Bug: 329367768
This is the basic SELinux setup for a HAL. Since this lives in
gs-common and not all pixel devices will have the corresponding vendor
manifest, this hal will have to be marked as optional.
Test: If this was configured incorrectly, then the build should fail
Doc: go/shared-modem-platform-cpp-backend
Change-Id: I6dd0ee3d68ff226e14e3bdffe2e828c1184c1a01
Bug: 328704096
The soong config variable should be defined for all pixel products to
enforce backwards compatability (ensure that this is never built for non
enabled devices). In the case where `SHARED_MODEM_PLATFORM` is not
defined, then the soong config variable will choose the default
placeholder implmentation.
Doc: go/shared-modem-platform-cpp-backend
Test: Build for enabled and disabled targets and ensure that the
correct version of `shared_modem_platform` is being built.
Change-Id: I06ebdada2324fdd86cbb7718fd66602dd52070ea