
314 lines
9.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Usage: path/to/next/ path/to/previous/
Usage: prebuilts/sdk/31/public/api/ prebuilts/sdk/30/public/api/
import re, sys, os, collections, traceback, argparse
def format(fg=None, bg=None, bright=False, bold=False, dim=False, reset=False):
# manually derived from
codes = []
if reset: codes.append("0")
if not fg is None: codes.append("3%d" % (fg))
if not bg is None:
if not bright: codes.append("4%d" % (bg))
else: codes.append("10%d" % (bg))
if bold: codes.append("1")
elif dim: codes.append("2")
else: codes.append("22")
return "\033[%sm" % (";".join(codes))
def ident(raw):
"""Strips superficial signature changes, giving us a strong key that
can be used to identify members across API levels."""
raw = raw.replace(" deprecated ", " ")
raw = raw.replace(" synchronized ", " ")
raw = raw.replace(" final ", " ")
raw = re.sub("<.+?>", "", raw)
raw = re.sub("@[A-Za-z]+ ", "", raw)
raw = re.sub("@[A-Za-z]+\(.+?\) ", "", raw)
if " throws " in raw:
raw = raw[:raw.index(" throws ")]
return raw
class Field():
def __init__(self, clazz, line, raw, blame):
self.clazz = clazz
self.line = line
self.raw = raw.strip(" {;")
self.blame = blame
raw = raw.split()
self.split = list(raw)
raw = [ r for r in raw if not r.startswith("@") ]
for r in ["method", "field", "public", "protected", "static", "final", "abstract", "default", "volatile", "transient"]:
while r in raw: raw.remove(r)
self.typ = raw[0] = raw[1].strip(";")
if len(raw) >= 4 and raw[2] == "=":
self.value = raw[3].strip(';"')
self.value = None
self.ident = ident(self.raw)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.raw)
def __repr__(self):
return self.raw
class Method():
def __init__(self, clazz, line, raw, blame):
self.clazz = clazz
self.line = line
self.raw = raw.strip(" {;")
self.blame = blame
# drop generics for now
raw = re.sub("<.+?>", "", raw)
raw = re.split("[\s(),;]+", raw)
for r in ["", ";"]:
while r in raw: raw.remove(r)
self.split = list(raw)
raw = [ r for r in raw if not r.startswith("@") ]
for r in ["method", "field", "public", "protected", "static", "final", "abstract", "default", "volatile", "transient"]:
while r in raw: raw.remove(r)
self.typ = raw[0] = raw[1]
self.args = []
self.throws = []
target = self.args
for r in raw[2:]:
if r == "throws": target = self.throws
else: target.append(r)
self.ident = ident(self.raw)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.raw)
def __repr__(self):
return self.raw
class Class():
def __init__(self, pkg, line, raw, blame):
self.pkg = pkg
self.line = line
self.raw = raw.strip(" {;")
self.blame = blame
self.ctors = []
self.fields = []
self.methods = []
raw = raw.split()
self.split = list(raw)
if "class" in raw:
self.fullname = raw[raw.index("class")+1]
elif "enum" in raw:
self.fullname = raw[raw.index("enum")+1]
elif "interface" in raw:
self.fullname = raw[raw.index("interface")+1]
elif "@interface" in raw:
self.fullname = raw[raw.index("@interface")+1]
raise ValueError("Funky class type %s" % (self.raw))
if "extends" in raw:
self.extends = raw[raw.index("extends")+1]
self.extends_path = self.extends.split(".")
self.extends = None
self.extends_path = []
self.fullname = + "." + self.fullname
self.fullname_path = self.fullname.split(".") = self.fullname[self.fullname.rindex(".")+1:]
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.raw, tuple(self.ctors), tuple(self.fields), tuple(self.methods)))
def __repr__(self):
return self.raw
class Package():
def __init__(self, line, raw, blame):
self.line = line
self.raw = raw.strip(" {;")
self.blame = blame
raw = raw.split() = raw[raw.index("package")+1]
self.name_path =".")
def __repr__(self):
return self.raw
def _parse_stream(f, api={}):
line = 0
pkg = None
clazz = None
blame = None
re_blame = re.compile("^([a-z0-9]{7,}) \(<([^>]+)>.+?\) (.+?)$")
for raw in f:
line += 1
raw = raw.rstrip()
match = re_blame.match(raw)
if match is not None:
blame = match.groups()[0:2]
raw = match.groups()[2]
blame = None
if raw.startswith("package"):
pkg = Package(line, raw, blame)
elif raw.startswith(" ") and raw.endswith("{"):
clazz = Class(pkg, line, raw, blame)
api[clazz.fullname] = clazz
elif raw.startswith(" ctor"):
clazz.ctors.append(Method(clazz, line, raw, blame))
elif raw.startswith(" method"):
clazz.methods.append(Method(clazz, line, raw, blame))
elif raw.startswith(" field"):
clazz.fields.append(Field(clazz, line, raw, blame))
return api
def _parse_stream_path(path):
api = {}
print "Parsing", path
for f in os.listdir(path):
f = os.path.join(path, f)
if not os.path.isfile(f): continue
if not f.endswith(".txt"): continue
if f.endswith("removed.txt"): continue
print "\t", f
with open(f) as s:
api = _parse_stream(s, api)
print "Parsed", len(api), "APIs"
return api
class Failure():
def __init__(self, sig, clazz, detail, error, rule, msg):
self.sig = sig
self.error = error
self.rule = rule
self.msg = msg
if error:
self.head = "Error %s" % (rule) if rule else "Error"
dump = "%s%s:%s %s" % (format(fg=RED, bg=BLACK, bold=True), self.head, format(reset=True), msg)
self.head = "Warning %s" % (rule) if rule else "Warning"
dump = "%s%s:%s %s" % (format(fg=YELLOW, bg=BLACK, bold=True), self.head, format(reset=True), msg)
self.line = clazz.line
blame = clazz.blame
if detail is not None:
dump += "\n in " + repr(detail)
self.line = detail.line
blame = detail.blame
dump += "\n in " + repr(clazz)
dump += "\n in " + repr(clazz.pkg)
dump += "\n at line " + repr(self.line)
if blame is not None:
dump += "\n last modified by %s in %s" % (blame[1], blame[0])
self.dump = dump
def __repr__(self):
return self.dump
failures = {}
def _fail(clazz, detail, error, rule, msg):
"""Records an API failure to be processed later."""
global failures
sig = "%s-%s-%s" % (clazz.fullname, repr(detail), msg)
sig = sig.replace(" deprecated ", " ")
failures[sig] = Failure(sig, clazz, detail, error, rule, msg)
def warn(clazz, detail, rule, msg):
_fail(clazz, detail, False, rule, msg)
def error(clazz, detail, rule, msg):
_fail(clazz, detail, True, rule, msg)
if __name__ == "__main__":
next_path = sys.argv[1]
prev_path = sys.argv[2]
next_api = _parse_stream_path(next_path)
prev_api = _parse_stream_path(prev_path)
# Remove all existing things so we're left with new
for prev_clazz in prev_api.values():
if prev_clazz.fullname not in next_api: continue
cur_clazz = next_api[prev_clazz.fullname]
sigs = { i.ident: i for i in prev_clazz.ctors }
cur_clazz.ctors = [ i for i in cur_clazz.ctors if i.ident not in sigs ]
sigs = { i.ident: i for i in prev_clazz.methods }
cur_clazz.methods = [ i for i in cur_clazz.methods if i.ident not in sigs ]
sigs = { i.ident: i for i in prev_clazz.fields }
cur_clazz.fields = [ i for i in cur_clazz.fields if i.ident not in sigs ]
# Forget about class entirely when nothing new
if len(cur_clazz.ctors) == 0 and len(cur_clazz.methods) == 0 and len(cur_clazz.fields) == 0:
del next_api[prev_clazz.fullname]
for clazz in next_api.values():
if "@Deprecated " in clazz.raw and not clazz.fullname in prev_api:
error(clazz, None, None, "Found API deprecation at birth")
if "@Deprecated " in clazz.raw: continue
for i in clazz.ctors + clazz.methods + clazz.fields:
if "@Deprecated " in i.raw:
error(clazz, i, None, "Found API deprecation at birth " + i.ident)
print "%s Deprecated at birth %s\n" % ((format(fg=WHITE, bg=BLUE, bold=True),
for f in sorted(failures):
print failures[f]