX();
case Property::scaleY:
return getScaleY();
case Property::translateX:
return getTranslateX();
case Property::translateY:
return getTranslateY();
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Invalid property index: %d", propertyId);
return 0;
// Called on render thread
void Group::GroupProperties::setPropertyValue(int propertyId, float value) {
Property currentProperty = static_cast<Property>(propertyId);
switch (currentProperty) {
case Property::rotate:
case Property::pivotX:
case Property::pivotY:
case Property::scaleX:
case Property::scaleY:
case Property::translateX:
case Property::translateY:
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Invalid property index: %d", propertyId);
bool Group::isValidProperty(int propertyId) {
return GroupProperties::isValidProperty(propertyId);
bool Group::GroupProperties::isValidProperty(int propertyId) {
return propertyId >= 0 && propertyId < static_cast<int>(Property::count);
int Tree::draw(Canvas* outCanvas, SkColorFilter* colorFilter, const SkRect& bounds,
bool needsMirroring, bool canReuseCache) {
// The imageView can scale the canvas in different ways, in order to
// avoid blurry scaling, we have to draw into a bitmap with exact pixel
// size first. This bitmap size is determined by the bounds and the
// canvas scale.
SkMatrix canvasMatrix;
float canvasScaleX = 1.0f;
float canvasScaleY = 1.0f;
if (canvasMatrix.getSkewX() == 0 && canvasMatrix.getSkewY() == 0) {
// Only use the scale value when there's no skew or rotation in the canvas matrix.
// TODO: Add a cts test for drawing VD on a canvas with negative scaling factors.
canvasScaleX = fabs(canvasMatrix.getScaleX());
canvasScaleY = fabs(canvasMatrix.getScaleY());
int scaledWidth = (int)(bounds.width() * canvasScaleX);
int scaledHeight = (int)(bounds.height() * canvasScaleY);
scaledWidth = std::min(Tree::MAX_CACHED_BITMAP_SIZE, scaledWidth);
scaledHeight = std::min(Tree::MAX_CACHED_BITMAP_SIZE, scaledHeight);
if (scaledWidth <= 0 || scaledHeight <= 0) {
return 0;
mStagingProperties.setScaledSize(scaledWidth, scaledHeight);
int saveCount = outCanvas->save(SaveFlags::MatrixClip);
outCanvas->translate(bounds.fLeft, bounds.fTop);
// Handle RTL mirroring.
if (needsMirroring) {
outCanvas->translate(bounds.width(), 0);
outCanvas->scale(-1.0f, 1.0f);
// At this point, canvas has been translated to the right position.
// And we use this bound for the destination rect for the drawBitmap, so
// we offset to (0, 0);
SkRect tmpBounds = bounds;
tmpBounds.offsetTo(0, 0);
return scaledWidth * scaledHeight;
void Tree::drawStaging(Canvas* outCanvas) {
bool redrawNeeded = allocateBitmapIfNeeded(mStagingCache, mStagingProperties.getScaledWidth(),
// draw bitmap cache
if (redrawNeeded || mStagingCache.dirty) {
updateBitmapCache(*mStagingCache.bitmap, true);
mStagingCache.dirty = false;
SkPaint tmpPaint;
SkPaint* paint = updatePaint(&tmpPaint, &mStagingProperties);
outCanvas->drawBitmap(*mStagingCache.bitmap, 0, 0, mStagingCache.bitmap->width(),
mStagingCache.bitmap->height(), mStagingProperties.getBounds().left(),
mStagingProperties.getBounds().bottom(), paint);
SkPaint* Tree::getPaint() {
return updatePaint(&mPaint, &mProperties);
// Update the given paint with alpha and color filter. Return nullptr if no color filter is
// specified and root alpha is 1. Otherwise, return updated paint.
SkPaint* Tree::updatePaint(SkPaint* outPaint, TreeProperties* prop) {
if (prop->getRootAlpha() == 1.0f && prop->getColorFilter() == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
} else {
outPaint->setAlpha(prop->getRootAlpha() * 255);
return outPaint;
Bitmap& Tree::getBitmapUpdateIfDirty() {
bool redrawNeeded = allocateBitmapIfNeeded(mCache, mProperties.getScaledWidth(),
if (redrawNeeded || mCache.dirty) {
updateBitmapCache(*mCache.bitmap, false);
mCache.dirty = false;
return *mCache.bitmap;
void Tree::updateCache(sp<skiapipeline::VectorDrawableAtlas>& atlas, GrContext* context) {
SkRect dst;
sk_sp<SkSurface> surface = mCache.getSurface(&dst);
bool canReuseSurface = surface && dst.width() >= mProperties.getScaledWidth() &&
dst.height() >= mProperties.getScaledHeight();
if (!canReuseSurface) {
int scaledWidth = SkScalarCeilToInt(mProperties.getScaledWidth());
int scaledHeight = SkScalarCeilToInt(mProperties.getScaledHeight());
auto atlasEntry = atlas->requestNewEntry(scaledWidth, scaledHeight, context);
if (INVALID_ATLAS_KEY != atlasEntry.key) {
dst = atlasEntry.rect;
surface = atlasEntry.surface;
mCache.setAtlas(atlas, atlasEntry.key);
} else {
// don't draw, if we failed to allocate an offscreen buffer
if (!canReuseSurface || mCache.dirty) {
if (surface) {
Bitmap& bitmap = getBitmapUpdateIfDirty();
SkBitmap skiaBitmap;
if (!surface->getCanvas()->writePixels(skiaBitmap, dst.fLeft, dst.fTop)) {
ALOGD("VectorDrawable caching failed to efficiently upload");
surface->getCanvas()->drawBitmap(skiaBitmap, dst.fLeft, dst.fTop);
mCache.dirty = false;
void Tree::Cache::setAtlas(sp<skiapipeline::VectorDrawableAtlas> newAtlas,
skiapipeline::AtlasKey newAtlasKey) {
mAtlas = newAtlas;
mAtlasKey = newAtlasKey;
sk_sp<SkSurface> Tree::Cache::getSurface(SkRect* bounds) {
sk_sp<SkSurface> surface;
sp<skiapipeline::VectorDrawableAtlas> atlas = mAtlas.promote();
if (atlas.get() && mAtlasKey != INVALID_ATLAS_KEY) {
auto atlasEntry = atlas->getEntry(mAtlasKey);
*bounds = atlasEntry.rect;
surface = atlasEntry.surface;
mAtlasKey = atlasEntry.key;
return surface;
void Tree::Cache::clear() {
sp<skiapipeline::VectorDrawableAtlas> lockAtlas = mAtlas.promote();
if (lockAtlas.get()) {
mAtlas = nullptr;
void Tree::draw(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkRect& bounds) {
SkRect src;
sk_sp<SkSurface> vdSurface = mCache.getSurface(&src);
if (vdSurface) {
canvas->drawImageRect(vdSurface->makeImageSnapshot().get(), src,
bounds, getPaint(), SkCanvas::kFast_SrcRectConstraint);
} else {
// Handle the case when VectorDrawableAtlas has been destroyed, because of memory pressure.
// We render the VD into a temporary standalone buffer and mark the frame as dirty. Next
// frame will be cached into the atlas.
Bitmap& bitmap = getBitmapUpdateIfDirty();
SkBitmap skiaBitmap;
int scaledWidth = SkScalarCeilToInt(mProperties.getScaledWidth());
int scaledHeight = SkScalarCeilToInt(mProperties.getScaledHeight());
canvas->drawBitmapRect(skiaBitmap, SkRect::MakeWH(scaledWidth, scaledHeight),
bounds, getPaint(), SkCanvas::kFast_SrcRectConstraint);
void Tree::updateBitmapCache(Bitmap& bitmap, bool useStagingData) {
SkBitmap outCache;
int cacheWidth = outCache.width();
int cacheHeight = outCache.height();
ATRACE_FORMAT("VectorDrawable repaint %dx%d", cacheWidth, cacheHeight);
SkCanvas outCanvas(outCache);
float viewportWidth =
useStagingData ? mStagingProperties.getViewportWidth() : mProperties.getViewportWidth();
float viewportHeight = useStagingData ? mStagingProperties.getViewportHeight()
: mProperties.getViewportHeight();
float scaleX = cacheWidth / viewportWidth;
float scaleY = cacheHeight / viewportHeight;
outCanvas.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
mRootNode->draw(&outCanvas, useStagingData);
bool Tree::allocateBitmapIfNeeded(Cache& cache, int width, int height) {
if (!canReuseBitmap(cache.bitmap.get(), width, height)) {
Linear blending, step 1 NOTE: Linear blending is currently disabled in this CL as the feature is still a work in progress Android currently performs all blending (any kind of linear math on colors really) on gamma-encoded colors. Since Android assumes that the default color space is sRGB, all bitmaps and colors are encoded with the sRGB Opto-Electronic Conversion Function (OECF, which can be approximated with a power function). Since the power curve is not linear, our linear math is incorrect. The result is that we generate colors that tend to be too dark; this affects blending but also anti-aliasing, gradients, blurs, etc. The solution is to convert gamma-encoded colors back to linear space before doing any math on them, using the sRGB Electo-Optical Conversion Function (EOCF). This is achieved in different ways in different parts of the pipeline: - Using hardware conversions when sampling from OpenGL textures or writing into OpenGL frame buffers - Using software conversion functions, to translate app-supplied colors to and from sRGB - Using Skia's color spaces Any type of processing on colors must roughly ollow these steps: [sRGB input]->EOCF->[linear data]->[processing]->OECF->[sRGB output] For the sRGB color space, the conversion functions are defined as follows: OECF(linear) := linear <= 0.0031308 ? linear * 12.92 : (pow(linear, 1/2.4) * 1.055) - 0.055 EOCF(srgb) := srgb <= 0.04045 ? srgb / 12.92 : pow((srgb + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) The EOCF is simply the reciprocal of the OECF. While it is highly recommended to use the exact sRGB conversion functions everywhere possible, it is sometimes useful or beneficial to rely on approximations: - pow(x,2.2) and pow(x,1/2.2) - x^2 and sqrt(x) The latter is particularly useful in fragment shaders (for instance to apply dithering in sRGB space), especially if the sqrt() can be replaced with an inversesqrt(). Here is a fairly exhaustive list of modifications implemented in this CL: - Set TARGET_ENABLE_LINEAR_BLENDING := false in to disable linear blending. This is only for GLES 2.0 GPUs with no hardware sRGB support. This flag is currently assumed to be false (see note above) - sRGB writes are disabled when entering a functor (WebView). This will need to be fixed at some point - Skia bitmaps are created with the sRGB color space - Bitmaps using a 565 config are expanded to 888 - Linear blending is disabled when entering a functor - External textures are not properly sampled (see below) - Gradients are interpolated in linear space - Texture-based dithering was replaced with analytical dithering - Dithering is done in the quantization color space, which is why we must do EOCF(OECF(color)+dither) - Text is now gamma corrected differently depending on the luminance of the source pixel. The asumption is that a bright pixel will be blended on a dark background and the other way around. The source alpha is gamma corrected to thicken dark on bright and thin bright on dark to match the intended design of fonts. This also matches the behavior of popular design/drawing applications - Removed the asset atlas. It did not contain anything useful and could not be sampled in sRGB without a yet-to-be-defined GL extension - The last column of color matrices is converted to linear space because its value are added to linear colors Missing features: - Resource qualifier? - Regeneration of goldeng images for automated tests - Handle alpha8/grey8 properly - Disable sRGB write for layers with external textures Test: Manual testing while work in progress Bug: 29940137 Change-Id: I6a07b15ab49b554377cd33a36b6d9971a15e9a0b
2016-09-28 17:34:42 -07:00
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace = nullptr;
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace = SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB();
Linear blending, step 1 NOTE: Linear blending is currently disabled in this CL as the feature is still a work in progress Android currently performs all blending (any kind of linear math on colors really) on gamma-encoded colors. Since Android assumes that the default color space is sRGB, all bitmaps and colors are encoded with the sRGB Opto-Electronic Conversion Function (OECF, which can be approximated with a power function). Since the power curve is not linear, our linear math is incorrect. The result is that we generate colors that tend to be too dark; this affects blending but also anti-aliasing, gradients, blurs, etc. The solution is to convert gamma-encoded colors back to linear space before doing any math on them, using the sRGB Electo-Optical Conversion Function (EOCF). This is achieved in different ways in different parts of the pipeline: - Using hardware conversions when sampling from OpenGL textures or writing into OpenGL frame buffers - Using software conversion functions, to translate app-supplied colors to and from sRGB - Using Skia's color spaces Any type of processing on colors must roughly ollow these steps: [sRGB input]->EOCF->[linear data]->[processing]->OECF->[sRGB output] For the sRGB color space, the conversion functions are defined as follows: OECF(linear) := linear <= 0.0031308 ? linear * 12.92 : (pow(linear, 1/2.4) * 1.055) - 0.055 EOCF(srgb) := srgb <= 0.04045 ? srgb / 12.92 : pow((srgb + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) The EOCF is simply the reciprocal of the OECF. While it is highly recommended to use the exact sRGB conversion functions everywhere possible, it is sometimes useful or beneficial to rely on approximations: - pow(x,2.2) and pow(x,1/2.2) - x^2 and sqrt(x) The latter is particularly useful in fragment shaders (for instance to apply dithering in sRGB space), especially if the sqrt() can be replaced with an inversesqrt(). Here is a fairly exhaustive list of modifications implemented in this CL: - Set TARGET_ENABLE_LINEAR_BLENDING := false in to disable linear blending. This is only for GLES 2.0 GPUs with no hardware sRGB support. This flag is currently assumed to be false (see note above) - sRGB writes are disabled when entering a functor (WebView). This will need to be fixed at some point - Skia bitmaps are created with the sRGB color space - Bitmaps using a 565 config are expanded to 888 - Linear blending is disabled when entering a functor - External textures are not properly sampled (see below) - Gradients are interpolated in linear space - Texture-based dithering was replaced with analytical dithering - Dithering is done in the quantization color space, which is why we must do EOCF(OECF(color)+dither) - Text is now gamma corrected differently depending on the luminance of the source pixel. The asumption is that a bright pixel will be blended on a dark background and the other way around. The source alpha is gamma corrected to thicken dark on bright and thin bright on dark to match the intended design of fonts. This also matches the behavior of popular design/drawing applications - Removed the asset atlas. It did not contain anything useful and could not be sampled in sRGB without a yet-to-be-defined GL extension - The last column of color matrices is converted to linear space because its value are added to linear colors Missing features: - Resource qualifier? - Regeneration of goldeng images for automated tests - Handle alpha8/grey8 properly - Disable sRGB write for layers with external textures Test: Manual testing while work in progress Bug: 29940137 Change-Id: I6a07b15ab49b554377cd33a36b6d9971a15e9a0b
2016-09-28 17:34:42 -07:00
SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32(width, height, kPremul_SkAlphaType, colorSpace);
cache.bitmap = Bitmap::allocateHeapBitmap(info);
return true;
return false;
bool Tree::canReuseBitmap(Bitmap* bitmap, int width, int height) {
return bitmap && width <= bitmap->width() && height <= bitmap->height();
void Tree::onPropertyChanged(TreeProperties* prop) {
if (prop == &mStagingProperties) {
mStagingCache.dirty = true;
} else {
mCache.dirty = true;
}; // namespace VectorDrawable
}; // namespace uirenderer
}; // namespace android