kierancyphus dff1155fa2 owners: give apps and services team ownership
Since we have a lot of code for modem apps and services that is shared
across a lot of different devices and will live in gs-common, it would
be nice to have ownership of these files so that we can push code
without having to involve the gs-common team.

Test: N/A
Bug: N/A
(cherry picked from
Merged-In: I909392864ee9e0aa29f415d13869ba0083449094
Change-Id: I909392864ee9e0aa29f415d13869ba0083449094
2023-12-01 06:33:57 +00:00

4 lines
271 B

# Give ownership of code files to Apps and Services team.
# SEPolicy files are intentionally ignored since they should be reviewed by the SEPolicy team.
per-file *.bp,*.cpp,*.h,*,,,