/* * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include // Format title and content output. void dumpFileContent(const char* title, const char* file_path) { std::string content; printf("------ %s (%s) ------\n", title, file_path); if (android::base::ReadFileToString(file_path, &content)) { printf("%s\n", content.c_str()); } else { printf("Unable to read %s\n", file_path); } return; } // Format title and command output. void runCommand(const char* title, const char* cmd) { printf("------ %s (%s)------\n", title, cmd); system(cmd); return; } std::string concatenatePath(const char* folder, const char* file){ std::string path = folder; if(folder[strlen(folder)-1] == '/'){ path = path + file; } else { path = path + "/" + file; } printf("folder:%s, result:%s\n", folder, path.c_str()); return path; } // Copy stored log from individual folder to our dumpstate folder for // compressing. void dumpLogs(const char* SrcDir, const char* DestDir, int limit, const char* prefix) { struct dirent **dirent_list = NULL; int num_entries = scandir(SrcDir, &dirent_list, 0, (int (*)(const struct dirent **, const struct dirent **)) alphasort); if (!dirent_list) { printf("Unable to scan dir: %s.\n", SrcDir); return; } else if (num_entries <= 0) { printf("No file is found.\n"); return; } if (access(DestDir, R_OK)) { printf("Unable to find folder: %s\n", DestDir); return; } int copiedFiles = 0; for (int i = num_entries - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (0 != strncmp(dirent_list[i]->d_name, prefix, strlen(prefix))) { continue; } if ((copiedFiles >= limit) && (limit != -1)) { printf("Skipped %s\n", dirent_list[i]->d_name); continue; } copiedFiles++; copyFile(concatenatePath(SrcDir, dirent_list[i]->d_name).c_str(), concatenatePath(DestDir, dirent_list[i]->d_name).c_str()); } while (num_entries--) { free(dirent_list[num_entries]); } free(dirent_list); return; } void copyFile(const char* SrcDir, const char* DestDir) { std::ifstream src(SrcDir, std::ios::binary); std::ofstream dst(DestDir, std::ios::binary); dst << src.rdbuf(); return; }